Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Monday, 23 December 2013
'Gwireddu'r Geiriau' / ' Words into Action' 2014
Welsh Government Awards for extending the use of Welsh Language in Health and Social Care delivery.
The awards are open to public and third sector organisations. The judges will look for the best examples of providing bilingual service and will concentrate on the effect on the users’ experience.
They will also be looking for evidence of good leadership in this area of work, which goes further than what is expected under the Welsh Language Schemes and examples of putting the aims of into action.
The closing date for nominations is 14 March 2014.
The Awards will be presented at the Words into Action Conference on 19 June 2014 at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay.
To nominate or for more information about the judging criteria and terms and conditions go to
www.wales.nhs.uk/welsh or http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/welsh
For more information contact your Welsh Language Officer (details on the website) or the Welsh Language
Policy Unit on 029 2082 3135 or uned-yr-iaith@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The awards are open to public and third sector organisations. The judges will look for the best examples of providing bilingual service and will concentrate on the effect on the users’ experience.
They will also be looking for evidence of good leadership in this area of work, which goes further than what is expected under the Welsh Language Schemes and examples of putting the aims of into action.
The closing date for nominations is 14 March 2014.
The Awards will be presented at the Words into Action Conference on 19 June 2014 at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay.
To nominate or for more information about the judging criteria and terms and conditions go to
www.wales.nhs.uk/welsh or http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/welsh
For more information contact your Welsh Language Officer (details on the website) or the Welsh Language
Policy Unit on 029 2082 3135 or uned-yr-iaith@wales.gsi.gov.uk
Welsh Declaration of the Rights of Older People
The Welsh government is seeking comments on a draft Welsh Declaration of the Rights of Older People. This was drawn up by a working group chaired by the Older People's Commissioner for Wales. Runs to 15th March,
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults in Wales
Tuesday 18th March 2014 - Cardiff
| |||||
Please quote Booking Source Code EMRS1 when booking online
Mae Cyfieithiad Cymraeg ar Gael - e-bost: conference.events@capita.co.uk
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Info Engine - local services at your fingertips
We need 900 services registered by Christmas! - the tally so far is 892 and with your help we can reach this target
REGISTER NOW http://www.info-engine.org.uk/ and join Powys' fastest growing online directory and promote your services for FREE.
New Year's Resolution Campaign Briefing
A new social media online campaign has been launched on the Stop Smoking Wales
Facebook site aimed at encouraging smokers Wales to give up smoking and
signposting them to the services that can help.
A new Resolutions
App is also being introduced that people can download to their smart-phones
to help them.
· People will use the
app to pledge their New Year’s Resolution to quit smoking
· Then they select
friends to ‘tag’ in the post
· These friends are
asked to support the ‘pledger’
· Those friends are then
on hand to support throughout the initial (and toughest) quitting phase
We also serve the top ten quit smoking tips in the
app and encourage people to contact their
friendly Stop Smoking Wales cessation specialist for support.
friendly Stop Smoking Wales cessation specialist for support.
Research has shown you are four times more likely to quit with a support
programme like
Stop Smoking Wales and pharmacy than going it alone.
Stop Smoking Wales and pharmacy than going it alone.
To find
out how can you help...?
www.dimsmygucymru.com or to
call freephone:0800 085 2219
Put a link on your intranet pages to the Stop Smoking Wales website www.stopsmokingwales.com
Encouraging smokers to visit Stop Smoking Wales Facebook page www.facebook/stopsmokingwales www.facebook/dimsmygucymru
Encouraging smokers to download the free Resolutions App http://bit.ly/1dtkt5w
Guidance Document: Integrated Assessment, Planning and Review Arrangements for Older People
The guidance
– issued by the Minister for Health and Social Services, Mark
Drakeford – sets out the responsibilities and duties on health and
social care services to provide integrated arrangements for assessment
and care management for older people and replaces Creating a Unified and Fair System for Assessing and Managing Care in respect of people aged 65 years and over.
immediate effect all local authorities, LHBs and Velindre NHS Trust
should make arrangements to implement the requirements set out in the
guidance; with the exception of the requirement to develop and implement
a common assessment template, which must be implemented by 30 April
Minister would like to acknowledge and thank all those involved in the
development of this guidance, links to which can be found here:
English - http://wales.gov.uk/topics/health/publications/socialcare/guidance1/assessment1/?skip=1&lang=en
Welsh - http://wales.gov.uk/topics/health/publications/socialcare/guidance1/assessment1/?skip=1&lang=cy
Please direct any queries to: socialservicesNSM@wales.gsi.
Friday, 13 December 2013
Carers Partnership Board Newsletter - November 2013
The following issues were discussed at the Carers’ Partnership meeting on 7th November 2013:
Research Update - How relevant is the Carers’ Assessment to Parent Carers?
How well are carers being supported in Powys?
Information and Consultation Strategy Action Plan - update
Training for Carers
Improving the Identification of Young Carers
Member update Topics at Next Meeting
To view newletter: http://www.pavo.org.uk/policy-and-partnerships/partnerships/health-social-care-and-wellbeing/voice-of-patients-carers-and-stakeholders/carers.html
Research Update - How relevant is the Carers’ Assessment to Parent Carers?
How well are carers being supported in Powys?
Information and Consultation Strategy Action Plan - update
Training for Carers
Improving the Identification of Young Carers
Member update Topics at Next Meeting
To view newletter: http://www.pavo.org.uk/policy-and-partnerships/partnerships/health-social-care-and-wellbeing/voice-of-patients-carers-and-stakeholders/carers.html
Meet Your Ambulance Service
21 January 2014 11.30am – 1.00pm
International Pavilion, The Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells
Meet the staff and learn
more about:
• How they deal with your calls
• The ways they are trying to involve people
& communities
• Local news and developments
You will also have the
opportunity to tell them about your experiences of using NHS services.
are limited, so if you wish to attend
please contact the Partners in Healthcare Team on: 01792 776252 Ext 45400, or
e-mail: ppi.team@wales.nhs.uk www.ambulance.wales.nhs.uk
Summary of Conference on Integrated Care for Frail Elderly
View summary on PAVo's website http://www.pavo.org.uk/getting-involved/key-documents.html
For more information contact Trish Buchan
For more information contact Trish Buchan
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Good Nutrition for Older People - Preventing Malnutrition
No exams or essays are required. Activities and worksheets will build up a learning portfolio and resource pack.
9 January 201 – 2pm- 5pm - Newtown
22 January 2014 - 2pm-5pm - Rhayader
For further information please contact: AnnMarie Murray, Community Dietitian, Llanidloes Hospital. Eastgate Street, Llanidloes, SY18 6HF Email: annmarie.murray@wales.nhs.uk Tel: 01686 414239
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Sign Up to the Powys Play Pledge
We need as many people and organisations as possible to sign up to the
Powys Play Pledge. The Play Pledge shows how your organisation supports the United
Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child, Article 31. The Pledge is part of a funded piece of work that PAVO is undertaking to support the development of Play in Powys.
Pledge is for individuals as well as organisations and is something
that all parents, carers and grandparents can sign up to as well.
All the information is on PAVO's Children & Young People's Blog and you can sign up (it only takes a
minute!) at: http://pavochildrenfamiliesnetwork.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/powys-play-pledge-charter-for-play.html
New Year, Fresh Start
Make sure you start 2014 in a positive way and order our New Year, Fresh
Start pack. There's plenty of information that can help you eat well,
get active, and stop smoking.
Make 2014 your healthiest year yet.
Make 2014 your healthiest year yet.
Order your pack now |
Welsh Government Consultations Relevant to Third Sector
Social services
complaints and representations
Welsh Government is seeking views on its proposals to
improve the way complaints and concerns about
social services : The Social Services Complaints Procedure (Wales) Regulations
Role of the Workforce
Partnership Council.
This consultation seeks views on a draft Public Services
(Workforce) (Wales) Bill, which would give Welsh Ministers powers to issue
specific statutory guidance on certain public service workforce matters. Views
are also sought on approaches for reinforcing the role of the Workforce
Partnership Council.
Welsh Index of
Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2014 http://wales.gov.uk/consultations/statistics/proposed-indicators-wimd-2014/?status=open&lang=en
The purpose of this consultation is to seek user views on
proposals for WIMD 2014 indicators.
Carers & Their Rights Event
Powys Carers Service are excited to again host an event with Prof Luke Clements as he drafted some of the current Carers Rights Laws (Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995 and the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004).
You can express your interest in the event by registering here (or by email info@powyscarers.org.uk or phone 01597 823800).
Tuesday 13th May 2014 in Llandrindod Wells
The event’s
content is not likely to be in a child-friendly format so they don’t think
the event will be suitable for Young Carers aged under 16.
Friday, 29 November 2013
PAVO Job Vacancies
Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations has the following job
Powys Food Alliance Support Worker and Travel Together Co-Ordinator
For more information visit PAVO
Safeguarding and Protecting People at Risk
Ministerial statement from Gwenda Thomas, Deputy Minister for Social
Services gives an overview of legislative developments regarding
Safeguarding and Adult Protection in Wales,
including the development of a single National Board;the configuration
of Safeguarding Boards and the principle of mergeing adults and
children boards. A copy of the Forum’s report can be found at:
Friday, 15 November 2013
Welsh Government Consultation - Neurological Conditions Delivery Plan
Welsh Government is seeking comments and views on this draft neurological
conditions delivery plan.
The plan sets out our vision for the population of Wales and
what this means for services for people with neurological conditions. Asking for views from:
• the
• people
with neurological conditions
• the third
• the NHS
and its partner organisations 30/10/2013 31/01/2014
Monday, 11 November 2013
Age Cymru working with Arriva Trains Wales
Age Cymru is once again working with Arriva Trains Wales to help ensure that all members get access to their latest offers. With Arriva Club 55, older people can travel throughout wales with low cost fares and live a more active and social lifestyle. For more information contact Arriva Trains Wales at www.arrivatrainswales.co.uk/55
Residential Care Review / Adolygiad o Ofal Preswyl
If you or your members have views on
residential care, Sarah Rochira ,Older People’s Commissioner for Wales would like to hear them, whatever their situation -
whether they are living in a care home now, have family members and / or
friends living in a care home, or simply have
thoughts about their future. Sarah has designed a survey for these
purposes that can be completed on her website at
Alternatively, she can post questionnaires directly to you for you to
pass on to older people in your group or area. The response is freepost.
The questionnaire can also be completed over
the telephone.
Sell2Wales workshops/ Gweithdy GwerthwchiGymru
Business Wales Tendering - Events and Workshops
Business Wales runs a series of tailored workshops aimed at businesses who want to start or improve how they tender for contract.
Business Wales runs a series of tailored workshops aimed at businesses who want to start or improve how they tender for contract.
- Interactive Workshop Sell2Wales is the national procurement website for Wales. It is used by
the public and private sector to advertise contract opportunities for Welsh
Workshop - eProcurement is about using electronic and online systems to find out about
contract opportunities and to submit tenders. This workshop will help
businesses understand what eProcurement is and why it is being used.
Machynlleth 13 November 2013
Cardigan 15 November 2013
Business Wales is a dedicated service that provides businesses with information, guidance and support directly, and from the private, public and third sector. The service can be accessed by phone, online and through a network of eleven one stop shops located around Wales. For more information call 03000 6 03000.
Cardigan 15 November 2013
Business Wales is a dedicated service that provides businesses with information, guidance and support directly, and from the private, public and third sector. The service can be accessed by phone, online and through a network of eleven one stop shops located around Wales. For more information call 03000 6 03000.
Pharmaceutical Care in Rural Communities Engagement Project
In late 2012/ early 2013 a project that was
jointly undertaken by Public Health Wales, Powys Health Board and Hywel
Dda Health Board, exploring the pharmaceutical needs of people living
in rural areas. The project has been completed. The final summary
report can be viewed on PAVO website - Policy & Partnerships Key Documents or click on the below link.
Easy Read Health Wales
Brand new website launched - Easy Read Health Wales www.easyreadhealthwales.org.uk. A website to help people with learning disabilities and their families
find information about health and well-being.
Friday, 8 November 2013
Powys Carers Service November Newsletter
If you would like to
place articles in future editions, please e-mail info@powyscarers.org.uk or Phone 01597 823800.
Powys Carers Service are running a like and share competition
on facebook to raise awareness of Carers. It will be drawn on 29th November –
Carers Rights Day. The prize is designer
Vivienne Westwood jewellery!.. Just go to Facebook Powys-Carers-Service.
Operation BANG - 'no caller' posters
Whilst Anti Social Behaviour is low in Powys compared to many other
areas of the UK, Community
Safety Partnership agencies will be working together on Operation Be A Nice Guy
(Op BANG) such as Dyfed Powys Police and Mid and West Wales Fire service
carrying out joint patrols.
member organisations, especially those working with the elderly, are asked to
consider making available copies of “no caller posters”.
Copies of the poster can be downloaded at csp.powys.org.uk or www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/ as well as from
local Police stations. You
can also log on to the campaign Facebook page, search for B.A.N.G.
Funding Opportunity - Lankelly Chase Foundation
Have you ever
had an idea about what you would change for some of the most excluded people in
our society? If yes, or if you are doing this already read on….
LankellyChase Foundation wants to improve the lives of people who are experiencing a combination of social harms such as homelessness, substance misuse, mental illness, extreme poverty, and violence and abuse.
To find out more please go to their website http://www.lankellychase.org.uk/funding
LankellyChase Foundation wants to improve the lives of people who are experiencing a combination of social harms such as homelessness, substance misuse, mental illness, extreme poverty, and violence and abuse.
To find out more please go to their website http://www.lankellychase.org.
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