County Lines is a growing national concern. A review of violent crimes was carried out in 2018 leading to a greater understanding in 2021 and a recognition that County Lines is a serious current problem.
What are County Lines?
‘County Lines' is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas (within the UK), using dedicated mobile phone lines or other form of ‘deal line’. These lines are likely to exploit children and vulnerable adults to move (and store) the drugs and money and they will often use coercion, intimidation, violence (including sexual violence) and weapons. The top 3 exporting areas in the UK are London, Merseyside and the West Midlands. The major cities have become saturated with drugs and have recognised that there is money to be made in selling the drugs in smaller localities. Whilst the export of drugs from larger cities to smaller local areas has always been a problem, the increased concern with County Lines is the use of weapons and exploitation of vulnerable individuals, with the increased threat risk of harm.
Areas with an impact on Powys. |
How has Powys been affected by County Lines?
No county lines activity had been recorded in DPP for a number of months until the summer of 2020. County lines have since been recorded operating in towns including Brecon, Newtown, Llandrindod and Llanelli. The biggest threat to the Powys with regards to County Line offenders is from groups originating from Birmingham and the North West of England. Towns impacted by County Line groups originating from multiple areas are at greatest risk of violence.
How does it work?
We're asked to consider it in the same was as a business model, whereby criminal networks supply drugs. Members or individuals from the group will visit the location they are targeting and get to know local drug users supplying them with crack cocaine and /or heroin. They will build up a client list by offering cheap or good quality drugs using a ‘branded drugs line’ (E.g., Scouse Steve/Oscar/Goldie) and send out bulk texts offering drug deals and incentives to buy from them. The drug line is commonly held in the exporting area and young gang members or locals deal the drugs in the importing area. Those selling the drugs may ‘cuckoo,’ addresses or use B&Bs, Air BNBs changing address frequently, this is commonly known as ‘cuckooing,’
Criminal networks supply drugs |
What is ‘Cuckooing’ ?
Cuckooing is a new type of crime which involves a drug dealer befriending a weak, old or otherwise vulnerable individual who lives on their own. Like a cuckoo, the dealer moves in, takes over the property, and turns it into a drugs' den. Gangs begin by taking over premises in the target town, sometimes by coercion, by using property belonging to local addicts who are paid in drugs, or by beginning a relationship with a vulnerable individual. Once in place they use common marketing tactics to get established, including ‘introductory’ offers. They then expand the workforce, recruiting local runners to deliver drugs and money. The groups often use children, because they work for little pay, are easy to control, and are less likely to be detected. Children can then be groomed with gifts and money to control them via a ‘debt’ Where girls are used they can sometimes also became the victims of sexual violence.
How can we tell if someone has become a victim of Cuckooing?
There are a number of signs that can alert us to the fact that someone might be a victim of cuckooing.
Missing appointments / avoiding contact with people in a position of authority / or not allowing access to the premises (E.g., Police, housing association staff).
Reports of anti-social behaviour at the address.
Intelligence reporting / Increased number of visitors to the address / unusually high key fob activity to social housing properties.
Loss of bank card / indication that someone else is using their account.
Not staying at their home address (possibly because someone else has taken over it!).
Nervousness and or injuries.
Sudden appearance of new friends or friends from out of town with no clearly established links or common background.
A number of new or unfamiliar people in the property.
Resident appears uncomfortable.
A relapse into drug use.
Who is involved?
Cuckooing and County Lines involves the national movement and transportation of exploited, vulnerable children and individuals. Once established in town the drug dealer will return to the larger cities. Young gang members or other vulnerable people in the local area are then used to convey the proceeds back to the organisers in the cities and replenish the drugs. Frequently the drugs will be transported internally. There is likely to be evidence or intelligence of exploitation, violence or the use of weapons.
Children as young as 11 years old can be targeted for a County Lines operation. Males and females aged between 18-25 years are the current most common age group recruited, with around 20% of those involved in County Lines being under the age of 18. More often than not it's young males who are targeted and exploited. In legal terms people under the age of 18 are recognised as children and cannot consent to being exploited.
There are certain common characteristics of people targeted for County Lines operations.
People with mental health issues or physical/learning difficulties
Those having prior experience of neglect, physical/sexual abuse
Those without a stable home and children in care
Social isolation and those without a support network can make someone more vulnerable.
Connections with other people involved in gangs
Individuals who are excluded from mainstream education
Students and foreign exchange students known as 'Money Mules,' There are examples of people enrolling for courses then not attending, simply to provide a way in to recruit students to County Lines gangs.
Even children who have had no previous contact with services who are known as ‘clean skins’.
Class A drug users.
Look past the stereotypes |
Why are children and vulnerable adults used?
Whilst children and adults are mostly commonly used – anyone can become a victim.
They can have different roles within the organised crime gang or network.
They are easy to manipulate / groom / exploit.
Children don’t always see themselves as victims and can therefore be easily exploited.
The criminal isn’t caught with drugs and therefore there is less likelihood of conviction.
Children are less likely to be stopped and searched.
Children and the vulnerable are seen as expendable.
Older vulnerable people may have addresses that can be used by drug dealers to run their business from, allowing them to accommodate drug runners and stash the drugs.
The train and public transport network is used because of the ease of use, links to other areas and because children don’t drive.
The Childrens’ Society #LookCloser campaign asks us to look past some of the stereotypes, to look at what might be taking place under the surface. It asks us to consider the situation and what we can do to help to protect vulnerable young people. It's a collective responsibility that we have to ensure the safety of young people. What attracts young people to the County Lines movement ?
There are a number of factors known as ‘Push / Pull factors,’ that can coerce young and vulnerable people to get involved with county lines. Factors that can make a young person more susceptible to being recruited are
Children who have been victims of abuse.
Children from households where domestic violence has been a feature.
Children whose parents are vulnerable.
Households with a history of family breakdown.
Children with disabilities/ EBD Children who are bullied.
Children with an absence of primary attachment figure.
A recent investigation by Yorkshire and Humberside police found that very often victims are sold a dream, or a way of life through social media and made to feel part of something, giving them a sense of belonging and attention not received elsewhere. This can be achieved through
Being made to feel special, trusted, liked or fancied.
Receiving alcohol, drugs, money, food or gifts.
Getting a buzz and the excitement of risk taking behaviour.
Being offered somewhere to stay where there are no rules or boundaries.
Being given lifts, taken to new places, having adventures with ‘friends’.
Young & vulnerable people are often targeted. |
How can we tell if a young or vulnerable person has been recruited into a County Line?
The warning signs below on their own are not in themselves always cause for concern but a number of combined factors, that raises professional curiosity is worth asking the question, what might be happening here? We need to look at and be aware of what is going on around us.
Are they in possession of more than one mobile phone?
Are they paying with large sums of cash? (E.g., paying train fares or fines in cash).
Do they have any obvious signs of wealth (E.g., new trainers, new clothing / jewellery / phone – could be an indication of grooming).
Do they appear nervous / unfamiliar with the area?
Are they travelling at unusual times or travelling out of their home area? Another clue is the possession of train or bus tickets. It's not just people coming in to the area, it's also people going missing from the local area.
Are they making / receiving excessive calls or texts?
Are they avoiding staff or police?
Has their behaviour changed – becoming secretive or withdrawn or isolating from peers.
Are they going missing with unexplained absences from school, college, training, work or appointments?
Have they talked about being in debt?
Are they missing their bank card, or is there any unusual activity on their account?
Have they been found with large quantities of drugs or weapons?
Are they more confident than usual with expressions around invincibility, or not caring what happens – ‘others have their back’.
Possession of hotel keys or cards or keys to an unknown premises.
Entering or leaving vehicles with unknown adults.
Unexplained new friendships, often with the use of nicknames.
What can we do to stop the growth of County Lines in Powys?
Adopting a multi-agency response is the most effective way forward, it's not a problem that we can simply arrest our way out of. We need to be the eyes and ears of our communities, to keep vulnerable individuals within our communities safe. To do this we can ensure that our workforces and colleagues are aware of the issue and how to spot the signs. We need to encourage our workforces and colleagues to be confident that ‘If they feel something is wrong, say something about it’. Information on these concerns may be the missing part of the jigsaw
If you have any information about people involved in organised crime or those who may
be exploited then please contact Dyfed Powys Police
• Call - 101 or 999
• Email -
• Speak to your local PCSO’s
The message from our Police force is simple, “Whatever your role we need you to act on your professional curiosity – don’t leave it to others.”
Working together to support our communities. |
Further Useful Resources
Government advice - County lines: criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults. Brings together documents and promotional material related to the government’s work to end criminal exploitation
What is County Lines?
Gwent police – County Lines; Spot the Signs -
‘Are You Listening?’ – New film to tackle Child Criminal Exploitation -
SchoolBeat.Cymru have developed a lesson for delivery in schools to educate young people about one of the most significant issues that affect our communities- Criminal Exploitation of Children and County Lines -
Crimestoppers #Fearless -
The ruthlessness of a County Lines perpetrator -
Thanks to Richard Weber from Tarian Regional Organised Crime Unit for his recent presentation and information provided.