Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Dementia: Implementing Better Care - Manchester
April 20, 2017 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (clcik here for more information)
One year from the publication of the Challenge on Dementia 2020 Implementation Plan, Dementia 2017: Implementing Better Care is taking place to provide the opportunity to discuss the quality and consistency of dementia care across England. This agenda will explore how to reduce dementia inequalities from the best practice approaches across the country.
There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK, with numbers set to rise to over 1 million by 2025. This will soar to 2 million by 2051. Risk reduction, health and care, awareness and social action, and research have been identified as the core themes that together would possible reduce these figures and make England the world-leader in dementia care
Open Forum Events would like to invite you to Dementia 2017: Implementing Better Careto hear about practical sessions from leading organisations that will encourage the adoption of key actions to make England the world-leader in dementia care, research and awareness
Monday, 28 November 2016
Launch Of Care & Repair In Powys Healthy Home Service
The Healthy Home Service is a home based visiting service available to anybody living in Powys over 60 years of age to assess and advise on safety at home, aimed at preventing falls, trips and slips.
For fliers, more information on the service or if you would like to make an appointment for a free of charge visit, please contact Care & Repair in Powys on 0300 111 3333 or enquiries@crpowys.co.uk.
Visit Care & Repair in Powys website for photos and more details
Friday, 25 November 2016
Mental Health Alliance Survey
A very important survey is currently being carried out by the Mental Health Alliance.
The UK Government is considering changes to legislation and the Alliance want you to tell them what you think will improve the lives of their clients and their carers.
Please complete the survey as soon as possible and also encourage everyone you have contact with to do the same – there have been over 2,400 responses so far but less than 70 of those are from Wales so they really need to get the Welsh perspective heard.
To take part go to: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/mentalhealthactsurvey
The UK Government is considering changes to legislation and the Alliance want you to tell them what you think will improve the lives of their clients and their carers.
Please complete the survey as soon as possible and also encourage everyone you have contact with to do the same – there have been over 2,400 responses so far but less than 70 of those are from Wales so they really need to get the Welsh perspective heard.
To take part go to: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/mentalhealthactsurvey
Chief Medical Officer’s Report - Rebalancing Healthcare
Working in partnership to reduce social inequity
New Additional Learning Needs Innovation Fund
The Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language has issued a Written Ministerial Statement announcing a new Additional Learning Needs Innovation Fund.
The full statement is available on the Welsh Government’s website:
For more information on the Additional Learning Needs transformation programme please visitwww.gov.wales/ALN
The full statement is available on the Welsh Government’s website:
For more information on the Additional Learning Needs transformation programme please visitwww.gov.wales/ALN
Autistic Females in Wales
by Willow Caroline Holloway
Autistic females have been discussed in The House of Lords . We now need to get Welsh Government to listen The AWE Project will be presenting on female autism at the next Welsh Cross Party Autism Group in December and we are currently collating a report to send to Welsh Government . If you are a […]
Read more of this post
If you know of anyone who would like to speak to Neuro Voice Powys about their experiences contact jacquie.brown@pavo.org.uk
Autistic females have been discussed in The House of Lords . We now need to get Welsh Government to listen The AWE Project will be presenting on female autism at the next Welsh Cross Party Autism Group in December and we are currently collating a report to send to Welsh Government . If you are a […]
Read more of this post
If you know of anyone who would like to speak to Neuro Voice Powys about their experiences contact jacquie.brown@pavo.org.uk
Shelter Cymru Training - Dec 2016 - March 2017
1 December / Rhagfyr - Housing and Immigration Tai a Mewnfudo
8 December / Rhagfyr - Christmas Debt Dyled Nadolig
11 January / Ionawr - Preventing Homelessness - A Possession Action Toolkit
Atal digartrefedd – Pecyn canllawiau camau meddiant
13 January / Ionawr - Renting homes - Are you Ready?
Rhentu cartrefi – ydych chi’n barod?
19 January / Ionawr - Preventing Homelessness - Before and at the Possession Hearing
Atal Digartrefedd cyn, ac yn ystod, y Gwrandawiad Meddiant
1 February / Chwefror - Understanding Landlord and Tenant Law in the Private Rented Sector / Deall Cyfraith Landlordiaid a Thenantiaid yn y Sector Rhentu Preifat
9 February / Chwefror - Housing and the Law in the Social Rented Sector
Tai a’r Gyfraith yn y Sector Rhentu Cymdeithasol
15 February / Chwefror & 1 March / Mawrth - Universal Credit and Housing Costs
Credyd Cynhwysol a Chostau Tai
16 February / Chwefror - Homelessness - The Law in Wales
Digartrefedd – Y Gyfraith yng Nghymru
16 March / Mawrth - Young People, Housing and Homelessness
Pobl Ifanc, Tai a Digartrefedd
BOOK ONLINE / ARCHEBWCH AR-LEIN : http://sheltercymru.org.uk/what-we-do/training-and-events/courses/browse-courses/
For Further information please contact bethanr@sheltercymru.org.uk or 01792 469400
Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â bethanr@sheltercymru.org.uk ar 01792 469400.
Why not bring Shelter Cymru training into your workplace?
This could make staff training more cost effective, have a course made exactly for you and your training delivered at a time and a place of your choice.
8 December / Rhagfyr - Christmas Debt Dyled Nadolig
11 January / Ionawr - Preventing Homelessness - A Possession Action Toolkit
Atal digartrefedd – Pecyn canllawiau camau meddiant
13 January / Ionawr - Renting homes - Are you Ready?
Rhentu cartrefi – ydych chi’n barod?
19 January / Ionawr - Preventing Homelessness - Before and at the Possession Hearing
Atal Digartrefedd cyn, ac yn ystod, y Gwrandawiad Meddiant
1 February / Chwefror - Understanding Landlord and Tenant Law in the Private Rented Sector / Deall Cyfraith Landlordiaid a Thenantiaid yn y Sector Rhentu Preifat
9 February / Chwefror - Housing and the Law in the Social Rented Sector
Tai a’r Gyfraith yn y Sector Rhentu Cymdeithasol
15 February / Chwefror & 1 March / Mawrth - Universal Credit and Housing Costs
Credyd Cynhwysol a Chostau Tai
16 February / Chwefror - Homelessness - The Law in Wales
Digartrefedd – Y Gyfraith yng Nghymru
16 March / Mawrth - Young People, Housing and Homelessness
Pobl Ifanc, Tai a Digartrefedd
BOOK ONLINE / ARCHEBWCH AR-LEIN : http://sheltercymru.org.uk/what-we-do/training-and-events/courses/browse-courses/
For Further information please contact bethanr@sheltercymru.org.uk or 01792 469400
Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â bethanr@sheltercymru.org.uk ar 01792 469400.
Why not bring Shelter Cymru training into your workplace?
This could make staff training more cost effective, have a course made exactly for you and your training delivered at a time and a place of your choice.
Tender for Direct Services Support Service
Powys County Council is currently tendering for the provision of the Direct Services Support Service contract for Powys for 2017-2020.
"The Service relates to the delivery of Direct Payments Support Service for adults/people in Powys over the age of 18 who are eligible or receive a direct payment. The Powys vision is to work together to meet the needs of Powys citizens. By Commissioning the delivery of a high quality Direct Payments Support Service that will improve health and well-being of the people of Powys, we can work towards meeting that vision, supporting people in the community to live fulfilled lives."
Any organisations interested in this tender should register their interest upon the etenderwales online portal at: https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml in order to access the full tender documentation.
The deadline for submission of bids for the contract is 12 noon on 9 December 2016.
If your organisation has an interest in this tender, either independently or in partnership with others,and would like support to undertake a bid please feel to contact PAVO at: peter.lathbury@pavo.org.uk or 01597 822191.
"The Service relates to the delivery of Direct Payments Support Service for adults/people in Powys over the age of 18 who are eligible or receive a direct payment. The Powys vision is to work together to meet the needs of Powys citizens. By Commissioning the delivery of a high quality Direct Payments Support Service that will improve health and well-being of the people of Powys, we can work towards meeting that vision, supporting people in the community to live fulfilled lives."
Any organisations interested in this tender should register their interest upon the etenderwales online portal at: https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml in order to access the full tender documentation.
The deadline for submission of bids for the contract is 12 noon on 9 December 2016.
If your organisation has an interest in this tender, either independently or in partnership with others,and would like support to undertake a bid please feel to contact PAVO at: peter.lathbury@pavo.org.uk or 01597 822191.
Facebook Page for those working with children, families and young people
Check out PAVO’s new facebook page for the latest 3rd sector news for those working with children, families and young people https://www.facebook.com/ChildrenYoung-People-and-Families-in-Powys-1674963756127806/
Disability Powys -Development Manager - job Vacancy
18 hours a week (£25,350 pro rata), based in Llandrindod Wells
Disability Powys have an exciting opportunity for a new Development Manager. This new three-year post will support the Board develop, plan and implement a new strategic vision. Initially helping to develop the current draft business plan to give it focus and set achievable timescales. Then to manage the delivery of the plan, working with staff, the board and volunteers. The post holder will
enable the organisation to take on and manage new projects and opportunities to
make a larger and lasting impact for disabled people here in Powys. The ideal candidate should have experience of management, enthusiasm and commitment to equality and it is desirable that they have a lived experience of disability
Please contact the officer for Job Description and application pack or more information
Closing date – Jan 13, 12 noon Interviews - w/c 23 Jan
Email info@disabilitypowys.org.uk Phone 01597 824059
Disability Powys have an exciting opportunity for a new Development Manager. This new three-year post will support the Board develop, plan and implement a new strategic vision. Initially helping to develop the current draft business plan to give it focus and set achievable timescales. Then to manage the delivery of the plan, working with staff, the board and volunteers. The post holder will
enable the organisation to take on and manage new projects and opportunities to
make a larger and lasting impact for disabled people here in Powys. The ideal candidate should have experience of management, enthusiasm and commitment to equality and it is desirable that they have a lived experience of disability
Please contact the officer for Job Description and application pack or more information
Closing date – Jan 13, 12 noon Interviews - w/c 23 Jan
Email info@disabilitypowys.org.uk Phone 01597 824059
Health Boards want to hear your views
Health boards across Wales want to hear your views on what is important to you.
Across Wales each year, hundreds of thousands of patients are provided with advice, reassurance, treatment and health monitoring by NHS Wales.
Many of these will include a visit to a hospital, to have tests or to see a clinician who is part of a specialist team, these are often referred to outpatient appointments. Many patients will not need any further visits for specialist clinical care after their first outpatient visit.
People working in outpatients believe that there are opportunities in all the issues outlined above, but they want to hear what you think about the ideas.
To help them do this, please could you provide them with your views by completing a short survey Please respond by 30th December 2016.
Across Wales each year, hundreds of thousands of patients are provided with advice, reassurance, treatment and health monitoring by NHS Wales.
Many of these will include a visit to a hospital, to have tests or to see a clinician who is part of a specialist team, these are often referred to outpatient appointments. Many patients will not need any further visits for specialist clinical care after their first outpatient visit.
People working in outpatients believe that there are opportunities in all the issues outlined above, but they want to hear what you think about the ideas.
To help them do this, please could you provide them with your views by completing a short survey Please respond by 30th December 2016.
Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative Board Mtg - 9 Dec
A meeting of the Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative Board will take place on:
Friday 9th December 2016, 10.00am, Council Chamber, Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG
The Independent Co-Chairs will be available before the meeting at 9.30am and after at 12.30pm to discuss any issues that members of the public would like to raise.
Members of the public are welcome to attend to observe the meeting. There will be an opportunity to raise any questions and provide feedback on the work of the Collaborative during a specific agenda item “Listening to You” at 12noon. If you are unable to attend but wish to present your comments for inclusion at the meeting, please contact us by e-mail or in writing using the details below at least 2 working days prior to the meeting - a question form is available on the website www.midwalescollaborative.wales.nhs.uk.
The meeting will be broadcast live on the internet at: http://powys.public-i.tv/core/portal/home
The Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative welcomes correspondence in Welsh and English. The agenda and supporting papers can be made available in a different format if required (e.g. large print) by e-mail mwhc@wales.nhs.uk or post to the MWHC team, First floor, Management Offices, Bronglais General Hospital, Caradog Road, Aberystwyth, SY23 1ER.
Jack Evershed and Dr Ruth Hall Independent Co-chairs, Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative
Open University Courses for the Voluntary Sector
The Open University has a few courses relating to the voluntary sector running through its OpenLearn scheme.
The courses are:
Getting Ahead in the Job Market
Introducing the Voluntary Sector
Introducing leadership in Voluntary Organisations
Collaborative Leadership in Voluntary Organisations
Taking Part in the Voluntary Sector.
The courses are:
Getting Ahead in the Job Market
Introducing the Voluntary Sector
Introducing leadership in Voluntary Organisations
Collaborative Leadership in Voluntary Organisations
Taking Part in the Voluntary Sector.
For more information visit: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Opportunity for Third Sector Organisations - End of Life Care
Powys Teaching Health Board, in their end of life plan, have committed to working with a national campaign - Byw Nawr (dying matters) and would like the opportunity to work with a couple of community organisations on this.
There may also be the opportunity for to attend a conference day on 1 February in Liverpool with a lift from Newtown.
If this is of interest to you then please submit your expression of interest to carol.hay@pavo.org.uk
There is also an awareness session at the Senedd on 29 November 12pm – 2pm The Oriel, Senedd Building, Cardiff Bay. This session will give you the chance to find out more about the work of Byw Nawr, helping people in Wales to plan ahead for the End of Life, securing your legacy, whether that be digital or through storytelling. Meet the Byw Nawr Steering Group members on the information stands and sign up to our Byw Nawr ‘i Pledge’ campaign Tell them about what you think is important at the End of Life Byw Nawr Café .
There may also be the opportunity for to attend a conference day on 1 February in Liverpool with a lift from Newtown.
If this is of interest to you then please submit your expression of interest to carol.hay@pavo.org.uk
There is also an awareness session at the Senedd on 29 November 12pm – 2pm The Oriel, Senedd Building, Cardiff Bay. This session will give you the chance to find out more about the work of Byw Nawr, helping people in Wales to plan ahead for the End of Life, securing your legacy, whether that be digital or through storytelling. Meet the Byw Nawr Steering Group members on the information stands and sign up to our Byw Nawr ‘i Pledge’ campaign Tell them about what you think is important at the End of Life Byw Nawr Café .
Invite to Llandrindod Wellness Route Launch
Wednesday, December 14th 2016 10:30am at Llandrindod Wells Lake
Collectively complete 100kms one circuit of the lake at a time as they launch Llandrindod's first Wellness Route. Even if you're new to exercise,go along - the route is there to encourage you to be more active, more often.
Collectively complete 100kms one circuit of the lake at a time as they launch Llandrindod's first Wellness Route. Even if you're new to exercise,go along - the route is there to encourage you to be more active, more often.
Save the Date!! - Research in Wales Conference
Public Health Wales are hosting their annual Research in Wales Showcase conference on the 2nd March 2017, at the University of South Wales Atrium building in Cardiff.
The theme for the 2017 showcase is Research collaborations: Working together in Wales, and will bring together academics, researchers, practitioners and policy makers involved in addressing population health issues in Wales. The Chief Medical Officer for Wales, Dr Frank Atherton will be a guest speaker at the event.
On the day, there will also be presentations by leading academics and health professionals, alongside a ‘marketplace’ to encourage organisations to network and promote their research priorities and interests. A panel debate will address the question: Meeting the challenge of collaborating in public health research. How do we improve?
Further details will follow in due course.
Public Health Network Cymru Coordinator, Public Health Wales,
Email: Marie.Griffiths2@wales.nhs.uk www.publichealthwales.wales.nhs.uk/
The theme for the 2017 showcase is Research collaborations: Working together in Wales, and will bring together academics, researchers, practitioners and policy makers involved in addressing population health issues in Wales. The Chief Medical Officer for Wales, Dr Frank Atherton will be a guest speaker at the event.
On the day, there will also be presentations by leading academics and health professionals, alongside a ‘marketplace’ to encourage organisations to network and promote their research priorities and interests. A panel debate will address the question: Meeting the challenge of collaborating in public health research. How do we improve?
Further details will follow in due course.
Public Health Network Cymru Coordinator, Public Health Wales,
Email: Marie.Griffiths2@wales.nhs.uk www.publichealthwales.wales.nhs.uk/
BIG's Rural Programme - Community Grants Opens to Welsh VCSE Groups
The Community Grants scheme is accepting applications from voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) organisations aiming to tackle rural poverty in the rural communities (populations of less than 10,000 people) in the Welsh Local Authority areas of: Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire, Powys, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Monmouthshire.
Approximately £2 million is available in the first round. Grants of between £10,000 and £350,000 are available.
To be successful, Community Grants projects should meet the following outcomes:
Rural communities are brought together to map the strengths and opportunities within their community.
Rural communities are empowered to develop their own solutions to address poverty.
Learning is captured and shared to inform future community development in rural areas.
Projects will need to undertake the following activities:
Engagement and communications.
Community development.
Evaluation and knowledge sharing.
Working with the Big Lottery Fund.
Although the programme is mainly for revenue funding which can cover the operating costs of the project as well as a contribution to the organisation's overheads, capital costs of up to 10% of the overall project budget will be considered.
The deadline for Round 1 application is 3 April 2017 (1pm).
The Community Grants scheme is accepting applications from voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) organisations aiming to tackle rural poverty in the rural communities (populations of less than 10,000 people) in the Welsh Local Authority areas of: Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire, Powys, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Monmouthshire.
Approximately £2 million is available in the first round. Grants of between £10,000 and £350,000 are available.
To be successful, Community Grants projects should meet the following outcomes:
Rural communities are brought together to map the strengths and opportunities within their community.
Rural communities are empowered to develop their own solutions to address poverty.
Learning is captured and shared to inform future community development in rural areas.
Projects will need to undertake the following activities:
Engagement and communications.
Community development.
Evaluation and knowledge sharing.
Working with the Big Lottery Fund.
Although the programme is mainly for revenue funding which can cover the operating costs of the project as well as a contribution to the organisation's overheads, capital costs of up to 10% of the overall project budget will be considered.
The deadline for Round 1 application is 3 April 2017 (1pm).
Primary Mental Health & Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
Reception highlighting Primary Mental Health & Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Royal Welsh Agricultural Winter Fair 2016
Jointly Directors of Nursing and Primary and Community Care, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to a reception highlighting the work of the Primary Mental Health and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to be held on Monday 28th November from 10.00 – 11.45 at Tŵr Brycheiniog, situated at Avenue 5 which is close by the main entrance into the Winter Fair.
They hope that the reception (tea/coffee, bacon rolls and breakfast pastries will be served), will be informative and interactive and leave you with a greater understating of Primary Mental Health & Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service services and the part that you can play in ensuring the emotional and mental health of the children and young people in Powys.
RSVP by Tuesday 22nd November to: Angela Price angela.price@wales.nhs.uk Tel: 01874 615662
Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, this invitation does not allow access to the Showground but they hope you will be able to join them on Monday 28th November at what promises to be a very informative reception.
Alan Lawrie, Deputy CEO/Director of Primary And Community Care and Mental Health
Royal Welsh Agricultural Winter Fair 2016
Jointly Directors of Nursing and Primary and Community Care, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to a reception highlighting the work of the Primary Mental Health and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to be held on Monday 28th November from 10.00 – 11.45 at Tŵr Brycheiniog, situated at Avenue 5 which is close by the main entrance into the Winter Fair.
They hope that the reception (tea/coffee, bacon rolls and breakfast pastries will be served), will be informative and interactive and leave you with a greater understating of Primary Mental Health & Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service services and the part that you can play in ensuring the emotional and mental health of the children and young people in Powys.
RSVP by Tuesday 22nd November to: Angela Price angela.price@wales.nhs.uk Tel: 01874 615662
Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, this invitation does not allow access to the Showground but they hope you will be able to join them on Monday 28th November at what promises to be a very informative reception.
Alan Lawrie, Deputy CEO/Director of Primary And Community Care and Mental Health
Rhiannon Jones, Executive Nurse Director
Make Every Contact Count Training
For more information contact: darren.smith@pavo.org.uk
For more information contact: darren.smith@pavo.org.uk
Webinar: PQASSO
Webinar: PQASSO
3-SET will be hosting a PQASSO webinar in collaboration with NCVO.
Join them on the 29th November at 2pm if you want to learn more about PQASSO
know why it's a great quality management tool for the sector (particularly for organisations delivering European funded projects or contract)
know how to get started
Webinar: Erasmus+ in Wales - Find out more!
Erasmus+ is the European programme for training, education, youth and sport.
3-SET will be joined by Grant Poiner from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales who will give an honest account of what it’s like to deliver a project under Erasmus+. It will be an informal, interactive session with plenty of opportunities to ask questions throughout.
The webinar will take place on the 21st November at 2pm. To book a place, please click here.
3-SET will be hosting a PQASSO webinar in collaboration with NCVO.
Join them on the 29th November at 2pm if you want to learn more about PQASSO
know why it's a great quality management tool for the sector (particularly for organisations delivering European funded projects or contract)
know how to get started
It will be an informal session with plenty of opportunities to ask questions throughout.
To book a place, please click here.
The webinars will be interactive sessions with the opportunity to ask questions throughout. We also welcome questions in advance, please send these via email using 3set@wcva.org.uk.
The webinars will be interactive sessions with the opportunity to ask questions throughout. We also welcome questions in advance, please send these via email using 3set@wcva.org.uk.
Webinar: Erasmus+ in Wales - Find out more!
Erasmus+ is the European programme for training, education, youth and sport.
3-SET will be joined by Grant Poiner from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales who will give an honest account of what it’s like to deliver a project under Erasmus+. It will be an informal, interactive session with plenty of opportunities to ask questions throughout.
The webinar will take place on the 21st November at 2pm. To book a place, please click here.
Pre Hospital Communication Guide App
The Welsh Ambulance Service has launched a new App version of its ‘Pre Hospital Communication Guide’
In 2013 a bilingual Pre Hospital Communication Guide in the form of a small booklet was produced.
An App version of the guide has now been developed which is available for everyone to use, you can download it to your phone for free!
The App is a tool to help communicate with those who have additional communication needs including:
ü People who are Deaf or hard of hearing
ü People for whom English is not their first language
ü People with learning disabilities
ü People whose illness or injury affects their communication
A person may use a mixture of speech, gesture and pictures to communicate. The App uses images and a small amount of text to help you find out important information about someone or what has happened if they have had an accident.
You can use the App to identify if the person uses a specific communication method or the language they speak. Anyone can download and use the App for free! Its available on iOS, Android and Blackberry.
§ iOS - search for ‘PreHospApp’
§ Blackberry – search for ‘pre hospital app’
§ Android – search for ‘Pre-Hospital Communication App’
In 2013 a bilingual Pre Hospital Communication Guide in the form of a small booklet was produced.
An App version of the guide has now been developed which is available for everyone to use, you can download it to your phone for free!
The App is a tool to help communicate with those who have additional communication needs including:
ü People who are Deaf or hard of hearing
ü People for whom English is not their first language
ü People with learning disabilities
ü People whose illness or injury affects their communication
A person may use a mixture of speech, gesture and pictures to communicate. The App uses images and a small amount of text to help you find out important information about someone or what has happened if they have had an accident.
You can use the App to identify if the person uses a specific communication method or the language they speak. Anyone can download and use the App for free! Its available on iOS, Android and Blackberry.
§ iOS - search for ‘PreHospApp’
§ Blackberry – search for ‘pre hospital app’
§ Android – search for ‘Pre-Hospital Communication App’
Bronllys Well Being Park AGM & Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales
Thursday November the 24th at 7pm at The Concert Hall Bronllys Hospital LD3 0LU
The keynote speaker will be Chris Jones Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales talking about the opportunities for citizens and the NHS to achieve better health and well-being outcomes by working together as equal partners.
The evening will be rounded off with a fundraising Quiz Night run by a popular local Quiz Master.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information contact: Lydia powell m: 0781 5594799
* They are working closely with the National Community Land Trust Network to become a CLT
The keynote speaker will be Chris Jones Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales talking about the opportunities for citizens and the NHS to achieve better health and well-being outcomes by working together as equal partners.
The evening will be rounded off with a fundraising Quiz Night run by a popular local Quiz Master.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information contact: Lydia powell m: 0781 5594799
* They are working closely with the National Community Land Trust Network to become a CLT
Thursday, 17 November 2016
PAVO Training Progamme (January - March 2017)
Training Programme (January - March 2017)
For more information about these training courses go to: www.pavo.org.uk or contact PAVO Training at PAVO, Unit 30, Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF Tel: 01597 822191, Fax: 01597 822495, Email: training@pavo.org.uk
Preparing a Sustainable Fundraising Strategy
Thursday 12th January 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
Aims: This course will help organisations understand the importance and benefits of adopting a structured approach to fundraising in order to develop a sustainable income base.
By the end of the course, participants will:
• understand what a sustainable funding strategy is and why they need one
• learn how to explore and extend their fundraising options
• be able to construct a realistic and sustainable fundraising strategy
To book: Click here
Working together for Service Delivery
Friday 13th January 2017 (half day)
Cost: £10 (PAVO members), £20 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £30 (All other/individuals)
Aims: To provide participants with the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions about whether and how to work with other third sector organisations to deliver services.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the benefits and obstacles of joint working
• Identify some of the key practical considerations for joint working
• Assess the merits of different consortium structures
To book: Click here
Developing Trading Opportunities
Thursday 16th February 2017 (half day)
Cost: £10 (PAVO members), £20 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £30 (All other/individuals)
Aims: This course will offer an insight into how to develop trading opportunities
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
• assess their potential for trading goods or services
• understand the processes involved in developing a trading idea
• develop a competitive advantage
• know where to go for further information, help and advice
To book: Click here
Staff Supervision and Appraisal
Wednesday 22nd February 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
Aims: To provide participants with the confidence to deliver effective supervisory relationships and staff appraisals
By the end of the course, participants should be able to:
• Understand the benefits of supervision and appraisal to staff and the organisation
• Recognise the difference between supervision and appraisal
• Develop and implement appropriate systems for supervision and appraisal
To book: Click here
Financial Management
Thursday 9th March 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
· Understand the concept of financial management and controls
· Be able to implement simple management techniques and controls within their organisation
· Be able to produce appropriate reports for their governing body
· Feel confident in ensuring their organisation works to good practice standards
· Know where to go for further information and support.
To book: Click here
Demystifying Commissioning
Thursday 16th March 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
Aims: To provide participants with an understanding of the commissioning process and how they might be involved.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• understand the commissioning process for social care services
• assess the areas where third sector providers can be involved
• understand tendering, and how it fits within the commissioning cycle
To book: Click here
For more information about these training courses go to: www.pavo.org.uk or contact PAVO Training at PAVO, Unit 30, Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF Tel: 01597 822191, Fax: 01597 822495, Email: training@pavo.org.uk
Preparing a Sustainable Fundraising Strategy
Thursday 12th January 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
Aims: This course will help organisations understand the importance and benefits of adopting a structured approach to fundraising in order to develop a sustainable income base.
By the end of the course, participants will:
• understand what a sustainable funding strategy is and why they need one
• learn how to explore and extend their fundraising options
• be able to construct a realistic and sustainable fundraising strategy
To book: Click here
Working together for Service Delivery
Friday 13th January 2017 (half day)
Cost: £10 (PAVO members), £20 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £30 (All other/individuals)
Aims: To provide participants with the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions about whether and how to work with other third sector organisations to deliver services.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the benefits and obstacles of joint working
• Identify some of the key practical considerations for joint working
• Assess the merits of different consortium structures
To book: Click here
Developing Trading Opportunities
Thursday 16th February 2017 (half day)
Cost: £10 (PAVO members), £20 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £30 (All other/individuals)
Aims: This course will offer an insight into how to develop trading opportunities
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
• assess their potential for trading goods or services
• understand the processes involved in developing a trading idea
• develop a competitive advantage
• know where to go for further information, help and advice
To book: Click here
Staff Supervision and Appraisal
Wednesday 22nd February 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
Aims: To provide participants with the confidence to deliver effective supervisory relationships and staff appraisals
By the end of the course, participants should be able to:
• Understand the benefits of supervision and appraisal to staff and the organisation
• Recognise the difference between supervision and appraisal
• Develop and implement appropriate systems for supervision and appraisal
To book: Click here
Financial Management
Thursday 9th March 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
· Understand the concept of financial management and controls
· Be able to implement simple management techniques and controls within their organisation
· Be able to produce appropriate reports for their governing body
· Feel confident in ensuring their organisation works to good practice standards
· Know where to go for further information and support.
To book: Click here
Demystifying Commissioning
Thursday 16th March 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
Aims: To provide participants with an understanding of the commissioning process and how they might be involved.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• understand the commissioning process for social care services
• assess the areas where third sector providers can be involved
• understand tendering, and how it fits within the commissioning cycle
To book: Click here
Powys White Ribbon Day
10.00am to 12.00am, Friday 25th November at Powys County Hall, Llandrindod Wells.
As a White Ribbon Authority, Powys County Council and partners are committed to preventing domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women.
November 25th is White Ribbon Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is a chance for us all to show our support to survivors and to make the White Ribbon pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about men's violence against women.
This event will be show-casing some of the dedicated work that goes on every single day in Powys to combat abuse. There will be a series of very brief presentations and a chance to network with organisations including Barnardos, Calan DVS, Creu Cymru, Dyfed-Powys Police, Hafan Cymru, Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre, PAVO, the Spectrum Project and White Ribbon Ambassadors. Chris Davies MP will also be giving his support.
10.00 Arrival, photo-call and an opportunity to make the White Ribbon Pledge.
10.15 Opening of the Powys White Ribbon Day by Cllr Keith Tampin, Chairman of PCC.
10.20 “Taster” Presentations from local organisations.
10.55 Closing of the presentations.
11.00 Opening of the exhibition area with refreshments.
12.00 Event ends.
You can book a place by emailing pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or by phoning 01597 827507.
As a White Ribbon Authority, Powys County Council and partners are committed to preventing domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women.
November 25th is White Ribbon Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is a chance for us all to show our support to survivors and to make the White Ribbon pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about men's violence against women.
This event will be show-casing some of the dedicated work that goes on every single day in Powys to combat abuse. There will be a series of very brief presentations and a chance to network with organisations including Barnardos, Calan DVS, Creu Cymru, Dyfed-Powys Police, Hafan Cymru, Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre, PAVO, the Spectrum Project and White Ribbon Ambassadors. Chris Davies MP will also be giving his support.
10.00 Arrival, photo-call and an opportunity to make the White Ribbon Pledge.
10.15 Opening of the Powys White Ribbon Day by Cllr Keith Tampin, Chairman of PCC.
10.20 “Taster” Presentations from local organisations.
10.55 Closing of the presentations.
11.00 Opening of the exhibition area with refreshments.
12.00 Event ends.
You can book a place by emailing pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or by phoning 01597 827507.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Gwirvol Youth Led Grant Scheme 2016 - 2017
Grants in the region of £600 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 to help their communities. Previous successful applications secured funds to:
The applications have to be written by young people. A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications.
Application Form
Notes for Applicants
- create a community garden
- hold a fund-raising event to raise money for a village hall
- open up a footpath for local people and making it accessible for people with mobility disabilities
- run a peer-led first aid course
- train young volunteers.
The applications have to be written by young people. A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications.
Application Form
Notes for Applicants
Friday, 11 November 2016
Wales Dementia Strategy Events
The Welsh Government is planning a new Dementia Strategy for Wales.
You have the opportunity to have your say on the things that are important to you about living with dementia and what you want to see in the Wales Dementia Strategy.
We would like to hear from people living with dementia including family, partners - people who are supporting or caring
Alzheimer's Society Wales and DEEP are working together to include you.
Refreshments will be provided
There will be five first stage consultation events across Wales:
We would then like to invite you back to hear the final stage of consultation:
There will be four second stage of consultation events on the following dates & locations:
Please get in touch if you would like to:
For further information and to book your free place if you do not have access to a computer please contact:
Rachel – 07720 538851 or by email at Niblock@myid.org.uk
Hayley – 07711561170 or by email atHayley.horton@alzheimers.org.uk
You have the opportunity to have your say on the things that are important to you about living with dementia and what you want to see in the Wales Dementia Strategy.
We would like to hear from people living with dementia including family, partners - people who are supporting or caring
Alzheimer's Society Wales and DEEP are working together to include you.
Refreshments will be provided
There will be five first stage consultation events across Wales:
- Thursday November 17th – Pontypridd – Muni Arts Centre, between 11 and 2.00
- Friday November 18th – Bangor – Bangor University, between 12 and 3.00
- Wednesday November 23rd – Llandrindod Wells – Metropole Hotel & Spa, between 2 and 4.30
- Thursday November 24th – Newtown Plas Dolerw, between 2 and 4.30
- Tuesday December 6th – St. Clears, Carmarthenshire – The Gate 11 and 2.00
We would then like to invite you back to hear the final stage of consultation:
There will be four second stage of consultation events on the following dates & locations:
- Thursday January 12th – Bangor – Bangor University
- Tuesday January 17th – Llandrindod Wells – Metropole Hotel & Spa
- Thursday January 19th 2:00 – 4:30 Newtown – Plas Dolerw
- Wednesday January 25th – Pontypridd – Muni Arts Centre
- Wednesday February 8th – St. Clears, Carmarthenshire – The Gate
Please get in touch if you would like to:
- attend but need support, transport or funding to do so
- have your say but cannot attend one of the events
- find out a bit more about what the events will be like
- Order food for a specific dietary need
For further information and to book your free place if you do not have access to a computer please contact:
Rachel – 07720 538851 or by email at Niblock@myid.org.uk
Hayley – 07711561170 or by email atHayley.horton@alzheimers.org.uk
'Being a Trustee' Training Course - November 24th 2016
To celebrate National Trustees week, we have a special offer!
When you buy two places you receive a third place for free!
(Must be from the same organisation, offer runs from 07/11/2016-13/11/2016)
Date: Thursday 24th November 2016 - full day
Venue: Plas Dolerw, Milford Road, Newtown SY16 2EH
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (non PAVO members), £60 (All other/individuals)
Being a trustee is a responsible voluntary role and one that comes with duties and responsibilities. This course will take you through the legal responsibilities you have when you are a trustee as well as your role and the responsibilities you have towards your organisation.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
· understand what it means to be a trustee, who can be one and what roles and responsibilities trustees may have
· appreciate what trustees can be liable for, and know how to limit potential risks
· understand the principles of good governance, the roles of specific officers, and the difference between a trustee board and its subcommittees
· have an overview of what is needed for effective trustee recruitment and induction role
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Health & Care Futures Event - 2 Dec
For more information click on below link:
2 December 2016 at Hafod a Hendre, Royal Welsh Showground, Llanelwedd
DigiHealth UK: Enhancing the Patient’s Journey
2nd March 2017, Royal National Hotel, London
Alcohol Awareness Week 2016 - 14th to 20th November
Alcohol Awareness Week 2016 - time to see if you can help us raise awareness.
This year’s AAW toolkit can be downloaded from www.drinkwisewales.org.uk/downloads/ and the Welsh version atwww.yfeddoethcymru.org.uk/dogfennau/, the toolkit can be used for staff and clients depending on the organisation. In addition, you will find a workplace challenge poster that raises awareness of the revised alcohol guidelines
This year’s AAW toolkit can be downloaded from www.drinkwisewales.org.uk/downloads/ and the Welsh version atwww.yfeddoethcymru.org.uk/dogfennau/, the toolkit can be used for staff and clients depending on the organisation. In addition, you will find a workplace challenge poster that raises awareness of the revised alcohol guidelines
Powys CHC -Montgomery Local Committee Mtg
POWYS COMMUNITY HEALTH COUNCIL’sMontgomeryshire Local Committee Meeting will be heldon Monday 14th November 2016 in Newtown Football Club, Latham Park, Newtown at 10.30 am
** These meetings are held in public and there is an item on the agenda for members of the public to raise questions about their local health services.
Lisa Foster – 01874 610646 Lisa.Foster@waleschc.org.uk
** These meetings are held in public and there is an item on the agenda for members of the public to raise questions about their local health services.
Lisa Foster – 01874 610646 Lisa.Foster@waleschc.org.uk
Ponthafren Open Day

“Promoting positive mental health for everyone in the community.”
A fun open day for all members of the public - For you to see what Ponthafren is all about.

Making Things Better: Safeguarding, Valuing and Caring for People with Learning Disabilities
Tuesday 31st January 2017 in Manchester Conference Centre, Manchesterhttp://www.openforumevents.co.uk/?utm_source=S2%20LD17%20WE%2004%2F11%2F2016&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=S2%20Learning%20Disabilities%202017
Celf o Gwmpas Art Therapy Presentation and Discussion
Hate Crime Awareness Session, Builth Wells, 28-11-16
A Hate Crime Awareness Sessions will be held at Antur Gwy, Park Road, Builth Wells, Powys LD2 3BA on Monday the 28th of November, 1.30 to 3.30.
The sessions are free of charge.
To apply for a place, please email your application form to, Powys Training Skills Academy ptsa@powys.gov.uk
The sessions are free of charge.
To apply for a place, please email your application form to, Powys Training Skills Academy ptsa@powys.gov.uk
A Focus on Early Intervention at PAVO AGM & Annual Conference 2016
Adrian Osborne. Assistant Director (Engagement and Communication) with Powys Teaching Health Board was delighted to be part of PAVO's Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference on 8 November 2016. Here are few reflections - from Adrian and other people.
History Matters Project Zero Job Vacancy
Guidance Notes Project Coordinator for Project Zero.
Organisation: History Matters
Submission Deadline: 18th November 2016
Interview Date: To be confirmed
Project Zero , a centenary partnership project will commemorate the role of the dirigible (or airship) that was deployed in Wales during 1916 to 1918 in the service of the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS), based on Anglesey and Pembroke .
E.T Willows , the 'father of British airships' first designed, built and flew his airships at Splot outside Cardiff and went on to design the SS type blimp adopted for military service by the RNAS.
It will tell the story of the remarkable men, women and machines that patrolled the waters around the British Isles in response to Germany's 'unrestricted submarine warfare campaign' and recount the 200 lives lost in this forgotten sevice.
The project has been enabled with a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund Wales.
More information can be found at:
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Talk Communities - online survey re Communities First
The Cabinet Secretary for Communities & Children, Carl Sargeant, recently announced that he is "minded" to phase out the Communities First programme and develop a fresh approach to building resilient communities in Wales.
As part of this new approach, the Welsh Government is promoting 'Talk Communities', an online survey and twitter hashtag to hear the views of the public (including those with personal experience of Communities First) on the next steps they should take to succeed in their new priority areas: Employment, Early Years and Empowerment.
Please find attached an article that will appear in the next edition of Network Wales and the links to the Welsh Government webpage and online survey
Keep a look out for #TalkCommunities on social media to join in the online conversation.
As part of this new approach, the Welsh Government is promoting 'Talk Communities', an online survey and twitter hashtag to hear the views of the public (including those with personal experience of Communities First) on the next steps they should take to succeed in their new priority areas: Employment, Early Years and Empowerment.
Please find attached an article that will appear in the next edition of Network Wales and the links to the Welsh Government webpage and online survey
Keep a look out for #TalkCommunities on social media to join in the online conversation.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Appointment of Vice-Chair and Independent Members to NHS Wales
The closing date for receipt of applications is 16 November 2016.
Website can be viewed here: www.wales.gov.uk/publicappointments
Website can be viewed here: www.wales.gov.uk/publicappointments
British Red Cross Vacancies
In Powys (Llandrindod Wells & Ystradgynlais), Ceredigion and Flintshire
Dwyieithrwydd yn y Trydydd Sector / Bilingualism in the Third Sector
Gweithio'n Ddwyieithog yn y Trydydd Sector - 29 Tachwedd 2016 - Plas Dolerw, Y Drenewydd
Nod yr hyfforddiant yma yw rhoi hyder a gwybodaeth i fudiadau ddatblygu'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg yn eu gweithleoedd ac yn eu gwasnaethau
Ar gyfer pwy?
Rheolwyr a gweithwyr llinell flaen sy'n dymuno datblygu dwyieithrwydd eu mudiad
Swyddogion sydd yn gyfrifol am bolisi iaith eu mudiad
Unigolion sydd eisiau gwybod mwy am arwyddocâd gweithredu'n ddwyieithog
Hyfforddwr: Siwan Tomos Mwy o wybodaeth yma
Working Bilingually in the Third Sector - 29 November 2016 - Plas Dolerw, Newtown
The aim of the session is to give organisations information and confidence to develop the use of Welsh in their workplaces and when delivering services
Audience: The training is intended for
Managers and frontline staff who want to develop bilingualism in their organisation
Officers who are responsible for their organisation's language policy
Individuals who want to know more about the significance of working bilingually
Trainer: Siwan Tomos Further information here
Nod yr hyfforddiant yma yw rhoi hyder a gwybodaeth i fudiadau ddatblygu'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg yn eu gweithleoedd ac yn eu gwasnaethau
Ar gyfer pwy?
Rheolwyr a gweithwyr llinell flaen sy'n dymuno datblygu dwyieithrwydd eu mudiad
Swyddogion sydd yn gyfrifol am bolisi iaith eu mudiad
Unigolion sydd eisiau gwybod mwy am arwyddocâd gweithredu'n ddwyieithog
Hyfforddwr: Siwan Tomos Mwy o wybodaeth yma
Working Bilingually in the Third Sector - 29 November 2016 - Plas Dolerw, Newtown
The aim of the session is to give organisations information and confidence to develop the use of Welsh in their workplaces and when delivering services
Audience: The training is intended for
Managers and frontline staff who want to develop bilingualism in their organisation
Officers who are responsible for their organisation's language policy
Individuals who want to know more about the significance of working bilingually
Trainer: Siwan Tomos Further information here
Assistive Technology For unpaid carers- Drop in Sessions during November
County Wide Drop in Sessions
The Commissioning team are holding various drop in sessions for Health and Social Care Professionals throughout November. This is a chance to see the products available.
Come and see a range of products that are now available for unpaid carers only
09/11/16 12 Christchurch Court Llandrindod Wells
15/11/16 Chamber, Neuadd Maldwyn, Welshpool
17/11/16 Rm 62 Neuadd Brycheiniog, Brecon
28/11/16 1st Fl Conf Rm, Hendrladus, Ystradgynlais
07/12/16 Conf Rm, The Park Newtown
All sessions 10am – 3pm Further Information Email Eail:derek.johnston@powys.gov.uk
For copy of the Brochure September 2016 contact Derek Johnston
For copy foo
For copyn
For cope:01597 826707
The Commissioning team are holding various drop in sessions for Health and Social Care Professionals throughout November. This is a chance to see the products available.
Come and see a range of products that are now available for unpaid carers only
09/11/16 12 Christchurch Court Llandrindod Wells
15/11/16 Chamber, Neuadd Maldwyn, Welshpool
17/11/16 Rm 62 Neuadd Brycheiniog, Brecon
28/11/16 1st Fl Conf Rm, Hendrladus, Ystradgynlais
07/12/16 Conf Rm, The Park Newtown
All sessions 10am – 3pm Further Information Email Eail:derek.johnston@powys.gov.uk
For copy of the Brochure September 2016 contact Derek Johnston
For copy foo
For copyn
For cope:01597 826707
Forre-booking not necessary
Forre-booking not necessary
Pre Hospital Communication Guide Now Available as an App!
In 2013 a bilingual Pre Hospital Communication Guide in the form of a small booklet was developed.
An App version of the guide has now been developed, which is available for everyone to use, you can download it to your phone for free!
The App is a tool to help communicate with those who have additional communication needs including:
ü People who are Deaf or hard of hearing
ü People for whom English is not their first language
ü People with learning disabilities
ü People whose illness or injury affects their communication
A person may use a mixture of speech, gesture and pictures to communicate. The App uses images and a small amount of text to help you find out important information about someone or what has happened if they have had an accident.
You can use the App to identify if the person uses a specific communication method or the language they speak. Anyone can download and use the App for free! Its available on iOS, Android and Blackberry.
§ iOS - search for ‘PreHospApp’
§ Blackberry – search for ‘pre hospital app’
§ Android – search for ‘Pre-Hospital Communication App’
An App version of the guide has now been developed, which is available for everyone to use, you can download it to your phone for free!
The App is a tool to help communicate with those who have additional communication needs including:
ü People who are Deaf or hard of hearing
ü People for whom English is not their first language
ü People with learning disabilities
ü People whose illness or injury affects their communication
A person may use a mixture of speech, gesture and pictures to communicate. The App uses images and a small amount of text to help you find out important information about someone or what has happened if they have had an accident.
You can use the App to identify if the person uses a specific communication method or the language they speak. Anyone can download and use the App for free! Its available on iOS, Android and Blackberry.
§ iOS - search for ‘PreHospApp’
§ Blackberry – search for ‘pre hospital app’
§ Android – search for ‘Pre-Hospital Communication App’
Darlith Marie Curie Lecture - Making Sense of end of life care - issues
Making sense of end of life care – issues faced by the LGBT community
The lecture will be given Dr Richard Harding of Kings College London who has undertaken research in this field. The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion led by the Director of Stonewall Cymru, the Chair of the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg LHB LGBT+ staff network and a transgender activist from North Wales.
The lecture is sponsored by Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas AM and is being held in the Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay on Tuesday November 15th beginning with refreshments at 6pm.
The lecture is free and you would be very welcome to join them.
You can register to attend by clicking here.
The lecture will be given Dr Richard Harding of Kings College London who has undertaken research in this field. The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion led by the Director of Stonewall Cymru, the Chair of the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg LHB LGBT+ staff network and a transgender activist from North Wales.
The lecture is sponsored by Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas AM and is being held in the Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay on Tuesday November 15th beginning with refreshments at 6pm.
The lecture is free and you would be very welcome to join them.
You can register to attend by clicking here.
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