Thursday, 28 January 2016

Brecon Meeting Centre Pioneer Workshop

Thursday 10th March 2016 at Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon 10.30 am registration to 3.00 pm

Free workshop includes lunch and refreshments.

Meeting Centres are an innovative way of supporting people with mild to moderate dementia and their families through an evidence-based, person-centred approach and offer an enjoyable, flexible and adaptive programme.

They are a great low-cost community based way of supporting people living with dementia and their families that have been successfully implemented in the Netherlands for over ten years. The Association of Dementia Studies at the University of Worcester is part of a research programme MEETINGDEM ( that is evaluating whether this approach can be implemented within the UK, Italy and Poland. In the workshops they cover:

-The background to Meeting Centres - history, principles and ethos including the adjusting to change approach.
- How to set up an Initiative Group of interested stakeholders.
- Creating an implementation plan which includes:-

• Who your target group is (who will attend the Meeting Centre); 
• The programme of activities (for people with dementia, for carers; for the community);
• Finance (funding and sustainability);
• Finding a good location;
• Protocol and collaboration between stakeholders;
• Staffing and training;
• PR and marketing (reaching out to participants and referrers).

TO BOOK YOUR PLACE ON THIS FREE WORKSHOP please visit or email or ring Mike on 01905 542531

Participation Cymru Newsletter January 2016

Stroke Training Courses

The Stroke Training department deliver training to external organisations in order to drive up stroke care standards.

Please see below a list of Commissioned and Individual Access stroke training courses for February 2016:
Individual Access - 2nd February 2016 - Cardiff - Professional Masterclass: Hidden Effects of Stroke
Powys County Council - 4th February 2016 - Stroke Fundamentals and Recovery
Powys County Council - 11th February 2016 - Stroke Prevention and Holistic Management

Individual access courses are open to anyone who wants to learn more about stroke. Individual learners may book places by visiting their website or by calling 01527 903911.
To book your place, please email

They are also now offering distance learning qualifications for individual learners who would like to gain a qualification in stroke. This course is distance learning mixing individual working time with support and guidance from one of their stroke trainers.
For more information on this course please click here.

NEW! They have now released our Professional Masterclass dates for 2016. Their Masterclass is aimed at professionals working in stroke care enabling them to gain valuable CPD.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Job Vacancy

Luncheon Club - Brecon

ST JOHN’S LUNCHEON CLUB - EVERY MONDAY Starting February 1st 12.30PM - 2.30PM
ST JOHN’S FAMILY CENTRE Pendre Close Brecon (opposite the cathedral)
Activity run by Powys Befrienders

St John’s Luncheon Club is targeted at the over 50’s and it provides an opportunity for people to come together in a relaxed and welcoming environment and enjoy a two course meal and then have a choice of taking part in some activities - Dominoes, Card Games, Holistic Therapies, are just a named few. Why don’t you give it a go and go along and join in the fun! 
Please give Julia or Mel a ring to book a place on 01874 611723 (option 1 or 3)

Llandrindod SOUP

Llandrindod SOUP is a regular community supper and micro-funding event, bringing people together to share a meal and raise funds for small, creative community projects which make Llandrindod a better place to live.

They are bringing the next soup event to you on Friday 4th March, 7:30pm at The Herb Garden. For a donation of £3.00, attendees will listen to pitches from four community projects and vote for their favourite, enjoy some great entertainment and of course, enjoy some delicious soup!

If you would like to be one of the presenters on the night, the deadline for pitch applications is Sunday 21st February. A 4 minute explanation about your group/idea/project (and how the money from SOUP will be used to help it) is all that stands in the way of your chance of taking away the entire evening's door money.

The last event saw Rhys & Felicity of 'Popcorn People' take away £119 to purchase equipment to help get their brand new community benefitting popcorn business off the ground. Previous winners include the Thumbs Up Club to provide an outing for families with special needs and Play Radnor to consult on painting panels outside the AutoPalace.

For more information: Llandrindod SOUP Facebook page or email

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Nodyn i'r Dyddiadur / Diary Marker - 25 February/Chwefror

Annwyl Gydweithydd / Dear colleague

Partners from Powys teaching Health Board (PtHB) have asked PAVO to invite Third Sector colleagues to a special gathering on Thursday, 25th February 2016, 9:30 - 1:00 p.m. at Celf o Gwmpas, Llandrindod to discuss the future planning of services and activities as part of their three year Intergrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP).

This plan will be used as the basis for future commissioning of the Third Sector by the PtHB, so it is vital that the Sector is well represented at the meeting. This will be a rare opportunity to meet with new Executive Directors of the Board and influence their planning decisions.

Please make a note of the date. Please register your attendance on the online booking form

Mae partneriaid o Fwrdd Iechyd addysgu Powys wedi gofyn i PAVO wahodd cydweithwyr Trydydd Sector i gyfarfod arbennig ar Ddydd Iau, 25 Chwefror, 2016, 9:30-13:00 yn Celf o Gwmpas, Llandrindod i drafod y gwaith o gynllunio gwasanaethau a gweithgareddau yn y dyfodol fel rhan o'u Cynllun Tymor Canolig Canolradd tair blynedd (IMTP).

Bydd y cynllun hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel sail ar gyfer comisiynu’r Trydydd Sector gan y Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys yn y dyfodol, felly mae'n hanfodol bod y Sector yn cael ei gynrychioli'n dda yn y cyfarfod. Bydd hwn yn gyfle prin i gwrdd â Chyfarwyddwyr Gweithredol newydd y Bwrdd ac i ddylanwadu ar eu penderfyniadau cynllunio.

Gwnewch nodyn o'r dyddiad hwnnw, os gwelwch yn dda. Bydd agenda a cyfarwyddiadau ymuno yn cael eu hanfon allan yn fuan.

Cofion / Regards
Carl Cooper
Prif Weithredwr / Chief Executive Officer

Monday, 25 January 2016

Positive Action for Change in Mental Health Services

Volunteer Recruitment, Selection and Induction

Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th March 2016 - 2 days

Cost: £40 (PAVO members), £80 (Non PAVO members), £120 (All other/individuals)

By the end of the session, participant will:
Be familiar with a range of methods to attract a diversity of volunteers
Recognise 'selection' as a two way process and be familiar with a range of selection tools.
Understand the use of vetting procedures including CRB checks, and recognise their limitations.
Understand the purpose and nature of a) volunteer agreements and b) volunteer induction.
Recognise potential uses and abuses of volunteer's personal information
Recognise ways in which volunteering can be made more to accessible to all

To book: click here

PAVO’s Children and Families Network Blog

Recent items published on PAVO’s Children and Families Network Blog

Patients to get opportunity to share views about hospital services run by Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust

The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SATH) has arranged two listening events for patients from across mid Wales to have opportunity to share their views about hospital services provided by the Trust. The drop-in sessions are due to take place at Welshpool Livestock Market on Tuesday 9th February 2016 from 10am until 4.30pm and at Llanidloes War Memorial Hospital on Tuesday 16th February 2016 from 10am until 4.30pm.

The events are designed to give people who have used hospital services in Shropshire – specifically those at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Princess Royal Hospital in Telford and other services run by SATH – an opportunity to share their experiences to help build on the work taking place and to find out areas where patients feel improvements could be made.

Patients and members of the public who are unable to attend either of these events can share their feedback by contacting Powys Community Health Council (CHC) by calling 01686 627632 or emailing

The full press release from SATH can be viewed here.

Planning and Writing Successful Funding Bids

Thursday 17th March 2016 - full day

Cost:  £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members), £60 (All other/individuals)

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Understand the current funding climate in Wales and its impact on funders
Review their current approach of developing a bid
Apply new tools and techniques to give their bids a winning 'edge'
Understand and meet the expectations of funders

To book: Click here

Shelter Cymru Training Courses 2016

Walk Leader Training

Tow dates for Walk Leader Training run by ‘Lets walk Cymru’ in Powys coming up. They are hoping to pilot some buggy walks for parents, grandparents and expectant mothers in Powys in 2016 as part of Powys Healthy Weights Action Plan. The walks are a chance to make friends and enjoy the fresh air while getting fitter or staying fit. They will be all short, accessible walks, usually between 1 and 3 miles aimed at people who are relatively new to walking or want to improve their health.

The training is for those interested in being involved in setting up a group in their working community or becoming walk leaders. Included in the training is insurance guidance and good practice when it comes to leading walks including soft leadership skills and what to do in an emergency.

The dates for the courses are:  Tuesday 16th February at Newtown Foot ball Club 10am-4pm 
Please contact Kate Preston,Community Sport Development Officer (Newtown) on 07768 634946

Thursday 3rd March at IT Training Room, Llanidloes Hospital 10-4pm
Please contact Tessa Morgan on 01874 712728  07870 515786

The 7 Stages of Alzheimer's Disease Through a Caregiver's Eyes

Volunteering in the Arts

Volunteering in the Arts ….. you don’t have to be an artist to support creative groups!

Many creative groups are looking for volunteers to help them in all sorts of ways that don’t require any creative skills or experience!

They could be looking for help with marketing, fundraising, finances, social media, membership recruitment, arranging venues, general organisation or even just making the tea!

They would love you to join us for an informal gathering (with lunch provided!) to explore how volunteers can get involved in the organisational side of creative groups!

This event would particularly suit:  potential volunteers, looking for an interesting new challenge
members of creative groups looking for volunteers to take on organisational tasks
people involved with recruiting and supporting volunteers in your local area

When? 11.02.16 11.00 to 15.00
Venue PAVO, Unit 30/Ddole Rd Ind Est, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF

For more information or to book online click on the following link:

Or contact: Janina Kuczys, Infrastructure Development Officer 07818 034 565 / 029 20395 395

PAVO Training Poll

PAVO want to know what training organisations and individuals want us to run this year. There is also a link to our training booklet with all the courses we currently offer.

For those who can't access the Facebook poll, below is a link to a Google form.

PAVO Training Poll

There will be a free place on a course for one lucky person who participates.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Community Meeting - Machynlleth

The Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative was formed in response to local concerns about health and social care services across Mid Wales.

You talked, We listened...   Now get involved with the next stage of our journey. Influence their work to make healthcare in Mid Wales the best it can be.

25 January 2016 - 2pm or 6pm    Refreshments available

For more information please visit or like their page on facebook . For the latest new, please follow @DrSueFish on Twitter.

What training courses would you like PAVO to run?

We want to know what training organisations and individuals want us to run this year. There is also a link to our training booklet with all the courses we currently offer.

Funds raised will help make Powys a Dementia Friendly Community


Postponement to "Meet the Directors" event - 12 Feb

Postponement to "Meet the Directors" event.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event will now need to be postponed until later in the Springtime, 2016. PAVO will be in touch in the new year with further details/information about next steps.

Disability Powys: Activity days in the Elan Valley

ASH Wales - Free & funded professional training & networking event in Austria

No Smoking Day 2016 - Wednesday 9th March 2016

It is nearing the 2016 ‘No Smoking Day’ (NSD) which falls on Wednesday 9th March2016.  This is a long-established and effective health campaign, aiming to emphasise the benefits of quitting, and how to access help to stop.

If you wish to support the campaign in your organisation, you can Sign up on the British Heart Foundation website to receive a free No Smoking Day 2015 campaign pack which contains additional leaflets and posters.

In addition, attached is a list of promotional materials you can order (free) to support the campaign. There is also an engagement check list to give you ideas of how to promote key messages in your organisation. Finally, a list of cessation services in Powys with details of how to refer is below:
Pharmacy Referral
Smoking Cessation – Promotional Ideas for yourWorkplace/Organisation

Red Cross Job Vacancy

Do you live in Builth Wells and need help with your hearing aids?

If so, our Hear to Help service may be able to help you.  They provide support to hearing aid users, enabling people to make the most of their hearing aid and manage their hearing loss effectively.

Their service is community based and their Community Support Officer and volunteers provide the service through outreach work, home visits and drop-in services. Their free service includes:
tubing, minor repairs, earmould cleaning and battery replacement, basic training for hearing aid users on maintenance and usage of their hearing aid, providing advice and support to enable people to make the most of their hearing aid, providing information on other equipment and services.

They can help you with hearing aid maintenance. Just go along to their free walk-in hearing aid support session.  Drop-in services

At: Builth Wells Home Support Office, The Groe Car Park, Groe Street, Builth Wells, LD2 3BL
When: 3rd Wednesday of the month      Time: 09:30 - 11:30     Volunteer home visits

Do you struggle to attend Audiology for your 4-6 month hearing aid servicing appointments? Would you benefit from a volunteer visiting you in your own home? If so, please ask your Audiologist for further information.    

For more information please contact:  Phillipa Capron, Telephone: 02922 400 187

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Bravo upgrade Feb 2016

Worth being aware for groups who are looking to tender for public services contracts.

Wales » Forums » eTenderWales News and Announcements » Bravo upgrade Feb 2016

by Nick Owen - On 3 February 2016 Bravo will be releasing the new version of their procurement platform BravoAdvantage16. All of the details are available at It’s important that you, your users, and potentially your suppliers, are aware of the changes as although the new user interface will be more modern and intuitive, it is nonetheless very different         See this post in context

Dementia Friendly Brecon Videos

Dementia Friendly Brecon thought you would like to start the new year with viewing these couple of films on their recently created Youtube channel -

A big thank you to Brookside and Morgannwg House residents, family members and staff for allowing them to share them.

Next steering group meeting: Tuesday 19th January, 2pm, Brecon Fire Station

Monday, 11 January 2016

Powys Carers - Charity Finance Officer Job Advert

New Access Group Training Programme

A new training course specifically for access group members is planned to be held in Llandrindod Well during February 2016.

The access group training course aims to increase membership of Access Groups and to improve their skills and capacity, to respond to access plans and access consultations, and to undertake access audits and surveys.

The access training course is designed as a refresher course for existing members, and an essential introductory course for new members.  The Trainers, Access Design Solutions, two inclusion and sustainability consultants, will deliver the course covering

· An overview of disability legislative framework
· Design and disability
· Access principles
· Access Audits reports
· Planning Appraisals

Participants will have the opportunity of working with other access group members from across Powys, to share and discuss access issues, and undertake practical sessions in a supportive environment, to develop their capacity.

The training course if funded through Awards for All.

If you wish to discuss further contact Hayley Beavan Access and Outreach Worker or 07495257102.

Access Groups Call for Volunteers

Disability Powys is working with Montgomeryshire and Brecknock Access Group, through the Access and Outreach project.

The two access groups aim to improve access for all, particularly for people with disabilities.

The Access Group volunteers aim to improve access to public buildings, streets, pubs and restaurants, places of entertainment, and health service facilities.  They work with organisations such as Powys County Council, local businesses and voluntary organisations to promote the implementation of the Equality Action 2010.

Both access groups wish to increase the membership of their groups with new volunteers, to increase their capacity and the social benefit they bring to society.

The two access groups meet once a month to:

· Monitor, examine and comment on relevant planning applications with a public interest
· Consult with all authorities on access issues, eg, Railtrack
· Respond to any access consultation eg, tactile surfaces
· Carry out access surveys eg, street, cafes.

Disability Powys wishes to support volunteers also from Radnorshire with an interest in accessibility issues to form a Radnorshire Access Group.

If anyone is interested in promoting accessibility for all, whether they are disabled or not, they are welcome to join the Access Group, please contact the Access Group secretary or Hayley Beavan (Access and Outreach Worker) or 07495257102

Disability Powys Information & Advice Surgeries 2016

Disability Powys will be running further outreach information and advice surgeries in market towns during 2016, following on from autumn surgeries held in Brecon, Builth Wells, Crickhowell and Rhayader.

At the surgeries disability information, advice and additional support was provided by Disability Powys, Powys Carers, Care and Repair, and local Community Support projects.

Help provided included, new applications to the Personal Independent Payment (replacing Disability Living Allowane), Blue Badge Disabled Parking applications and Radar Keys.

For the winter 2016 further information and advice surgeries will be held in:

Ystradgynalais Tuesday 23rd February 10am-3pm Community Hospital
Knighton Thursday 3rd March 10am – 1pm Community Support Offices
Llanwrtyd Wells Thursday 24th March 10am – 1pm T Old Station Buildings
Builth Wells Wednesday 6th April 10-1pm Caerwnon Caravan Park

Further surgeries will be organised across Powys during 2016. For further information contact or 07495257102.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Beat It Percussion CIC’s first Volunteer Get-Togethers - Free

Tuesday January 12th and Sunday January 17th - 3-5pm, venue in Hay in Wye

An opportunity for people who have expressed an interest in volunteering with Beat It, or who would like to know more about the work they do to:

Find out about the various volunteer roles
· Learn about the background of Beat It and what our work is about
· Discuss how you can get involved
· Enjoy tea and home made cakes
· Play some drums

Mid & West Wales Health & Social Care Collaborative mtg on 14 Jan

On Thursday 14th January 2016 in Powys County Council, Gwalia Annex, Rock Park Room, Ithon road, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6AS from 1-3pm

The Mid and West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative would like to meet you to talk about the current Information, Advice and Assistance services that are available in your local area.

They would like to hear your views on a number of issues including:

1) The services that are available
2) Whether you accessed the services for yourself or people that you care for
3) What was your experience of accessing the services
4) Did accessing the services help you or make a difference to your circumstances
5) Whether you think accessing the services could have made a difference to your circumstances had you known about them or been able to access them

Your valuable input and views will help to shape service provision in the future.
Refreshments will be provided.
This event is an open invitation to anyone who is interested in contributing; If you are interested in taking part or have any further questions please contact Julie Boalch.  

If you are interested in taking part, but you are unable to attend in person, they would be happy to contact you to discuss your thoughts over the phone or by email.

Julie Boalch, Swyddog Cymorth Prosiect / Project Support Officer, Plant Agored i Niwed a'u Teuluoedd / Vulnerable Children and Families, Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda / Hywel Dda University Health Board  Ffon/ Tel: 01554 899055  WHTN: 0 1824 6955  Facs/ Fax: 01554 783639
E-bost/ Email:

Participation Cymru New Training Programme

Terrence Higgins Trust Job Vacancy

Community Support Coordinator 24.5 hours per weekSalary: £16,476 per annum (£23,538 pro rata)Location: Mid Wales Fixed term until 31st December 2016 Closing Date: 11th January 2016 Reference:696 To apply online: 

Planning and Writing Successful Funding Bids

Date: Thursday 17th March 2016 - full day
Venue: PAVO, Unit 30 Ddole Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6DF
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (3rd Sector, non PAVO members) & £60 (other/individuals)

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Understand the current funding climate in Wales and its impact on funders
Review their current approach of developing a bid
Apply new tools and techniques to give their bids a winning 'edge'
Understand and meet the expectations of funders

To book: Click here

Breast Screening in Welshpool 2016

Breast Test Wales is due to commence screening in Welshpool from February 2016

Our ‘Be Breast Aware’ and ‘Breast Screening for Women Over 70’ leaflets can be found on their website:

We also have posters and leaflets promoting our Cervical, Bowel and AAA Screening services on their websites:


If you would like to receive a hard copy of the information, please reply with a forwarding address - also if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact either  Hannah Jones (Screening Engagement Specialist) or Fatima Sayed (Screening Engagement Practitioner) on 01492 860888.

Vacancy - Calan DVS p/t DA Support Worker

Calan Domestic Violence Services (DVS) have an opportunity to join their South Powys Team as a part-time Domestic Abuse Support Worker.

For further information and a job pack, please contact or call 01792 326800

Please note that the closing date is 9 am Monday 25th January.

If you have any queries regarding the advertised post then please do not hesitate to contact
Scarlett Williams, Project Support Officer, BRAVE Project, Calan DVS  Tel: 01792 326801

Calling all social / luncheon groups in Montgomeryshire

Nest is helping households to “keep warm while wasting less” in Montgomeryshire during January – March 2016 and would like to meet with lunch clubs and social groups in the area.

Nest is the Welsh Government Warm Homes Programme that helps everyone in Wales to save money on their energy, whilst offering a whole range of support and signposting through the Nest advice line; as well as the package of free home improvement measures Nest offers to eligible clients. These measures include new central heating boilers and radiators as well as loft and wall insulation at NO COST to residents.

Between 2011 and 2015, over 68,000 householders in Wales have contacted Nest and 17,700 have received free home improvements and saved an average of £477 on their energy bills!

Nest Partnership Development Managers are available to visit groups located anywhere in the county, particularly in the following areas

Guilsfield, Llanfyllin, Machynlleth, Welshpool, Llanfair Caereinion, Cemmaes, Llanbrynmair, Llansantffraid, Newtown

If you'd like Nest to speak with your group, please contact Peter Hughes,
NEST Partnership Development Manager / Rheolwr Datblygiad Partneriaeth NYTH
Direct / Llinell Uniongyrchol - 07538 041319
Nest Advice Line / Llinell Cynghorion: 0808 808 2244

Dog Fouling Survey launched

Powys County Council has launched a Public Survey in relation to Dog Fouling. See below link.

Please circulate amongst your staff and customers:-

Youth e-cigarette survey 2016 - need your help