Tuesday 11 June 2024

Help Me Quit - support to stop smoking

Quitting smoking can be a struggle but you don’t have to go it alone.

Support is available from All Wales free smoking cessation service Help Me Quit.

They can increase your chances of kicking the habit by up to 300% compared with flying solo.

Ceri Peate, Smoking Cessation Lead in Powys, talked me through the process from initial contact with Help Me Quit to your new, nicotine free life.

Ceri says: ‘The first step can be the hardest but it is easy to make the move in your quitting journey.

“You can access the Help Me Quit programme by calling freephone 0800 085 2219 or using an online form to request a call back. Your GP can also refer you into the service.

"We aim to arrange an assessment within two weeks of the first contact. This can be over the phone or you can meet a smoking cessation advisor in person.”

Ceri works with three Smoking Cessation advisors - Maryanne Price and Kathryn Jones in north Powys and Alex Doran in south Powys - who can arrange to meet with you at a GP surgery.

Ceri continues: “The first meeting usually takes around half an hour. We get to know each other, discuss your smoking history and talk through your free nicotine replacement options.

“There’s a good range and something to suit everyone. You can choose from patches, tablets, gum, spray or inhalators.

“And you set a date within the following three weeks to stop smoking.

“We advise quitting abruptly rather than gradually. You will have your chosen nicotine replacement product ready for the day.”

Help Me Quit is a twelve week programme of free behavioural and emotional support through individual or group meetings that includes nicotine replacement.

 Ceri says: “Ideally you will meet weekly with your smoking cessation advisor for seven weeks in person.

“But if that isn’t convenient, you can arrange a telephone session to chat about your progress.

“Alternatively, you can opt for group support if you live in or around Welshpool and Brecon.

“We can also signpost clients to Silvercloud’s online behavioural health programmes. Some people find their self image module really useful.

Ceri continues: “If you find the nicotine substitute you chose isn’t working for you, no problem. We can always try a different option.”

“Support is flexible, non judgemental and individualised. Everyone is different with their own personal triggers.

“Our clients use their own strengths to support their journey. Creative people might paint or write instead of smoking. If you enjoy planning, you might relish drawing up a quitting strategy.”

For the remaining five weeks of the twelve week programme, nicotine replacement prescriptions are collected from your local pharmacy.

Ceri continues: “Local pharmacies are really supportive and they are generally closer to home and therefore more accessible.

“And you can start to enjoy the health and financial benefits of your smoke-free life.”

What health benefits are there to quitting smoking?

After 20 minutes - your pulse rate starts returning to normal

After 8 Hours - Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduce by half and your oxygen levels return to normal

After 24 hours - your lungs start to clear out mucus and carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body

After 48 hours - There is no nicotine left in your body and your sense of taste and smell improves

After 72 hours - Breathing becomes easier and your energy levels should start to increase.

After 2-12 weeks - your circulation improves benefitting health and wellbeing

1 year smoke free - Your risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker

What are the financial benefits of quitting smoking?

Stopping smoking benefits your health and your bank balance. If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you could save over £3000 by quitting.

The Help Me Quit smoking calculator will help you work out how much money smoking is costing you and how much money you could be saving if you quit.

Smoking calculator

Paul successfully gave up smoking recently with support from Help Me Quit. Listen to his story.