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Sexual Health Services Powys |
I had the pleasure recently of joining Julie Richards, Suzy Fairclough and their dedicated Sexual Health team in their one year celebration of Sexual Health Services in Powys.
And what a successful and inspiring year to be proud of. Sexual Health Services Powys have a five year improvement plan with an All Wales approach linked to the Health and Social Care Strategy In their first year they have:
- Made sexual health a priority for all ages.
- Encouraged and adopted a culture of open honesty.
- Appointed a Condom Card Co-ordinator and made this an accessible service throughout the county.
- Widened the provision of Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
- Increased access to emergency contraception in rural places.
- Improved access to STI screening for all.
An inspiring carousel model of sharing the progress that's been made in the last year, made the morning an informative and productive session. We split in to small groups of three or four and visited each stand to find out more about the services provided and the developments made.
LGBTQ & Powys Pride
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Powys Pride - 27th June 2020 |
Shaun Griffiths from Mid Powys Mind talked to us about STI testing. Fear and stigma surrounding HIV and STIs often presents a barrier to testing for the older generation. This sector of society is increasingly at risk with relationships breaking down and bereavement in later life, new relationships are formed and contraception is not always seen as a necessity. The younger generation are also more complacent about STI testing, more secure in the knowledge that HIV is treatable, they are often of the opinion that HIV and STIs are something that happens elsewhere and to someone else. Hopefully with the improved access to home testing and screening, people will be able to receive the information, care and support that they need.
It was exciting to hear about the plans for Powys Pride on Saturday 27th June 2020. The event is due to take place in Llandrindod Wells, the afternoon will start with a walking parade through the town. Community events and activities are planned for the afternoon at Temple Gardens with all welcome.
The evening event will be a celebration party for adults at the Pavilion with live music.
The Powys Pride committee meets once a month on a Monday evening at Mid Powys Mind in Llandrindod. If you're interested in taking part or would like to know more please contact Shaun at Mid Powys Mind.
Sexual Health Services
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Sally - Clinical Lead PTHB Sexual Health Services. |
Sally Irving the clinical lead for Sexual Health talked us through the developments of the last year. It was great to hear that 52 members of staff have been trained in FSRH (Faculty of Reproductive & Sexual Health) Essential Skills with two members of staff completing the full FRSH training. The service will increase provision to provide Midwife and Health Visitor post-natal contraception. This service is due to be extended to include emergency contraception with pilot projects being trialled in Newtown and Llandrindod in the next few weeks. In addition to this it is planned in the future to be able to offer contraceptive implants and coils with a contraceptive 'kit bag,' for outreach services.
A pilot project in Brecon plans to run a LARC clinic alongside the Gynaecology clinic, reducing waiting times. Other outreach services are being planned to offer support with sexual abuse, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception, reducing travel times and providing different pathways of support.
Powys Gender Identity Service
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New gender identity service to be established |
In September this year the Welsh Health Service established the first Welsh Gender Identity Service According to Vaughan Gething Welsh Minister for Health & Social Care, "Establishing the new Welsh Gender Service is the first step in enabling people to access services closer to home. We are committed to continue to engage with our stakeholders as the new service evolves," Julie Richards described what Powys was doing to meet the all Wales initiative and what is available for the residents of our county. The PTHB is anticipating that the number of people wanting to access the service will be small, up to 10-12 people per year, as such the service in Powys will be a virtual one. Jonathon Shaw is the clinical lead, he's based in Machynlleth with the service available to people over the age of seventeen and a half. Awareness of Gender Identities will be promoted to communities throughout the region in an attempt to reduce the loneliness and isolation that people accessing the services can experience. It's clear that gender identification is no longer clear cut with 14 different genders to identify with. The Powys service will virtually link in to the All Wales service on a fortnightly basis to keep up to date with developments and help people link to the service, accessing the support they require.
Condom Card Scheme
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Serena Jones - Condom Card Co-ordinator. |
I remember sharing the job description for a "Condom Card Co-ordinator," earlier this year via our H&W bulletin. A member of our PAVO staff enquired if that was actually a 'real job'? I was delighted to meet the new Condom Card Co-ordinator for Powys, Serena Jones. Serena has been in post since May this year ad already made incredible progress with the provision of free condoms throughout the county.
It's easy to register for the service, all you need to do is fill out a simple form, providing a username and postcode. Once registration is complete you'll receive a key fob with a QR code. Scanning this code will display the access points to collect condoms from and whether these access points are open or closed. The first visit has to be an in person appointment, the next 10 collections can be made without an appointment then another appointment is needed before another collection can be made. This ensures that checks can be carried out and that no further services are required. Each collection contains 10 condoms for adults and 6 for people under the age of 16. There are 21 access points in the North, Mid and South of the county. Access points include LARC nurses, YFC, Kaleidoscope and CAIS. Brecon Mind and Breocn outpatients have recently completed their condom card training with plans for Montgomery YFC in the North to undertake training in the not too distant future. A possible three month pilot with Freedom Leisure is in the pipeline which would make the service more widely accessible throughout the county.
It's great to see just how much progress has been made and how committed Serena is to the scheme, keep up the good work!
Pyscho-Sexual Health Services
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mental & emotional wellbeing. |
It's important to recognise the significance of adult sexual relationships and the impact of those relationships on all aspects of our lives. Understanding that a problem with sexual health can have an impact on our mental and emotional health, our relationships and families, leading to break downs of some of our most important and significant relationships and connections. It can be difficult to open up and discuss such a private and intimate topic and often the issue is left to escalate until being addressed.
It's imperative for people accessing the service to feel as comfortable and as at ease as possible.
Change has to come from within, we can't change what's happened or make things different, how we manage that emotionally and physically is something we can work on.
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Effects of drugs & alcohol. |
Last but not least we spoke to Rob and Sarah from Children's Alcohol & Addiction Service. They work with children and young people aged 10-18 supporting them with substance misuse issues. They deliver lessons in schools to years 7, 8 & 10 about the effects of drugs and alcohol on our relationships and capacity to make rational, informed judgements about consent. With Year 10 the risks of unprotected sex are discussed as well as the unwise choice of sexual partner and unwanted pregnancies. They shared a video with us that makes the case for consent clearly and succinctly, as easy as making "A Cup of Tea,"
The carousel was a great way of sharing the breadth and scope of Sexual Health Services in Powys. It was easy to engage and ask questions and to find out about just how much this hardworking, dedicated team have achieved in their first year. They have drive and vision and a friendly, professional staff who are clearly committed to improving sexual health services in Powys. The team offer carousel style training and presentations about the services they offer, something that I would highly recommend as a hands on way to learn more.
To find out more please contact:
Suzy Fairclough - Sexual Health Services Program Manager / 01597 828711
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Safer Sex Powys. |