Friday 26 October 2018

Age Cymru & Age Alliance Wales focus groups

On behalf of Age Alliance Wales and Age Cymru

Following the success of our April focus groups for people aged 50+, Age Alliance Wales and Age Cymru will very soon be holding further events which may be of interest to you.

These meetings should allow us to gain older people’s opinions on a range of matters, including opportunities for learning and participation in the community, the impact of cuts to public services, housing issues, transport and the future of social care (and covering its cost). This will guide and assist the future work and campaigning priorities of Age Alliance Wales and its members (as was the case with the information we collected during April).

We already have a number of events scheduled for Wrexham, Bangor and Swansea (as set out below), with Newport events to be added soon - the previously used venue has closed for refurbishment. When the Newport venue is secured we will share that information with you.

Welsh language translations of all documents will be available for participants at each venue, with a Welsh language translator at the Bangor event. Refreshments will also be provided.

If possible participants should provide advance notice of attendance (but it should still be possible to just turn up on the day if some aren't able to commit in advance).  Call either me, or Sarah Lord if I'm unavailable, on 02920 431548.

We are also keen to speak with BAME people aged 50 and over, and LGBT+ people aged 50 and over. We have therefore set additional sessions for members of these groups, allowing the option of attending both these sessions and the meetings open to all aged 50+.

All people aged 50+
Tuesday 13th November - 10.00am until 12.30pm
Acton Community Resource Centre, Overton Way, Acton, Wrexham

Wednesday 14th November - 10.00am until 12.30pm
Penrhyn Hall - (City of Bangor Council Chamber), Tan-y-Fynwent, Bangor

Thursday 22nd November - 1.30pm until 4.00pm
The Phoenix Centre, Paradise Park, Townhill, Swansea

BAME people aged 50+
Tuesday 13th November - 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Acton Community Resource Centre, Overton Way, Acton, Wrexham

Thursday 15th November - 10.00am until 12.30pm
Penrhyn Hall - (City of Bangor Council Chamber), Tan-y-Fynwent, Bangor

Friday 23 November - 10.00am until 12.30pm
The Phoenix Centre, Paradise Park, Townhill, Swansea

LGBT+ people aged 50+
Monday 12 November - 1.30PM until 4.00pm
Acton Community Resource Centre, Overton Way, Acton, Wrexham

Wednesday 14th November - 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Penrhyn Hall - (City of Bangor Council Chamber), Tan-y-Fynwent, Bangor

Thursday 22nd November - 10.00am until 12.30pm
The Phoenix Centre, Paradise Park, Townhill, Swansea

Chris Williams
Age Alliance Wales Officer / Age Alliance Wales/ Cynghrair Henoed Cymru
02920 431548

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