Based in Llandrindod Wells
Application Closing Date: 29/08/2017
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Monday, 21 August 2017
Community Mental Health Services Survey
Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales are reviewing all community adult mental health services in Wales to check whether patients are receiving the care, treatment and support that they need.
We want to know about your experiences of the health and social care you receive through local authority and NHS community mental health services.
We want to find out how well Community Mental Health Teams in Wales are doing to provide people living in the community with support for their mental health needs.
Get involved
If you have, in the past been a user of mental health services, if you are a current service user of if you are a family member/carer of some-one using or has used these services you can help us with this work by telling us about your experiences.
Please complete our online survey providing as much information as possible. The results from this survey will help us understand any issues people in Wales may be experiencing.
Friday, 18 August 2017
Parliamentary Review of health and Social Care, seeking views.
The Review’s interim report has now been published. To inform our work leading up to the final report, we’d like to know what you thought of the interim report’s findings, and how you think ‘seamless’ health and care services could be delivered. We hope you’ll spare a few minutes to let us have your views.
Research project into the provision of ‘decent work’ in domiciliary care
Chwarae Teg are currently undertaking a research project into the provision of ‘decent work’ in the domiciliary care and food and drink sectors, and looking to hold discussions or interviews with women working in these sectors about their employment experiences.
Do you know any women who are currently undertaking an apprenticeship or working in these sectors who may be interested in talking to Chwarae Teg as part of this research?
If so please contact Hade Turkmen directly at ( if you want to be involved in the project or have any questions
Do you know any women who are currently undertaking an apprenticeship or working in these sectors who may be interested in talking to Chwarae Teg as part of this research?
If so please contact Hade Turkmen directly at ( if you want to be involved in the project or have any questions
Powys Advocacy Commissioning - Strategy and Specification - 7 September
"ALERT" - NEW DATE for Powys Advocacy Network 7 September (change from 12 Sep)
venue: Radnor YFC Centre, 5 Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF.
As a result of the Network's letter to Carol Shillabeer, Interim Director for Social Services, last month, Powys County Council has asked PAVO, along with the Golden Thread Advocacy Programme (Huw Davies) to pull the Powys Advocacy Network together to co-productively look at the elements needed for a Powys wide Advocacy Strategy. This will lead to the development of a specification for the new service.
This all day event (9.30am - 3:30 p.m.) on 7th September is your opportunity to actively help shape and discuss the strategy for the provision of advocacy services in Powys (adult/older people). We have asked for this opportunity in the letter and we have a real opportunity of collectively shaping the provision of Advocacy services. We will also explore the links and differences between Advice, Assistance and Advocacy.
We will shortly send out the agenda for the event, but please make a note of this important date in your diary. We are moving the next scheduled Powys Advocacy Network meeting due to be held on the 12th September to 7th September.
If you can't attend, please send someone from your organisation/network. Please do come back to us if you need any further information.
Please let us know if you are able to attend. 01597 822191
venue: Radnor YFC Centre, 5 Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF.
As a result of the Network's letter to Carol Shillabeer, Interim Director for Social Services, last month, Powys County Council has asked PAVO, along with the Golden Thread Advocacy Programme (Huw Davies) to pull the Powys Advocacy Network together to co-productively look at the elements needed for a Powys wide Advocacy Strategy. This will lead to the development of a specification for the new service.
This all day event (9.30am - 3:30 p.m.) on 7th September is your opportunity to actively help shape and discuss the strategy for the provision of advocacy services in Powys (adult/older people). We have asked for this opportunity in the letter and we have a real opportunity of collectively shaping the provision of Advocacy services. We will also explore the links and differences between Advice, Assistance and Advocacy.
We will shortly send out the agenda for the event, but please make a note of this important date in your diary. We are moving the next scheduled Powys Advocacy Network meeting due to be held on the 12th September to 7th September.
If you can't attend, please send someone from your organisation/network. Please do come back to us if you need any further information.
Please let us know if you are able to attend. 01597 822191
Befriending Network - Special Meeting - 11th September
NEW DATE for Powys Befriending Network – 11 September 2017
We have been trying to organise the next Powys Befriending Network after the last meeting was cancelled due to illness.
There is a need to share some important updates with you about what is happening with Befriending in Powys and a new potential Sitting Service that Powys County Council are exploring. To this end, Carl Cooper, PAVO's Chief Exec, Michele Muireasgha, Head of Third Sector Development and Pete Lathbury, Head of Third Sector Support will be attending the next meeting to discuss developments and share their perspectives.
There are also some changes happening in the Senior Commissioning Management team in Powys County Council. We will also share these updates with you at the meeting.
We will send out an agenda at the beginning of September. If anyone would like to raise anything or put anything onto the agenda, please let me know so we can include this?
Please let us know if you will be attending the meeting on 11 September at 2pm in PAVO Conference Room by registering on this online form
If you do have any queries about the meeting, please do get in touch.
We have been trying to organise the next Powys Befriending Network after the last meeting was cancelled due to illness.
There is a need to share some important updates with you about what is happening with Befriending in Powys and a new potential Sitting Service that Powys County Council are exploring. To this end, Carl Cooper, PAVO's Chief Exec, Michele Muireasgha, Head of Third Sector Development and Pete Lathbury, Head of Third Sector Support will be attending the next meeting to discuss developments and share their perspectives.
There are also some changes happening in the Senior Commissioning Management team in Powys County Council. We will also share these updates with you at the meeting.
We will send out an agenda at the beginning of September. If anyone would like to raise anything or put anything onto the agenda, please let me know so we can include this?
Please let us know if you will be attending the meeting on 11 September at 2pm in PAVO Conference Room by registering on this online form
If you do have any queries about the meeting, please do get in touch.
Social media for the third sector
4 October 2017, Carmarthen - Influence and engage with your online audience
Fertility Network UK - Wales Information Day 9th September 17
When: 9 September 2017, 10am – 3pm
Where: All Nations Centre, Sachville Avenue, Cardiff CF14 3NY
Fertility Network Wales are holding the second annual Wales Fertility Options Day. The event will offer free access to a range of fertility specialists from all over the UK and Europe. Finding help and information about fertility issues can be a daunting experience, this event is designed to allow you the time to gather more literature or speak to experts in a relaxed environment at your own pace. The event is open and relevant to anyone living anywhere in the UK.
No appointments necessary but you will need a ticket! You will be able to speak with a host of exhibitors who can talk through different options available throughout your journey and beyond.
The event runs from 10 am through to 3 pm – once you have obtained your ticket you are free to drop in at a time to suit you.
If you would like to attend please follow link and register to book your ticket:
Catherine Dunn, Wales Coordinator, Fertility Network UK Mobile: 07779 587007
Where: All Nations Centre, Sachville Avenue, Cardiff CF14 3NY
Fertility Network Wales are holding the second annual Wales Fertility Options Day. The event will offer free access to a range of fertility specialists from all over the UK and Europe. Finding help and information about fertility issues can be a daunting experience, this event is designed to allow you the time to gather more literature or speak to experts in a relaxed environment at your own pace. The event is open and relevant to anyone living anywhere in the UK.
No appointments necessary but you will need a ticket! You will be able to speak with a host of exhibitors who can talk through different options available throughout your journey and beyond.
The event runs from 10 am through to 3 pm – once you have obtained your ticket you are free to drop in at a time to suit you.
If you would like to attend please follow link and register to book your ticket:
Catherine Dunn, Wales Coordinator, Fertility Network UK Mobile: 07779 587007
Summer Research Grants Scheme
You may be interested in a summer grants scheme run by The National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing which will support practitioners and policy makers in health and/or social care to get involved with developing new research projects with academics at Cardiff, Swansea and Bangor Universities.
No previous experience of writing research grant applications is necessary as this scheme is to encourage staff new to this area of work to get involved. NCPHWR is offering organisations up to £1000 in ‘back-fill’ costs for staff to take a few days away from their usual role to work on writing a joint bid as research shows that collaboration is best facilitator to research being used. NCPHWR already has a number of successful projects that are bringing funds into Wales from organisations including the Wellcome Trust and The National Institute for Health Research.
The scheme closes at the end of August but only initial ideas are required at this stage. Helen Green and the rest of the support team will then work to match up the ideas submitted with academics who specialise in those topics.
No previous experience of writing research grant applications is necessary as this scheme is to encourage staff new to this area of work to get involved. NCPHWR is offering organisations up to £1000 in ‘back-fill’ costs for staff to take a few days away from their usual role to work on writing a joint bid as research shows that collaboration is best facilitator to research being used. NCPHWR already has a number of successful projects that are bringing funds into Wales from organisations including the Wellcome Trust and The National Institute for Health Research.
The scheme closes at the end of August but only initial ideas are required at this stage. Helen Green and the rest of the support team will then work to match up the ideas submitted with academics who specialise in those topics.
Helen Green, Knowledge Exchange Officer, Policy, Research & International Development Directorate, Public Health Wales, Floor 5, Number 2 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff CF10 4BZ Ebost/Email: Ffon/Tel: 07870 801095/ 02920 104456
Meet The Funder Events in Newtown & Llandrindod Wells
An opportunity to Meet the Funders
Get the knowledge you need to help your projects succeed!
Plas Dolerw Newtown 13th September 2017 1.30pm
Book Now: 01597 822191
The Waterloo Foundation
Community Chest & Development Grants
Awards for All + People & Places
Llandrindod Wells
An opportunity to Meet the Funders in
An opportunity to Meet the Funders
Get the knowledge you need to help your projects succeed!
Plas Dolerw Newtown 13th September 2017 1.30pm
Book Now: 01597 822191
The Waterloo Foundation
Community Chest & Development Grants
Awards for All + People & Places
Llandrindod Wells
An opportunity to Meet the Funders in
Llandrindod Wells 13th September 2017 at 9.30am
Book Now: 01597 822191
The Waterloo Foundation
Community Chest & Development Grants
Awards for All + People and Places
Big Lottery Fund
Organised by PAVO
Book Now: 01597 822191
The Waterloo Foundation
Community Chest & Development Grants
Awards for All + People and Places
Big Lottery Fund
Organised by PAVO
Parental Capacity and Substance Misuse
There are places available on the Parental Capacity and Substance Misuse training provided by Kaleidoscope as follows:
Please book your places via Trent Self-Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
31st October 2017 – NPTC, Theatr Hafren, Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aim: This course is designed to give practitioners the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and practice of the impact of substance misuse on parenting capacity and family functioning. Participants will consider the ways in which substance misuse impacts on parenting in the short and long term, and the potential impact of this on children. The importance of analysing and sharing information will be a key focus along with the opportunity to reflect on practical ways of improving assessment practice.
Please book your places via Trent Self-Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
31st October 2017 – NPTC, Theatr Hafren, Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aim: This course is designed to give practitioners the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and practice of the impact of substance misuse on parenting capacity and family functioning. Participants will consider the ways in which substance misuse impacts on parenting in the short and long term, and the potential impact of this on children. The importance of analysing and sharing information will be a key focus along with the opportunity to reflect on practical ways of improving assessment practice.
Articulate the impacts of substance misuse issues on parenting and family functioning.
Identify parenting which is affected by parental substance misuse.
Describe the range of effects substance misuse in the short and long term for both parents and children, with a focus on the effects of substance use on cognitive and emotional capacity.
Discuss methods for analysing information in multi-agency parenting capacity and substance misuse assessments.
Mums Matter on Powys Mental Health blog
Both have new courses coming up in September - Brecon and Knighton.
Both have new courses coming up in September - Brecon and Knighton.
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Alcohol Brief Intervention
There are still places available on the Alcohol Brief Intervention training as follows:
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
26th Sept 2017 Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog Brecon 10.00am - 12.00pm
17th October 2017 Committee Room A, The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AA 1.30pm - 3.30pm
2nd November 2017 NPTC Campus, Coleg Powys, Llanidloes Road, Newtown SY16 4HU 10.00am - 12.00pm
Aim: “A short, evidence-based, structured conversation about alcohol consumption with a client to motivate and support the individual to think about and/or plan a change in their drinking behaviour in order to reduce their consumption”.
Understand the problem of alcohol in Wales
Identify hazardous and harmful drinkers
Offer evidence based support to drinkers
Influence behaviour change
Be more confident in tackling this difficult topic
Make a positive impact upon health in Wales
Key Learning Outcomes: Significantly reduce the alcohol drinking levels of people who have been identified as drinking hazardous and harmful amounts
Provide a valuable framework to facilitate referral of cases of alcohol dependence to specialised services
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
26th Sept 2017 Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog Brecon 10.00am - 12.00pm
17th October 2017 Committee Room A, The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AA 1.30pm - 3.30pm
2nd November 2017 NPTC Campus, Coleg Powys, Llanidloes Road, Newtown SY16 4HU 10.00am - 12.00pm
Aim: “A short, evidence-based, structured conversation about alcohol consumption with a client to motivate and support the individual to think about and/or plan a change in their drinking behaviour in order to reduce their consumption”.
Understand the problem of alcohol in Wales
Identify hazardous and harmful drinkers
Offer evidence based support to drinkers
Influence behaviour change
Be more confident in tackling this difficult topic
Make a positive impact upon health in Wales
Key Learning Outcomes: Significantly reduce the alcohol drinking levels of people who have been identified as drinking hazardous and harmful amounts
Provide a valuable framework to facilitate referral of cases of alcohol dependence to specialised services
Community Connectors Quarter 1 Report.
Community Connectors Qtr1 report. Below is a link to an 'interactive' version.
We hope you like the new format of our report and would welcome any feedback.
Clair Powell Lead Officer - Community Connectors Email:
Tel:01597828649 Mobile: 07590639600
We hope you like the new format of our report and would welcome any feedback.
Clair Powell Lead Officer - Community Connectors Email:
Tel:01597828649 Mobile: 07590639600
Basic Drug Awareness
There are still places available on the Basic Drug Awareness Level 1 training as follows:-
Please book your places via Trent self-service or email or telephone 01597 827333
10th October 2017 – NPTC, Theatr Hafren, Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aim: Increase competence in working with this client group and respond effectively using evidence-based interventions and treatment tools to work with individual drug users symptoms / issues. List referral routes and describe the range of service provision on offer.
Please book your places via Trent self-service or email or telephone 01597 827333
10th October 2017 – NPTC, Theatr Hafren, Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aim: Increase competence in working with this client group and respond effectively using evidence-based interventions and treatment tools to work with individual drug users symptoms / issues. List referral routes and describe the range of service provision on offer.
Increase knowledge and awareness of the issues relating to illegal drug use
Increase knowledge of how drugs are used and the effects upon individual’s physiology and neurology
Understand the possible affects on health.
Identify, signpost and refer people who are effected by drugs into the specialist treatment services
Increase knowledge of how drugs are used and the effects upon individual’s physiology and neurology
Understand the possible affects on health.
Identify, signpost and refer people who are effected by drugs into the specialist treatment services
Advanced Drug Awareness and Harm reduction
There are still places available on the Advanced Drug Awareness and Harm Reduction training as follows provided by Kaleidoscope.
Please book your places via Trent self-service or email or telephone 01597 827333
17th October 2017 – NPTC, Theatre Hafren, Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aim: To provide information and support for people working (in)directly with people who use illegal drugs.
Objectives: To improve knowledge of commonly used illegal drugs and the different risks associated with each drug.
To become more confident dealing with the common problems experienced by drug users, and engaging with clients on this issue.
To examine harm reduction advice that can benefit drug users.
Session content: We will look at the rational for harm reduction and the history behind it. We will look at the commonly used drugs and look at the physical, psychological and social risk impact of these and strategies to minimise each risk identified.
Please book your places via Trent self-service or email or telephone 01597 827333
17th October 2017 – NPTC, Theatre Hafren, Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aim: To provide information and support for people working (in)directly with people who use illegal drugs.
Objectives: To improve knowledge of commonly used illegal drugs and the different risks associated with each drug.
To become more confident dealing with the common problems experienced by drug users, and engaging with clients on this issue.
To examine harm reduction advice that can benefit drug users.
Session content: We will look at the rational for harm reduction and the history behind it. We will look at the commonly used drugs and look at the physical, psychological and social risk impact of these and strategies to minimise each risk identified.
Safer Injecting - 24 October - Newtown
There are places available on the Safer Injecting provided by Kaleidoscope as follows:-
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
24th October 2017 – NPTC, Theatr Hafren Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aim: To provide individuals with knowledge and skills to operate NEP services safely and within the law.
To examine the rational and values underpinning NEP.
To demonstrate injecting equipment. To examine good practice, guidelines and the law.
To be more aware of blood borne virus transmission amongst injecting drug users.
Session Content:
This session is essential if you are delivering IEP services. The session will enable participants to gain confidence delivering an IEP service to injecting drug-using clients in a variety of settings. The content of the session will include a brief history of IEP services, the law, principles and guidelines under which we work. There will be a demonstration of the correct use of IEP products and procedure for safe disposal of injecting equipment, and needle stick injury. The session will end with a demonstration of how drugs are prepared for injection in order to gain a basic insight into the injecting process and safer injecting issues. Participants will themselves have the opportunity to practice this process in order to gain insight into blood borne virus transmission.
Monday, 14 August 2017
Friday, 11 August 2017
Carers Information and Support Programme
This programme is not only an opportunity for Carers to be informed about dementia but also a chance to generate peer support from others who may be experiencing similar issues and therefore reducing the isolation that a carer can sometimes feel.
Carers Information and Support Programme which will be taking place on the following dates:
Friday 18th August
Friday 25th August
Friday 1st September
Friday 8th September
Specifically for Carers
To be held at: Bethshan, Heol Treowen, Newtown, Powys, SY16 1JA or David Allmark on 01352 700712
Carers Information and Support Programme which will be taking place on the following dates:
Friday 18th August
Friday 25th August
Friday 1st September
Friday 8th September
Specifically for Carers
To be held at: Bethshan, Heol Treowen, Newtown, Powys, SY16 1JA or David Allmark on 01352 700712
Meet and Eat Group in Llandrindod
Lunch Club with Cymryd Rhan
Every Friday 12-2 at Conservative Club, South Crescent, Llandrindod Wells (next door to The Glen Usk Hotel) 01597 828054
Every Friday 12-2 at Conservative Club, South Crescent, Llandrindod Wells (next door to The Glen Usk Hotel) 01597 828054
PAVO Training Courses: September - November 2017
We have a new set of our courses running from September to November 2017; we have a range of courses for staff and volunteers as well as individuals.
Upcoming courses:
Chairing Skills
Introduction to Quality Assurance Systems
Demystifying Commissioning
Volunteer recruitment, selection and induction
Staff Supervision and Appraisal
Upcoming courses:
Chairing Skills
Introduction to Quality Assurance Systems
Demystifying Commissioning
Volunteer recruitment, selection and induction
Staff Supervision and Appraisal
Diabetes Training
There are places available on the Diabetes training as follows:
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
20 September 2017 Cartrefi Cymru Office, 27 Ddole Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6DF
10am - 4pm
4th October 2017 Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way Brecon LD3 7HR
10am - 4pm
11th October 2017 NPTC Campus, Coleg Powys, Llanidloes Road, Newtown SY16 4HU
10am - 4pm
Aim: Would you like to learn more about caring for the patient with Diabetes?
Key Learning Outcomes
· What is Diabetes?
· Basic Diet Advice
· Foot Care
· Blood Glucose Monitoring
· Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Hypoglycaemia
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
20 September 2017 Cartrefi Cymru Office, 27 Ddole Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6DF
10am - 4pm
4th October 2017 Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way Brecon LD3 7HR
10am - 4pm
11th October 2017 NPTC Campus, Coleg Powys, Llanidloes Road, Newtown SY16 4HU
10am - 4pm
Aim: Would you like to learn more about caring for the patient with Diabetes?
Key Learning Outcomes
· What is Diabetes?
· Basic Diet Advice
· Foot Care
· Blood Glucose Monitoring
· Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Hypoglycaemia
Legal Highs or New Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Training
There are places available on the NPS training as follows:
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
20/09/2017 The Gwalia Llandrindod Wells 1.30pm - 4.30pm
22/11/2017 NPTC Newtown 1.30pm - 4.30pm
14/03/2018 Neuadd Brycheiniog Brecon 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Course Provider: CAIS Young Person’s Substance Misuse Service
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
20/09/2017 The Gwalia Llandrindod Wells 1.30pm - 4.30pm
22/11/2017 NPTC Newtown 1.30pm - 4.30pm
14/03/2018 Neuadd Brycheiniog Brecon 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Course Provider: CAIS Young Person’s Substance Misuse Service
To understand what a “Legal High” or New Psychoactive substance is
To identify where NPS come from
To understand where people buy NPS
To recognise some of the effects of NPS
To be aware of treatment and harm reduction advice
Key Learning Outcomes
By the end of the training participants will be able to:
Understand the Historical background of NPS
Identify the role of the Internet and Trends
Recognise some New Psychoactive Substances
Identify Treatment and Harm Reduction Advice
Recognise the situation in Powys
Key Learning Outcomes
By the end of the training participants will be able to:
Independent Mental Health Advocate - CADMHAS
15 hours per week
Responsible to: The Director of Services, who is responsible to The Board of Directors of CADMHAS.
Working with: Staff, volunteers and clients of CADMHAS
Location: Home base – North Powys
Area of work – Mainly North Powys but required to work throughout the County to provide cover when required
Aims of the post: To work as a statutory Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) in line with the definition of the role under the Mental Health Act 2008
Remuneration: The starting salary for the post is £21850 pro rata per annum, moving to £23150 when the Diploma in Independent Advocacy is achieved. The cost of this will be borne by CADMHAS.
Responsible to: The Director of Services, who is responsible to The Board of Directors of CADMHAS.
Working with: Staff, volunteers and clients of CADMHAS
Location: Home base – North Powys
Area of work – Mainly North Powys but required to work throughout the County to provide cover when required
Aims of the post: To work as a statutory Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) in line with the definition of the role under the Mental Health Act 2008
Remuneration: The starting salary for the post is £21850 pro rata per annum, moving to £23150 when the Diploma in Independent Advocacy is achieved. The cost of this will be borne by CADMHAS.
For more information:
Monday, 7 August 2017
Age Cymru - Attendance Allowances
Age Cymru Powys, are very happy to support clients who are 50+ and are living with disabilities, with Benefit checks and in the application of Attendance Allowances etc. These can be filled in the office or undertake home visits.
As Alternative Officers for the DWP Age Cymru holds their own AA application forms and so they control the date that the form has to be returned by making it much easier to find mutually acceptable appointment dates. The DWP application forms are time limited to 28 days which is inclusive of weekends and posting times.
In the light of this , when recommending Age Cymru services, please ask them not to ring the DWP for a form but to ring Age Cymru first to discuss the way forward.
Janet Pitcher, Information & Advice Officer
Age Cymru Powys, Old Warehouse Office, Parkers Lane, Newtown, Powys SY16 2LT
01686 623707
Health & Wellbeing Day - 17 August - Llanfyllin
Llanfyllin Youth & Community Centre 11am-3pm
Aimed at Adults: Health information stands, Llanfyllin Patients Group, taster sessions in yoga, qigong, exerise tasters, craft sessions, knit & natter in the library & much more! (storytime in the library for children)
Further information: Sheela 07462 343149
Aimed at Adults: Health information stands, Llanfyllin Patients Group, taster sessions in yoga, qigong, exerise tasters, craft sessions, knit & natter in the library & much more! (storytime in the library for children)
Further information: Sheela 07462 343149
Deaf Awareness training - 7 Sep - Llandrindod Wells
There are places available on the Deaf Awareness training on 7th September 2017 at the
Media Resource Centre, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AH 9.30am - 4.30pm
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
Aim: Sessions focus on the common problems faced by deaf and hard of hearing people and how to address them. It includes effective communication techniques to use with people who have a hearing loss.
Describe the different types of deafness and the problems caused by hearing loss
Identify behaviours which can suggest that someone may be Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing
Key Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to:
· Recognise some basic ways of improving communication with deaf people
· Describe the range of barriers which may impact on deaf people
· Identify the range, benefits and limitations of technical aids that are available
· Spell some basic words using finger spelling
Media Resource Centre, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AH 9.30am - 4.30pm
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
Aim: Sessions focus on the common problems faced by deaf and hard of hearing people and how to address them. It includes effective communication techniques to use with people who have a hearing loss.
Describe the different types of deafness and the problems caused by hearing loss
Identify behaviours which can suggest that someone may be Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing
Key Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to:
· Recognise some basic ways of improving communication with deaf people
· Describe the range of barriers which may impact on deaf people
· Identify the range, benefits and limitations of technical aids that are available
· Spell some basic words using finger spelling
Give your views on a new vision for Powys in the Year 2040
Powys’ Public Service Board (PSB) has now agreed its Vision for Powys in 2040, based on the evidence and analysis within Powys’ recent Wellbeing Assessment. This, together with a draft Wellbeing Plan based upon the Vision and the issues identified in the Assessment, is subject to an ongoing programme of public consultation over the Autumn/Winter.
You can view the PSB’s Vision, and importantly, also give your views upon it at: or
Feedback received from this survey will help inform the work that is beginning upon a draft of the Wellbeing Plan for Powys based on this Vision.
Some questions you might want to consider about the PSB’s vision are:
Does it reflect the priorities, aspirations and concerns of the people and communities that your community group or organisation works with?
Does it feel like a blue-print for ‘transformational’ change within Powys?
Do you think the objectives and aspirations it sets out are the right ones for Powys?
Does it reflect the key issues gathered in the wellbeing assessment strongly enough (these were: transport and access to services; jobs and economy; and older peoples accommodation) and offer a satisfactory approach to dealing with them?
Are there important issues facing Powys in the future which you feel the vision omits or doesn’t fully address?
PAVO will be seeking the views of community groups and voluntary organisations in more detail in the coming months upon the the draft Wellbeing Plan once it is published, however as a first step, we would encourage everyone to look at and respond to the current survey on the PSB's Vision.
For further information or queries about the Powys Wellbeing Plan process please contact Peter Lathbury at: or on 01597 822191.
You can view the PSB’s Vision, and importantly, also give your views upon it at: or
Feedback received from this survey will help inform the work that is beginning upon a draft of the Wellbeing Plan for Powys based on this Vision.
Some questions you might want to consider about the PSB’s vision are:
Does it reflect the priorities, aspirations and concerns of the people and communities that your community group or organisation works with?
Does it feel like a blue-print for ‘transformational’ change within Powys?
Do you think the objectives and aspirations it sets out are the right ones for Powys?
Does it reflect the key issues gathered in the wellbeing assessment strongly enough (these were: transport and access to services; jobs and economy; and older peoples accommodation) and offer a satisfactory approach to dealing with them?
Are there important issues facing Powys in the future which you feel the vision omits or doesn’t fully address?
PAVO will be seeking the views of community groups and voluntary organisations in more detail in the coming months upon the the draft Wellbeing Plan once it is published, however as a first step, we would encourage everyone to look at and respond to the current survey on the PSB's Vision.
For further information or queries about the Powys Wellbeing Plan process please contact Peter Lathbury at: or on 01597 822191.
Carers & Their Rights in Wales - 6th October, Nr Newtown
More information and book tickets at
To book an information stand please email (loads of room for organisations/services to display information).
Professor Clements will deliver an informative talk about the following topics:
· assessments
· adult carers
· parent carers and young carers
· care planning and direct payments
· NHS duties to carers
This seminar will cover carers' rights, the law, and the reality of day to day practice. There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout the day. It is also a good opportunity to network, and there will be information stalls from partners and supporting organisations
To book an information stand please email (loads of room for organisations/services to display information).
Professor Clements will deliver an informative talk about the following topics:
· assessments
· adult carers
· parent carers and young carers
· care planning and direct payments
· NHS duties to carers
This seminar will cover carers' rights, the law, and the reality of day to day practice. There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout the day. It is also a good opportunity to network, and there will be information stalls from partners and supporting organisations
Explore Your Archive: Memory Archive - Archwiliwch Eich Archif: Archif Cof
The Royal Commission, in partnership with Aberystwyth University School of Art, will be running a free event exploring how archives can be used as a source of material to create activities, walks, stories and artworks to help stimulate reminiscence and memory for those living with dementia.
Aimed at:
• healthcare professionals
• those responsible for developing activities and resources for people living with dementia
• anyone caring or working with people with dementia
To register for tickets online:
Aimed at:
• healthcare professionals
• those responsible for developing activities and resources for people living with dementia
• anyone caring or working with people with dementia
To register for tickets online:
Lay Council Members - The Health and Care Professions Council
For more information, and to apply, visit: or contact: – 020 7840 9171.
The closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 18 September 2017 and interviews will be held on Tuesday 17 October and Wednesday 18 October 2017.
For more information about the work of the HCPC visit:
The closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 18 September 2017 and interviews will be held on Tuesday 17 October and Wednesday 18 October 2017.
For more information about the work of the HCPC visit:
Friday, 4 August 2017
Special Meeting of Befriending Network - to be arranged
Unfortunately the 11 September date will need to be arranged. The re-schedule date will be circulated to the Befriender Network as soon as possible.
Powys Dementia Network Event - 14 September 2017
Thursday 14th September 2017
10:00am – 4:30pm
Free event – Knighton Community Centre Bowling Green Lane, Knighton, Powys LD7 1DR
Aims: To build on some of the amazing work already taking place throughout Powys, and look at how the Powys Dementia Plan for 2016-19 integrates and supports the development of Dementia Friendly Communities.
• Meet and learn from others working to make their communities more Dementia Friendly.
• Bring together community groups and voluntary initiatives with key public sector organisations and professionals.
• Reflect on what has worked, and determine how we can improve things going forward • Share good practice and sources of information
• Explore ways of working together in the future
• Identify key areas for future partnership work
Who is it for?
Existing members of the Powys Dementia Network
Anyone interested in helping to make where they live or work a more supportive environment for people living with dementia and their carers
To reserve a space, please visit or click here or contact us on 01597 822 191 /
For more information on the Powys Dementia Plan 2016-19, please go to
For more information on Dementia Friendly Communities, please go to
10:00 - Registration, tea and coffee
10:30 - Welcome and setting the scene - Freda Lacey, PAVO (Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations)
10:45 - Opening remarks - Nigel Hullah, DEEP (Dementia Empowerment & Engagement Project)
11:00 - Introduction to Dementia Matters in Powys - Sam Bolam, Dementia Matters in Powys
11:15 - Introduction to Ageing Well in Wales - Steve Huxton, Ageing Well in Wales 11:30 Tea, coffee and refreshments
12:00 - Update on the Powys Dementia Strategy - Heather Wenban, Powys Teaching Health Board
12:30 - Introducing the workshop format and topics
12:45 – 2:00 Lunch and networking Opportunity to visit a local museum working with communities in Knighton
2:00 -Workshop session 1 - Workshop topics will be based around specific details of the Powys Dementia Plan
2:45 - Feedback from workshop session 1
3:00 - Workshop session 2
3:45 - Feedback from workshop session 2
4:00 - What next? - PAVO
4:15 - Closing remarks - Nigel Hullah, DEEP
4:30 Close
We welcome contributions in Welsh
Free event – Knighton Community Centre Bowling Green Lane, Knighton, Powys LD7 1DR
Aims: To build on some of the amazing work already taking place throughout Powys, and look at how the Powys Dementia Plan for 2016-19 integrates and supports the development of Dementia Friendly Communities.
• Meet and learn from others working to make their communities more Dementia Friendly.
• Bring together community groups and voluntary initiatives with key public sector organisations and professionals.
• Reflect on what has worked, and determine how we can improve things going forward • Share good practice and sources of information
• Explore ways of working together in the future
• Identify key areas for future partnership work
Who is it for?
Existing members of the Powys Dementia Network
Anyone interested in helping to make where they live or work a more supportive environment for people living with dementia and their carers
To reserve a space, please visit or click here or contact us on 01597 822 191 /
For more information on the Powys Dementia Plan 2016-19, please go to
For more information on Dementia Friendly Communities, please go to
10:00 - Registration, tea and coffee
10:30 - Welcome and setting the scene - Freda Lacey, PAVO (Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations)
10:45 - Opening remarks - Nigel Hullah, DEEP (Dementia Empowerment & Engagement Project)
11:00 - Introduction to Dementia Matters in Powys - Sam Bolam, Dementia Matters in Powys
11:15 - Introduction to Ageing Well in Wales - Steve Huxton, Ageing Well in Wales 11:30 Tea, coffee and refreshments
12:00 - Update on the Powys Dementia Strategy - Heather Wenban, Powys Teaching Health Board
12:30 - Introducing the workshop format and topics
12:45 – 2:00 Lunch and networking Opportunity to visit a local museum working with communities in Knighton
2:00 -Workshop session 1 - Workshop topics will be based around specific details of the Powys Dementia Plan
2:45 - Feedback from workshop session 1
3:00 - Workshop session 2
3:45 - Feedback from workshop session 2
4:00 - What next? - PAVO
4:15 - Closing remarks - Nigel Hullah, DEEP
4:30 Close
We welcome contributions in Welsh
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
Action on Hearing Loss Event - 12 September 2017
On Tuesday 12th September
an information event is being held at the
Centre Celf Drama centre in Llandrindod Wells 10 am to 2pm.
The event’s aim is to provide information for people with hearing loss following a fantastic response to their access denied campaign in Powys in regards to cuts to assistive equipment.
You are invited to have a free stand on the day. If you would like to attend on the day please email
If you have any other enquires please don’t hesitate to contact them on 02920 333 034
You are invited to have a free stand on the day. If you would like to attend on the day please email
If you have any other enquires please don’t hesitate to contact them on 02920 333 034
Dementia Friendly Communities Newsletter 3 - Summer 2017
From: Karen Rodenburg
Cyd-Lynydd Cymunedau Dementia Gyfeillgar, Sir Drefaldwyn & Sir Faesyfed
Dementia Friendly Communities Coordinator, Montgomeryshire & Radnorshire
I hope you are all enjoying the long days and (sometimes) summer weather. Below you will find the latest edition of the Dementia Friendly Communities newsletter for North and Mid Powys.
Turn to page two to find out which is the latest community to be granted status of Working to become Dementia Friendly. And then read about all the goings on during Dementia Awareness Week, including local celebrities supporting the campaign, fund raisers and information events; where the road show bus has made an appearance; communities looking to get started; exciting plans for fund raising and awareness raising next May (already!) and note the opportunity highlighted on the last page for anyone caring for a person with a recent diagnosis of dementia (details attached).
Also note that there will be a Dementia Friends Champions induction in Newtown on Friday 18 August. To book a place or to find out more, visit the Dementia Friends website on:
And one more to note: Ageing Well in Wales and Dementia Friendly Welshpool will host a networking event on Wednesday 18 October, from 10 am in Welshpool Town Hall, lunch will be provided. All Dementia Friendly Communities are invited to take the floor for 30 minutes to share the great things they are doing. We hope that hearing real stories about how communities are making a difference in their own unique ways will inspire you and you will leave the day full of new and exciting ideas to try out.
I look forward to working with you in the autumn.
Have a great remainder of the summer and let’s hope the sun comes back out some time soon!
Regards Karen
Cyd-Lynydd Cymunedau Dementia Gyfeillgar, Sir Drefaldwyn & Sir Faesyfed
Dementia Friendly Communities Coordinator, Montgomeryshire & Radnorshire
I hope you are all enjoying the long days and (sometimes) summer weather. Below you will find the latest edition of the Dementia Friendly Communities newsletter for North and Mid Powys.
Turn to page two to find out which is the latest community to be granted status of Working to become Dementia Friendly. And then read about all the goings on during Dementia Awareness Week, including local celebrities supporting the campaign, fund raisers and information events; where the road show bus has made an appearance; communities looking to get started; exciting plans for fund raising and awareness raising next May (already!) and note the opportunity highlighted on the last page for anyone caring for a person with a recent diagnosis of dementia (details attached).
Also note that there will be a Dementia Friends Champions induction in Newtown on Friday 18 August. To book a place or to find out more, visit the Dementia Friends website on:
And one more to note: Ageing Well in Wales and Dementia Friendly Welshpool will host a networking event on Wednesday 18 October, from 10 am in Welshpool Town Hall, lunch will be provided. All Dementia Friendly Communities are invited to take the floor for 30 minutes to share the great things they are doing. We hope that hearing real stories about how communities are making a difference in their own unique ways will inspire you and you will leave the day full of new and exciting ideas to try out.
I look forward to working with you in the autumn.
Have a great remainder of the summer and let’s hope the sun comes back out some time soon!
Regards Karen
Active Travel Consultation -Powys County Council
The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 aims to make Wales a walking and cycling nation. Its purpose is to enable more people to undertake active travel for short journeys instead of using motorised vehicles where it is suitable for them to do so.
The Integrated Network Map and Existing Route Maps will be open for public consultation on Monday 24th July 2017 and will close at midnight on Sunday 22nd October.
The Integrated Network Map and Existing Route Maps will be open for public consultation on Monday 24th July 2017 and will close at midnight on Sunday 22nd October.
Making Sustainability and Transformation Plans a Reality: Action to Deliver Better Care
24 October 2017 | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm The Royal Garden Hotel, London
PAVO: Mental Health Participation Support Worker
PAVO is seeking to recruit the following post:- Mental Health Participation Support Worker
Working 14 hours a week
This is an ideal personal/professional development opportunity
Base will be Llandrindod Wells
Salary:- £708.93 per month, £8,507.20 per annum pro rata, funded until 31st May 2018
The post holder will support the work of the Mental Health Team, to support events, build on our use of social media and support and develop the increasing use and value of our database of issues and concerns from people who use mental health services.
Closing date for applications: Friday 18th August 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Interviews will be held w/c 5th September 2017 in Llandrindod Wells
Application pack:
Application Form
Job Description
Terms & Conditions
Equal Opportunity Form
or tel:01597 822191
For more information about PAVO see:
PAVO is a Mindful employer and is positive about recruiting people with mental health difficulties
Working 14 hours a week
This is an ideal personal/professional development opportunity
Base will be Llandrindod Wells
Salary:- £708.93 per month, £8,507.20 per annum pro rata, funded until 31st May 2018
The post holder will support the work of the Mental Health Team, to support events, build on our use of social media and support and develop the increasing use and value of our database of issues and concerns from people who use mental health services.
Closing date for applications: Friday 18th August 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Interviews will be held w/c 5th September 2017 in Llandrindod Wells
Application pack:
Application Form
Job Description
Terms & Conditions
Equal Opportunity Form
or tel:01597 822191
For more information about PAVO see:
PAVO is a Mindful employer and is positive about recruiting people with mental health difficulties
Dementia Matters Powys/PAVO Job Vacancy
Dementia Matters in Powys (DMP) is a newly established organisation that has grown out of a grass roots initiatives such as the Brecon Area Dementia Friendly Community. In conjunction with PAVO, who will host the posts, DMP is seeking to recruit the following:-
Chief Officer - To provide strategic, operational and creative leadership for Dementia Matters in Powys Organisation.
35 hours per week fixed term appointment is initially funded until 31st March 2018.
Salary:- £31,288 Base:- Brecon
Interviews will be held on 18 August 2017
Closing date for applications 14th August at 9 am
Application pack:
Application Form
Job Description/Terms and Conditions
Equal Opportunity Form
or tel:01597 822191
For more information about Dementia Matters Powys see
Chief Officer - To provide strategic, operational and creative leadership for Dementia Matters in Powys Organisation.
35 hours per week fixed term appointment is initially funded until 31st March 2018.
Salary:- £31,288 Base:- Brecon
Interviews will be held on 18 August 2017
Closing date for applications 14th August at 9 am
Application pack:
Application Form
Job Description/Terms and Conditions
Equal Opportunity Form
or tel:01597 822191
For more information about Dementia Matters Powys see
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales Seminars
Casework Seminar Events
The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales provides direct assistance and support to older people and their families across Wales who contact her office. During 2016-17, the Commissioner’s casework team helped hundreds of older people to have their voices heard and challenge the decision-making and practice of public bodies. Through the Commissioner’s casework, a number of key cross-cutting themes have been identified, and the ways in which they could be addressed will be explored at a series of upcoming seminars.
The seminars will include presentations by a range of speakers working with and for older people, an examination of case studies covering a number of different issues and a Q&A session with an expert panel.
Who is the target audience? The seminars are aimed at front-line staff working across the public sector, such as Local Authority Managers, Health Service Managers, Registered Social Landlords and Police Inspectors.
What are the objectives of these events? These events will allow public sector staff to consider a number of cross-cutting themes that have arisen through the work of the Commissioner’s Casework team:
· Concerns over effective communication with older people and/or their families
· Meaningful consultation with older people relating to service provision and any proposed changes to service provision
· Inflexibility with processes which can create barriers to achieving a desired outcome
· Understanding the impact of decision making which can have a detrimental impact on the lives of older people
The seminars will also provide an opportunity for delegates to reflect on the current practice of their own organisations and the ways in which policy and practice could be enhanced to improve older people’s experiences.
· Sarah Rochira – Older People’s Commissioner for Wales
· Margaret Flynn – Chair - National Safeguard Board
· Louise Hughes - Programme Manager, Golden Thread Advocacy programme, Age Cymru
· Sam Ward - Investigation and Improvement Officer, Public Services Ombudsman Office
· Professor John Williams, Aberystwyth University
Dates and venues:
17 October 2017 (9am – 5pm) - Glasdir Rural Development Centre, Llanrwst, Conwy, LL26 0DF
19 October 2017 (9am – 5pm) - Halliwell Centre, Trinity Saint David University, Carmarthen, SA31 3EP
24 October 2017 (9am – 5pm) - All Nations Centre, Sachville Avenue, Heath, Cardiff, CF14 3NY
NB: Buffet Lunch, Teas & Coffees will be provided at the events.
To book your free place now, visit:
Closing date for bookings: 22 September 2017
The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales provides direct assistance and support to older people and their families across Wales who contact her office. During 2016-17, the Commissioner’s casework team helped hundreds of older people to have their voices heard and challenge the decision-making and practice of public bodies. Through the Commissioner’s casework, a number of key cross-cutting themes have been identified, and the ways in which they could be addressed will be explored at a series of upcoming seminars.
The seminars will include presentations by a range of speakers working with and for older people, an examination of case studies covering a number of different issues and a Q&A session with an expert panel.
Who is the target audience? The seminars are aimed at front-line staff working across the public sector, such as Local Authority Managers, Health Service Managers, Registered Social Landlords and Police Inspectors.
What are the objectives of these events? These events will allow public sector staff to consider a number of cross-cutting themes that have arisen through the work of the Commissioner’s Casework team:
· Concerns over effective communication with older people and/or their families
· Meaningful consultation with older people relating to service provision and any proposed changes to service provision
· Inflexibility with processes which can create barriers to achieving a desired outcome
· Understanding the impact of decision making which can have a detrimental impact on the lives of older people
The seminars will also provide an opportunity for delegates to reflect on the current practice of their own organisations and the ways in which policy and practice could be enhanced to improve older people’s experiences.
· Sarah Rochira – Older People’s Commissioner for Wales
· Margaret Flynn – Chair - National Safeguard Board
· Louise Hughes - Programme Manager, Golden Thread Advocacy programme, Age Cymru
· Sam Ward - Investigation and Improvement Officer, Public Services Ombudsman Office
· Professor John Williams, Aberystwyth University
Dates and venues:
17 October 2017 (9am – 5pm) - Glasdir Rural Development Centre, Llanrwst, Conwy, LL26 0DF
19 October 2017 (9am – 5pm) - Halliwell Centre, Trinity Saint David University, Carmarthen, SA31 3EP
24 October 2017 (9am – 5pm) - All Nations Centre, Sachville Avenue, Heath, Cardiff, CF14 3NY
NB: Buffet Lunch, Teas & Coffees will be provided at the events.
To book your free place now, visit:
Closing date for bookings: 22 September 2017
Caring for someone living with dementia sessions
Carers Information & Support Programme (CrISP)
A programme consisting of four sessions run once a week for four weeks.
The aim is to support carers in their caring role by providing knowledge, information & coping strategies
Session 1 – Understanding Dementia.
· Understand what dementia is
· Understand more about the experience of living with dementia
· Understand some of the problems and difficulties that affect someone living with dementia
Session 2 – Legal issues & money matters
· Understand the importance of planning for the future
· Provide information about welfare benefits that carers and people living with dementia might be able to claim
· Provide information about sources of help about financial and legal issues
Session 3 – Providing support & care
· Practical ways of supporting someone experiencing difficulties associated with dementia
· Explain ways of communicating better with people living with dementia
· To provide information about local services and support available
Session 4 – Coping day to day
· Recognise how dementia impacts on everyday lives and relationships
· Recognise the importance of looking after themselves
· Identify sources of help and support
A series of four workshops covering issues that may arise for family members and friends of a person who has had a recent diagnosis of dementia.
Maximum of 12 participants for each session (tea/coffee provided).
Sessions: 1030 am to 100 pm Venue – Bethshan, Heol Treowen, Newtown, Powys, SY16 1JA
Friday 18th August
Friday 25th August
Friday 1st September
Friday 8th September
To confirm your place, please call: David Allmark, CrISP Facilitator 01352 700712
**Please note that booking is essential**
“Better understanding and insight of dementia.”
“A chance to interact with other like-minded people.”
“The experience of meeting other carers and the advantage of open discussion.”
If you require any further information please call: 01352 700462
Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Helpline - helpline is open seven days a week – with a team of trained advisors, ready to provide you with the information and support you need.
0300 222 1122
Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Weekends 10am – 4pm
A programme consisting of four sessions run once a week for four weeks.
The aim is to support carers in their caring role by providing knowledge, information & coping strategies
Session 1 – Understanding Dementia.
· Understand what dementia is
· Understand more about the experience of living with dementia
· Understand some of the problems and difficulties that affect someone living with dementia
Session 2 – Legal issues & money matters
· Understand the importance of planning for the future
· Provide information about welfare benefits that carers and people living with dementia might be able to claim
· Provide information about sources of help about financial and legal issues
Session 3 – Providing support & care
· Practical ways of supporting someone experiencing difficulties associated with dementia
· Explain ways of communicating better with people living with dementia
· To provide information about local services and support available
Session 4 – Coping day to day
· Recognise how dementia impacts on everyday lives and relationships
· Recognise the importance of looking after themselves
· Identify sources of help and support
A series of four workshops covering issues that may arise for family members and friends of a person who has had a recent diagnosis of dementia.
Maximum of 12 participants for each session (tea/coffee provided).
Sessions: 1030 am to 100 pm Venue – Bethshan, Heol Treowen, Newtown, Powys, SY16 1JA
Friday 18th August
Friday 25th August
Friday 1st September
Friday 8th September
To confirm your place, please call: David Allmark, CrISP Facilitator 01352 700712
**Please note that booking is essential**
“Better understanding and insight of dementia.”
“A chance to interact with other like-minded people.”
“The experience of meeting other carers and the advantage of open discussion.”
If you require any further information please call: 01352 700462
Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Helpline - helpline is open seven days a week – with a team of trained advisors, ready to provide you with the information and support you need.
0300 222 1122
Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Weekends 10am – 4pm
Working in Partnership to Tackle Alcohol Dependency and Abuse
Harm Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
Central London
Wednesday 22nd November 2017
Event Details Website Register to Attend
Central London
Wednesday 22nd November 2017
Event Details Website Register to Attend
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