The Health and Adult Social Care Integrated Leadership Board (HASCILB) are on a journey to transform the way health and social care services in Powys are delivered with the aim of ensuring that citizens receive the best quality of support or care possible either in their home, or to remain as close to their community through new ways of working in a holistic approach to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable citizens.
with the priority of promoting greater independence for people with learning disabilities in Powys to live as independently as possible. Over the coming months, there will be greater integration of teams and shared working practices that will help support people to live as independently as possible, with the right level of care to suit their needs.
The bulletin below explains some of the projects that support people with learning disabilities, and tells the first-hand experience of Rosie, a service user in the north of Powys who has been involved in the remodelling of supported tenancies.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Working together in health and social care - Learning Disabilities
Following the remodelling of supported tenancies for people with learning disabilities, multi-disciplinary team of staff from health and adult social care have made inroads in developing strong links and working practices. The Learning Disability Team of senior practitioners, adult social workers, community nurses, occupational therapists, a clinical psychologist and speech and language therapist to name but a few are collectively under one roof at Robert Owen House in Newtown.
For more information following this link - Learning Disabilities
Please visit the below link for our latest bulletin and other related stories from our collaborative working.
For more information following this link - Learning Disabilities
Please visit the below link for our latest bulletin and other related stories from our collaborative working.
PQASSO for Wales briefing events
Are you interested in improving quality in third sector organisations in Wales?
Do you want to strengthen governance, deliver better services for users, improve operating practices and better demonstrate outcomes in your third sector organisation?
Then join one of the briefing events to find out more about PQASSO and opportunities to get involved in the PQASSO for Wales project. We will hold the same event in the morning (09:30-12:00noon) and again in the afternoon (13:00-15:30) at each venue. Please note that the afternoon event in each venue will be held through the medium of Welsh. Refreshments will be available but please note that lunch will not be provided.
Do you want to strengthen governance, deliver better services for users, improve operating practices and better demonstrate outcomes in your third sector organisation?
Then join one of the briefing events to find out more about PQASSO and opportunities to get involved in the PQASSO for Wales project. We will hold the same event in the morning (09:30-12:00noon) and again in the afternoon (13:00-15:30) at each venue. Please note that the afternoon event in each venue will be held through the medium of Welsh. Refreshments will be available but please note that lunch will not be provided.
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in quality assurance in third sector organisations including trustees, staff, volunteers, funders, commissioners and contract managers.
Click here for more information and to download the booking form. PQASSO for Wales
Anyone interested in quality assurance in third sector organisations including trustees, staff, volunteers, funders, commissioners and contract managers.
Monday, 26 January 2015
ASH Wales Cymru - Action on Smoking and Health
Survey for professionals who work with young people
Survey for young people who have used/accessed The Filter (either in workshops or online)
For more information see below:
Survey for young people who have used/accessed The Filter (either in workshops or online)
For more information see below:
PAVO has been asked to carry out a mapping exercise of the third sector's capability in Powys, particularly in relation to the changing eligibility criteria for Social Care. Expectations are being placed upon the sector to support people who will no longer be eligible for social care. In particular, the strategy refers to third sector befriending services, information services and advocacy services.
By completing this brief questionnaire, you will be able to highlight any additional resources or help your organisation and/or service will need in order to provide the sustainable, safe and reliable support that is needed. The questionnaire will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
To complete the Questionnaire in English, please click HERE Closing date 27th February 2015
By completing this brief questionnaire, you will be able to highlight any additional resources or help your organisation and/or service will need in order to provide the sustainable, safe and reliable support that is needed. The questionnaire will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
To complete the Questionnaire in English, please click HERE Closing date 27th February 2015
Free Winter Lagging Kit (Welsh Water)
News from Nest: Welsh Water are giving away free winter lagging kits – could be useful to help your service users/tenants save water and energy!
Neurological Conditions Information & Advice Day
Date: Friday March 13th 2015 from 11-4pm
Venue: Newtown - The Monty Club, 11 Broad Street, Newtown, Powys SY16 2LU
Neurological conditions affect nearly all of us through family and friends at some time in our life. It can be difficult to know where to start to get support and some carers or those affected can feel very isolated.
This is an opportunity to find out from the professionals what is out there and is a big opportunity for those directly or indirectly affected.
For more information contact: Contact: Gayle Pearson - Neuro Voice Powys Co-ordinator
Email: / Mobile: 07918 077 721
Venue: Newtown - The Monty Club, 11 Broad Street, Newtown, Powys SY16 2LU
Neurological conditions affect nearly all of us through family and friends at some time in our life. It can be difficult to know where to start to get support and some carers or those affected can feel very isolated.
This is an opportunity to find out from the professionals what is out there and is a big opportunity for those directly or indirectly affected.
For more information contact: Contact: Gayle Pearson - Neuro Voice Powys Co-ordinator
Email: / Mobile: 07918 077 721
Community Visioning in Brecon
Community Visioning is described by Planed as an enjoyable and participative event bringing people and volunteer organisations together to create a vision for the future.
Could Community Visioning be a way of creating a more cohesive and sustainable volunteer community in Brecon?
If you / your organisation would like to participate in what works, what could be different and what resources could be shared contact Heather Hornung by February 14th 07950 004588
If you / your organisation would like to participate in what works, what could be different and what resources could be shared contact Heather Hornung by February 14th 07950 004588
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act Parts 3 and 4 - Assessment and Meeting Needs
This will come into operation in 2016 and there are important implications for the 3rd sector and their service users.
The consultation covers amendments as to the obligations of the Health Board and Local Authority, how services will be provided, how eligibility will be assessed, 3rd sector provision of Community and Well Being Services. We all agree that providing services in the community to maintain well being and independence is our aim, the question is in the detail of how it can be implemented. A summary of the full consultation can be read here.
A summary of the consultation parts ,3,4, can be read here. Thanks to all those who have taken part in the consultation so far you can read the summary of the responses so far here - the closing date for responses is the 2nd of February 2015 it is not too late.!
You can read and respond directly from the Welsh Government Website
OR read through the summary of points and concerns raised by 3rd sector organisations(on the above link) and add a comment by contacting
The consultation covers amendments as to the obligations of the Health Board and Local Authority, how services will be provided, how eligibility will be assessed, 3rd sector provision of Community and Well Being Services. We all agree that providing services in the community to maintain well being and independence is our aim, the question is in the detail of how it can be implemented. A summary of the full consultation can be read here.
A summary of the consultation parts ,3,4, can be read here. Thanks to all those who have taken part in the consultation so far you can read the summary of the responses so far here - the closing date for responses is the 2nd of February 2015 it is not too late.!
You can read and respond directly from the Welsh Government Website
OR read through the summary of points and concerns raised by 3rd sector organisations(on the above link) and add a comment by contacting
BCA Independant Advocacy Services Job Vacancy
Project Support Worker - 20 hours per week
For more information see PAVO website:
For more information see PAVO website:
Friday, 23 January 2015
Have you heard about the Community Enabler Fund?
The Community Enabler Fund is a small fund that could make a significant difference to the life of some older and frail people in Powys The Community Enabler Fund awards one-off payments where a small amount of money is expected to have a considerable impact on the life of an individual or group of people - for example buying gardening tools or creating a ramped entrance at a community building. The application process is designed to be easy, with a quick response.
If you would like to know more, please contact Anne Clark, Powys Third Sector Broker Service, 01597 828 649 or
If you would like to know more, please contact Anne Clark, Powys Third Sector Broker Service, 01597 828 649 or
Ageing Well Event - 28 January in Ystradgynlais
Ageing Well Event at St Cynogs Church On 28 January 2015. For more information visit the below facebook page:
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Intermediate Care Volunteer Officer Assistant
Powys Association Voluntary Organisations needs a vibrant, committed person with passion, energy and positivity to recruit volunteers for health and social care organisations in the third sector.
Could this be you?
Temporary position based in Newtown up to the end of March this year
28 Hours per week Salary £376.49 per week.
Interviews to be held in Newtown on 30th January 2015
Closing date for applications 28th January 2015 at noon
Application packs are available from Annie Watkins at PAVO tel: 01597 822191 or email
Could this be you?
Temporary position based in Newtown up to the end of March this year
28 Hours per week Salary £376.49 per week.
Interviews to be held in Newtown on 30th January 2015
Closing date for applications 28th January 2015 at noon
Application packs are available from Annie Watkins at PAVO tel: 01597 822191 or email
Monday, 19 January 2015
Botulism Information for Injectors
Recent cases of botulism have been identified in 2 Glaswegian injectors. Botulism is life threatening and needs to be raised with all injectors as a matter of urgency. All key points to be raised are in bold on the attached document.
Alert - number of fatal and non-fatal drug poisonings
Alert from Public Health Wales
‘’Public Health Wales have received a number of reports over the last few days of both fatal and non-fatal drug poisonings from heroin in both North and South Wales. Please make relevant service users and other service providers aware along with the relevant harm reduction advice and ensure Naloxone supply available. An news alert has been placed on the Harm Reduction Database Websites’’
‘’Public Health Wales have received a number of reports over the last few days of both fatal and non-fatal drug poisonings from heroin in both North and South Wales. Please make relevant service users and other service providers aware along with the relevant harm reduction advice and ensure Naloxone supply available. An news alert has been placed on the Harm Reduction Database Websites’’
Fully Funded Blood Borne Viruses and HIV Training
Please find attached a poster for the upcomingfully funded BBV & HIV training events that are due to take place in your area.
30th January 2015 in Llandrindod Wells
30th January 2015 in Llandrindod Wells
Friday, 16 January 2015
Cyd Cyrmu, a collective energy switching scheme
Cyd Cyrmu, a collective energy switching scheme being supported and promoted by Powys County Council.
For more information contact: 01597 826165
For more information contact: 01597 826165
Communities 2.0 training Free Communicating and Sharing Information New Date!
18 February 2015
Organisations and community groups have so many things to do that it often seems there is no time to look at how technology helps save you time and money.
Communities 2.0 are running a FREE event to show you some of the FREE, and low cost tools that can help your group make managing everyday tasks a breeze:
Communicating and Sharing Information
Organising and Running Events
Developing your Online Presence
Holding Online meetings
Consulting with your members
The workshop will be a full day with refreshments and limited to 1 place per organisation.
Training will take place at PAVO Offices, Unit 30 Ddole Road, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF.
Bookings can be made online at
Organisations and community groups have so many things to do that it often seems there is no time to look at how technology helps save you time and money.
Communities 2.0 are running a FREE event to show you some of the FREE, and low cost tools that can help your group make managing everyday tasks a breeze:
Communicating and Sharing Information
Organising and Running Events
Developing your Online Presence
Holding Online meetings
Consulting with your members
The workshop will be a full day with refreshments and limited to 1 place per organisation.
Training will take place at PAVO Offices, Unit 30 Ddole Road, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF.
Bookings can be made online at
Slips, trips or falls? Care and Repair in Powys may be able to help!
Follow the below link to flyer to see how Care & Repair in Powys can help in and around the home.
Together for Mental Health plenary debate on Powys Mental Health
If you are interested in finding out more about Tuesday's debate on the Together for Mental Health Annual Report 2013 - 14 in the National Assembly for Wales please follow the below link:
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Report on the Independent Review of the Commissioning Exercise for Domiciliary care in Powys
An Independent review into the commissioning process followed by Powys County Council regarding the change of Domiciliary Care providers in the county has made it's report.
Monday, 12 January 2015
PAVO Asset Transfer Events - Still Time To Book Your Place
Are you thinking about taking on Land or Premises as an asset transfer?
Many community groups and Town and Community Councils in Powys are currently considering whether to take up the opportunity to take over responsibility for running properties from Powys County Council, or are currently already in negotiations to do this.
There is still time to book your organisation's place at PAVO's two forthcoming events that will provide you with information and access to support that will assist your organisation with its decision making and planning.
Many community groups and Town and Community Councils in Powys are currently considering whether to take up the opportunity to take over responsibility for running properties from Powys County Council, or are currently already in negotiations to do this.
There is still time to book your organisation's place at PAVO's two forthcoming events that will provide you with information and access to support that will assist your organisation with its decision making and planning.
For more information visit PAVO website
Consultation Launch of Authorised Professional Practice
The College of Policing is responsible for setting standards in policing so that we help the service reduce crime and make people safer. they have released their revised Authorised Professional Practice (APP) on domestic abuse for consultation. APP is the way in which they guide officers in dealing with their policing tasks. They seek to improve policing by setting standards and make the complex job police officers and staff do more simple.
The consultation will be open for 10 weeks, closing on 18th February 2015. They will assess all responses and issue the final documents in the spring of 2015. If there are changes in law or practice between now and publication of the final APP, they will amend it and consult further if that is necessary.
The consultation will be open for 10 weeks, closing on 18th February 2015. They will assess all responses and issue the final documents in the spring of 2015. If there are changes in law or practice between now and publication of the final APP, they will amend it and consult further if that is necessary.
Cancer & Nutrition Patient Survey - now online
This questionnaire is about NUTRITION and CANCER. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has identified a need to bring together existing activities in nutrition and cancer in the UK. The NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre is leading a new initiative to map all the existing research in nutrition and cancer in the UK and to find out what the major gaps are, in order to improve patient outcomes and services. They want to learn more about patients’ experiences of nutritional support, advice and care throughout all stages of cancer.
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has identified a need to bring together existing activities in nutrition and cancer in the UK. The NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre is leading a new initiative to map all the existing research in nutrition and cancer in the UK and to find out what the major gaps are, in order to improve patient outcomes and services. They want to learn more about patients’ experiences of nutritional support, advice and care throughout all stages of cancer.
It can be accessed at . You will also find it on the News page of their website at: . It will be available online until the 30th January to fill it in.
Friday, 9 January 2015
Powys Citizens Advice Bureau Free Debt Advice Services
Powys CAB Debt Advice services delivers free and confidential debt advice to clients across Powys. The service is delivered via the telephone and is also available face-to-face in Bureau and outreach locations throughout Powys.
Debt advice can help clients with their ability to cope with their financial circumstances. Clients receive debt advice according to their needs. Working together, the adviser and client agree the most suitable debt remedy. The most common debt remedies are re-negotiation of debt repayments, a Debt Relief Order, bankruptcy or debt management plan.
Clients can be referred by ringing Powys CAB on 0845 601 8421,9am to 4pm, Mon,Tues and Thurs. leaving their details and an assessor will contact them to arrange an appointment.
Debt advice can help clients with their ability to cope with their financial circumstances. Clients receive debt advice according to their needs. Working together, the adviser and client agree the most suitable debt remedy. The most common debt remedies are re-negotiation of debt repayments, a Debt Relief Order, bankruptcy or debt management plan.
Clients can be referred by ringing Powys CAB on 0845 601 8421,9am to 4pm, Mon,Tues and Thurs. leaving their details and an assessor will contact them to arrange an appointment.
Older People's Commissioner Winter News Letter
Below is the newsletter from the Older People’s Commission for Wales, with updates of the Commission’s work over the last few months.
Winter Newsletter 2014
Winter Newsletter 2014
ASD Information & Training Day - 25th Feb 2015
The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Information / Training Day will be taking place on the 25th February 2015, 9am-4pm in TheElephant & Castle Hotel, Broad St, Newtown, Powys SY16 2BQ
For more information click here
Open consultation on NHS travel cost scheme
Consultation on how possible changes to the healthcare travel costs scheme can help eligible patients access health services.
Start of consultation 25.11.14 end of consultation 24.11.15
To find out more and respond follow the link to the consultation
Start of consultation 25.11.14 end of consultation 24.11.15
To find out more and respond follow the link to the consultation
Monday, 5 January 2015
Physical Disability and Sensory Loss Engagement Forum (PDSL)
PDSL is a user led engagement forum, facilitated by Adult Social Services. It receives reports from a range of agencies. Currently there is no pathway for reporting to a strategic board.
PAVO attends representing the 3rd sector, raising issues on their behalf and providing feedback via this HSCN blog. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2014 can be viewed on PAVO website
PAVO attends representing the 3rd sector, raising issues on their behalf and providing feedback via this HSCN blog. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2014 can be viewed on PAVO website
Free Blood Borne Viruses & HIV Level 1 Training
As part of the Blood Borne Viral (BBV) Hepatitis Action Plan for Wales, Public Health Wales have re-developed the following BBV level 1 training session. The training is free and is suitable for all professionals, volunteers, peer mentors, and service user advocates working with individuals with or at risk of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV transmission.
Training will take place in January and February throughout Wales (see dates and locations) there are plenty of spaces still available.
For further information visit
or contact NewLink at: 02920 529002.
Training will take place in January and February throughout Wales (see dates and locations) there are plenty of spaces still available.
For further information visit
or contact NewLink at: 02920 529002.
Are you thinking about taking on Land or Premises as an asset transfer?
Many community groups and Town and Community Councils in Powys are currently considering whether to take up the opportunity to take over responsibility for running properties from Powys County Council, or are currently already in negotiations to do this.
PAVO is holding two free events to provide you with information and access to support that will assist your organisation with its decision making and planning. These events will be of use to representatives of any community organisation or Town or Community Council that is currently involved in, or considering, asset transfers.
Thursday 22 January 2015, 10.00am-3.00pm at Bishop Bevan Hall, Brecon
Tuesday 27 January 2015, 10.00am-3.00pm at the Monty Club, Newtown
On both sessions there will be: Information about a new funding opportunity from the Big Lottery to support asset transfer projects. A presentation on some legal issues to consider when looking at taking on premises or land as an asset transfer, with the opportunity for questions and answers with a legal professional. The opportunity to meet other local organisations considering asset transfers and to share your experiences
Both events will run from 10.00am-2.00pm, with 2.00pm-3.00pm being available for general networking by everyone attending. A light lunch will be provided.
If your organisation would like to book places for representatives to attend either of these events, please contact Melissa Townsend PAVO on 01597 822191 or or book online at: Asset Transfer meetings
PAVO is holding two free events to provide you with information and access to support that will assist your organisation with its decision making and planning. These events will be of use to representatives of any community organisation or Town or Community Council that is currently involved in, or considering, asset transfers.
Thursday 22 January 2015, 10.00am-3.00pm at Bishop Bevan Hall, Brecon
Tuesday 27 January 2015, 10.00am-3.00pm at the Monty Club, Newtown
On both sessions there will be: Information about a new funding opportunity from the Big Lottery to support asset transfer projects. A presentation on some legal issues to consider when looking at taking on premises or land as an asset transfer, with the opportunity for questions and answers with a legal professional. The opportunity to meet other local organisations considering asset transfers and to share your experiences
Both events will run from 10.00am-2.00pm, with 2.00pm-3.00pm being available for general networking by everyone attending. A light lunch will be provided.
If your organisation would like to book places for representatives to attend either of these events, please contact Melissa Townsend PAVO on 01597 822191 or or book online at: Asset Transfer meetings
CHC Meeting held in public on 3rd December 2014
Community Health Councils – CHCs are independent statutory organisations which represent the interests of patients and the Public in the National Health Service in Powys. CHC’s :
The minutes for the CHC meeting can be found at
The meeting was held with an opportunity for the public to engage in a question and answer session at the end. During the public Q&A session concerns were raised over lack of information for and consultation with carers. Also information was sought from the CHC on how GP practice’s targets are agreed and set.
The next meeting of Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council will be held on
TUESDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2015. There will be a question and answer session at the end of our council meeting for members of the public to raise any concerns they have about health provision in south Powys.
For further information follow this link:
- provide help and advice if you have problems with or complaints about NHS service
- ensure that your views and needs influence the policies and plans put in place by health providers in your area
- monitor the quality of NHS services from your point of view
- give you information about access to the NHS
The minutes for the CHC meeting can be found at
The meeting was held with an opportunity for the public to engage in a question and answer session at the end. During the public Q&A session concerns were raised over lack of information for and consultation with carers. Also information was sought from the CHC on how GP practice’s targets are agreed and set.
The next meeting of Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council will be held on
TUESDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2015. There will be a question and answer session at the end of our council meeting for members of the public to raise any concerns they have about health provision in south Powys.
For further information follow this link:
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