Friday, 18 September 2015

Dementia Friends Information Session - Machynlleth

Learn a little more about what it is like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action.

Tuesday, 13 October, 2015      11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  2 hours

CAMAD, Care Centre, Forge Road,Machynlleth, SY20 8EQ

For volunteers, local voluntary organisations, all welcome.      01654 700071

The Powys Annual Tobacco Control Conference 2015

17 November 2015     10am-3pm
Media Rescource Centre, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells

E-cigarettes, Illicit Tobacco, Smoke Free Environments, Smoking and Young People
contact 01874 712738 or email

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Primary care services for Wales up to March 2018

The plan gives details about the future development of the services provided.

It proposes action on the following 5 areas:
  • planning care locally
  • improving access and quality
  • equitable access
  • a skilled local workforce
  • strong leadership.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

New proposals to strengthen NHS Wales set out in Green Paper

Access Matters: making healthcare environments accessible to people with sensory loss

Wednesday 14th October 2015 - 9.30 am – 1.00 pm, All Nations Centre, Cardiff

Disability Powys Information and Advice Surgeries this Autumn

Outreach surgeries will be run this autumn in towns across Powys for users to discuss any welfare benefits, such as access, employment, and housing enquiries. The surgeries will be in market towns with refreshments, and will provide the opportunity for one-to-one advice, information and talks from external organisations.

Brecon - 10.30am -1pm 8th October 2015 - Bishop Bevan Hall
Builth Wells - 10.00 – 2.00pm 16th October - Wyeside Arts Centre
Crickhowell - 10.30am-1pm 6th November - Resource Centre
Rhayader - 10.30am-1pm 24th November - Leisure Centre

For further information contact or 07495257102.
Further surgeries will be organised in market towns in the New Year.

PAVO Stakeholder Feedback Surveys 2015 - Statutory and Public Funders & Partners/Third Sector Partner Organisations

At PAVO we aim to continually improve the ways in which we provide services to the third sector in Powys and work with statutory organisations, public bodies and funders. We would be very grateful if you would once again take the time to complete this brief annual survey, which helps us to better our understanding of and response to the needs of partner agencies.

We use your replies to feed into our review of services and service delivery and we continue to monitor and evaluate our performance in response to the feedback we receive.
We have also this year included some questions that will inform the development of our Strategic Plan for 2016 - 19. We very much welcome and value your contribution to this crucial process, helping us to understand the sort of PAVO that you want to see in the future and to shape our strategic direction for the next three years.
Statutory and Public Funders and Partners – PAVO Stakeholder Feedback 2015
Third Sector Organisations – PAVO Stakeholder Feedback 2015

Nod PAVO yw ceisio gwella’n barhaus y ffyrdd y darperir gwasanaethau i’r trydydd sector ym Mhowys a’n ffordd o weithio gyda sefydliadau statudol, cyrff cyhoeddus a chyllidwyr. Byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech dreulio ychydig o amser yn llenwi’r arolwg blynyddol byr yma, fydd yn ein helpu i ddeall ac i ymateb yn well i anghenion asiantaethau partner.
Byddwn yn defnyddio eich ymateb wrth adolygu ein gwasanaethau a sut rydym yn cyflenwi gwasanaethau, ac rydym yn monitro ac yn gwerthuso’n barhaus ein perfformiad mewn perthynas â’r adborth a geir.
Eleni, rydym hefyd wedi cynnwys rhai cwestiynau fydd yn cyfrannu at ddatblygu ein Cynllun Strategol 2016 - 19. Byddem yn croesawu ac yn gwerthfawrogi eich cyfraniad at y broses hollbwysig hon, i’n helpui ddeallpa fath o fudiad yr hoffech i PAVO fod yn y dyfodol, ac i lywio ein cyfeiriad strategol dros y tair blynedd nesaf.
Cyllidwyr a Phartneriaid Statudol a Chyhoeddus – Adborth Rhanddeiliaid PAVO 2015
Sefydliadau’r Trydydd Sector – Adborth Rhanddeiliaid PAVO 2015

Smoking in cars carrying children - campaign

The change to the law regarding smoking in private vehicles carrying children comes into force on 1st October 2015.
Attached is a link to a toolkit for the campaign. Included is marketing assets for you to use and distribute as well as social media tweets, posts & #’s .
This communications toolkit has been developed to help you and your partners to raise awareness of smoke-free private vehicles carrying children under 18.
If you would like to discuss any aspect please
All materials are downloadable via this link. Please notify Rhian if you have any difficulty opening anything. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Investing in Volunteers - Volunteer positions vacant

WCVA are seeking to appoint a Wales voluntary representative on the UK Investing in Volunteers Quality Assurance Panel. A knowledge of the Standard and of quality systems in general would be helpful. If you know of anyone who may be interested please get in touch with 029 2043 1730

Film about smear testing for women with learning disabilities launched

Press Release/News Item (Cervical Screening Wales): Smear Testing

Fish diet could ward off depression

Press Release/News Item (BBC Health): Depression/Nutrition

Invitation to the Advocacy Network 'Big Event' 23 September 2015

Age Cymru and the National Network for Older People's Advocacy in Wales would like to invite you to an event which will explore section 10 of the Social Services and Wellbeing Wales Act.  They will be exploring the impact of new duties around advocacy from a wellbeing perspective, social policy, impact on people with disabilities and the hopes and fears about the duties, preparations being made by a  local service provider, measuring outcomes and what the changes will mean to those involved in supporting people who may be in need of advocacy.

The event is at the Maesmawr Hall Hotel, Caersws, Newtown on the 23rd September 2015 at a cost of £30 per delegate.

They have limited placed so please book soon to avoid disappointment.

Friday, 11 September 2015

New Director of Nursing - Rhiannon Jones​

Rhiannon Jones ​has now taken up the substantive post of "Director of Nursing" for the P​owys teaching Health Board. She has been ​acting as ​interim​ Director of Nursing for ​the last ​five months and has made a ​significant impact ​ within the role. She is keen to ensure that learning can be achieved from patients' stories ​which she is championing ​at Health Board meetings - ​the most recent
​story​ was on Midwifery.

Powys Dementia Steering Group
Rhiannon now chairs the collaborative Dementia Steering Group within the Health Board which has had a recent meeting. Actions and developments from this multi-agency group will be forthcoming in our next bulletin.

Powys Collaborative Nursing
Rhiannon is also keen to ensure that Nursing in Powys become truly collaborative and has supported an initial discussion relating to cross recruitment, group/clinicial supervision and possibility of joint training initiatives with the Sector. More to follow on this shortly.​

Follow link below for latest minutes of Powys teaching Health Board

Current Consultations

Visit WCVA website here to read the latest edition of their weekly Consultation Bulletin for your information in both English and Welsh.

Changes to Ambulance Procedure

Welsh Ambulance NHS Trust making changes the way it responds to 999 calls, including text message updates on the ambulance crew's progress as they respond to your call.
Click here to read more:

Transform your life through learning in one year for new ITV series

ITV is looking for ordinary people with an inspirational story to take part in a new TV series hosted by Davina McCall.

The series will tell the story of people who want to transform their lives for the better. Participants on the show will make the pledge in front of the nation that their life will be dramatically different in one year’s time.

We all know that learning transforms lives. Do you know someone who has yet to start their learning journey in adulthood but is ready to make the commitment on national TV tochange their life through learning in 365 days?

If you or someone you know is interested in taking part, please contact the programme makers TwoFour at or on 0207 438 1971

Government responses to cross-border health and prisons reports published

The Government Response to the Committee’s report on Prisons in Wales and the treatment of Welsh offenders has been published by the Welsh Affairs Committee as a Special Report: The original report is published here.

The Government Response to the Committee’s report on Cross-border health arrangements between England and Wales has been published by the Department of Health as a Command Paper: The original report is published here.


Cofrestrwch heddiw i gael eich pecyn sialens 28 diwrnod am

Sign up today for your free 28-day challenge pack

Dilynwch ni ar – Follow us on social media: Twitter @dimsmygucymru | @stopsmokingw
Facebook dimsmygucymru | stopsmokingwales

Creative writing and drawing workshops for teenagers exeriencing mental and emotional issues

Arts Alive Wales, a charity that runs arts and health projects in the region, is funding two ‘Caban’ workshops to support teenagers, 12-18yrs, who are experiencing mental and emotional issues.

The workshops will be taking place at:

· Brecon Scribbling Cabin – 4 creative writing workshops, led by writer and teacher Emma Beynon
The Muse, Glamorgan St, Brecon, LD37DW.
Thursdays, starting 24 September from 3.30pm - 5pm - places are still available.
To book a place, email or phoning 01873 811579.

· Crickhowell Art Cabin – six drawing workshops led by Artist educator Morag Colquhoun
Arts Alive Wales, Brecon Road, Crickhowell, NP8 1DG
Wednesdays, starting 30th September, from 3.30pm-6pm
To book a place, email or cal 01873 811579

To find out more visit

Challenging Behaviour in Dementia Care - Free places offered

There are places available on the Challenging Behaviour in Dementia Care on the following dates:

14th October 2015, 9.30am – 4.30pm Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog, Brecon LD3 7HR
28th January 2016 9.30am – 4.30pm NPTC Group, Coleg Powys, Llanidloes Road, Newtown SY16 4HU
15th March 2016 9.30am, - 4.30pm Committee Room A, The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AA

Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827507

Aim:  To enable participants to explore in greater depth the nature and effects of dementia upon individuals. It will identify the principles behind person centred care, and will help participants to identify ways in which they can apply person centred care in the work place.

Key Learning Outcomes:
 To identify and recognise the range of signs and symptoms of dementia
 To identify the essential components of person centred care, and develop greater confidence and competence in delivering person centred care to clients with dementia
 To consider various techniques for communicating successfully with people with dementia, including strategies for responding appropriately to delusions and hallucinations
 To identify some of the challenging behaviours displayed by clients with dementia, and discuss effective solutions
 To examine some of the reasons why clients with dementia may become malnourished, and examine various strategies to help improve their nutritional status

National Eye Health Week 2015

Every year for National Eye Health Week, charities, organisations and health professionals across Wales join together to promote the importance of eye health and the need for everyone to have regular sight tests.

National Eye Health Week is now in its sixth year and runs from 21- 27 September 2015.

Given that 50% of sight loss is avoidable, a regular eye check up can detect eye and broader health conditions early on.

A wide range of activities promoting eye health will take place all over Wales and the UK during National Eye Health Week.

A number of items have been created in the hope that you will be able to utilise them to help them spread the word.

- A sample blog post / website article for you to use on your websites or staff intranet
- Short copy for use on any staff newsletters or e-bulletins
- A selection of tweets to join in the social media campaign

We can also provide you with additional flyers in hard copy and pdf on request.

To find out how you can help promote the importance of eye health visit the campaign
Email: or tel: Ffôn/telephone: 02920 828500 Symudol/mobile: 07802 867 734

Powys Broker Service & infoengine Project update - August 2015

Powys Broker Service and infoengine project update report for August 2015.

If you would like further information about our work or have any comments to make on the attached, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Powys Information Event for Tender for Provision of Services to young people at risk of becoming NEET

Pembrokeshire County Council is the lead organisation running a joint procurement project for East Wales and West Wales and the Valleys for the provision of support and training to young people aged 11-24 at risk of becoming NEET, which aims to reduce that risk. The project is callewd CYNNYDD and will operate in Powys where it will be led by Powys County Council. The procurement of the services to be tendered will be funded by the European Social Fund.

The project team has produced a draft specification and in association with Business Wales is holding supplier engagement events to mainly discuss the draft specification and make any amendments prior to going to market.

The Powys information event is being held on 21 September 2015, 10:00 - 12:00 at Rhayader Leisure Centre, Rhayader, LD6 5BU. It will be a useful opportunity for voluntary organisations and social enterprises who may have an interest in bidding to deliver elements of the support and training work, to find out more about this funding opportunity and help inform the tender specification. (If you are unable to attend the event in Rhayader, an identical event is being held in Llanelli on 17 September 2015.)

Because places are limited, attendees need to register online with Business Wales to secure a place the event. You can do this at:

Two New IT Courses with PAVO

Skype (Home & Business use)
Tuesday 6th October 2015 (9:30am - 11:30am)

Cost: £40 - Non PAVO members / individuals
£35 - PAVO members

Aim:  To give a better understanding of Skype and its' uses.

Learning outcomes:
Learn how to make the most of Skype in both a home and business setting
Get to grips with icons and tools
Learn about group chat
Group for conference calls and share your screen

To book: click here

An Introduction to Windows 10
Monday 9th November 2015 (9:30am - 11:30am)

Cost: £25 - Non PAVO members / individuals    £20 - PAVO members

Aims:  To give a better understanding of the Microsoft Windows operating system, including settings.

Content:  This is an introduction to the Microsoft Windows system, and the changes that can be made to personalise your computer.

Learning Outcomes:
An understand how Windows works
How to change background pictures (desktop)
Adding shortcuts
Effective file management (organising files and images)
Get to grips with Windows 10

Who is this course for:  This course is designed for people with little or no computer skills or people that are upgrading to Windows 10.

To book: Click here

Monday, 7 September 2015

Modern Slavery Awareness Raising Sessions

Two sessions will be held for multi-agencies at Llandrindod Wells on Friday 4th of December between 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

- Be able to define modern slavery
- Be able to identify a victim of modern slavery
- Have an awareness of issues that affect victims
- Know the principles of sensitive victim identification
- Have some knowledge about the National Referral Mechanism
- Have an understanding of victims’ options and rights
- Know who to contact for further advice

Venue: Powys County Council, Training Cabins, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 5LG

Booking: Please contact Eleri Evans,

Background Information:

National Consultations

Health and Social Care Committee Review (Welsh Government)

Our Health, Our Health Services

Mental Health September 2015 eBulletin

Friday, 4 September 2015

Gwirvol Youth Led Grant Scheme

Grants in the region of £600 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 to help their communities in Powys. Previous successful applications secured funds to:
create a community garden
hold a fund-raising event to raise money for a village hall
open up a footpath for local people and making it accessible for people with mobility disabilities
run a peer-led first aid course
train young volunteers.

The applications have to be written by young people. A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications.

The Deadline for completed applications is on Monday 26th October at midday.
All volunteering must take place in Powys.     Contact or telephone 01597 822191

Preventing homelessness

A seminar of best practice - Shelter Cymru
Tuesday 29 September 2015, Merthyr Tydfil
09:30 - 16:00

Good Nutrition Course

Do you work with older people and their families?      Interested in food and nutrition?

Good Nutrition for Older People - Preventing Malnutrition ½ day course

Monday 21st September 2015        12.30—3.30pm      LWH

Wednesday 30th September 2015  12.30—3.30pm           Bronllys Hospital

Or for a more indepth course why not try..

Community Food and Nutrition Skills Course

Agored Cymru Level 2.

Tuesday 17th November & Tuesday 24th November - Newtown Hospital

Further courses in the north of Powys will be available later in the year.

For further information or to register interest for courses in North please contact:
Heide Smith, Dietetic Support 01874 71 2734

Hate Crime Awareness Sessions

Two Sessions - 21st September 2015

PAVO is hosting two free training sessions delivered by Victim Support at the Conference Room, Unit 30, Ddole Road Enterprise Park, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6DF. The training will be on Monday 21st September 2015 with a choice of 10.00am to 12.00pm or 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm

A hate crime or hate incident is committed because of who you are or who someone thinks you are. Quite simply, if because of your age, disability, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, gender(including gender identity) or lifestyle choice (e.g. Goth) someone or a group of people targets you, commits a crime against you, bullies you or harasses you, then this is a hate crime or hate incident.

The training will -
Give information on the different types of Hate Crimes and Incidents
Inform of the impact on victims and the support available.
Set out the ways in which to report Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents

The training may demonstrate to grant aid bodies that your organisation is carrying out work to achieve your Equality Policy. A General Duty of the Equality Act 2010 is to 'Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.'

To book a place, click here         More information (ENG)            More information (CYM)

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Want to be part of the new Healthy Living Centre in Bronllys?

Bronllys’ Day Hospital is becoming a Healthy Living Centre, offering a range of information and services to older people attending the Centre, their carers and family members. The Healthy Living Centre wants to work with third sector organisations to develop the services and information available.

· Would you like to offer sessions at the Healthy Living Centre to introduce patients and their carers to your organisation and assist with signposting to other suitable services?

· Could your organisation use the facilities at Bronllys’ Healthy Living Centre to help you expand your services?

The Broad aims of the Healthy Living Centre are:

1. To prevent unnecessary admissions of frail elderly patients to a District General Hospital.
2. To improve the health of patients with long term conditions before they become frail.
3. To improve the wellbeing of frail elderly people in the community.
Could your organisation work with Bronllys’ Healthy Living Centre to achieve these aims?

For more information about the opportunities available, contact

Anne Clark                              Lesley Sanders
PAVO Broker Service            Senior Sister, Llewellyn Ward, Bronllys Hospital           
01597 828649                         01874 712461

PAVO 2015 Conference and AGM

DIARY MARKER: PAVO 2015 Conference and AGM
12 November 12 noon – 4.30pm Venue to be confirmed
The theme of the conference is ‘Turning the Tables – an opportunity to listen’.
Prof. Mark Drakeford AM, Minister for Health & Social Care will attend the conference and give the key note address.        Invitations will follow in due course. Read more .....

PHE E-cig Report/Smoking in Cars/Cut Films Wales Awards

ASH Wales Cymru Newsletter

Action for Children Vacancy

Action for Children have a vacancy in Powys for a Family Support Practitioner – for details please see the Action for Children website (use the link on the website to Careers - Search for Vacancies - Vacancy reference HRSS005104).         Closing date is 7/9/2015