Thursday 4 April 2019

Older People's Commissioner for Wales: Strategy Launch

The  Commissioner’s three-year strategy for Wales launched on Wednesday 3rd April

Below are the links (English & Welsh).



Please see the personal message below from Helena Herklots Older People's Commissioner for Wales

Sgroliwch lawr ar gyfer y Saesneg / Please scroll down for English.
Annwyl Gyfaill,
Heddiw, rwy’n lansio fy strategaeth dair blynedd - Gwneud Cymru y lle gorau yn y byd i heneiddio. Mae’r strategaeth yn nodi’r blaenoriaethau y byddaf yn canolbwyntio arnynt dros y tair blynedd nesaf – rhoi diwedd ar wahaniaethu a rhagfarn ar sail oed, rhoi terfyn ar gam-drin pobl hŷn a galluogi i bawb heneiddio’n dda – a’r amrywiaeth eang o gamau y byddaf i’n eu cymryd yn y meysydd hyn i sbarduno newid ar ran pobl hŷn.
Cafodd fy strategaeth ei datblygu ar ôl llawer o ymgysylltu ac ymgynghori â phobl hŷn a rhanddeiliaid ledled Cymru, a wnaeth rannu eu profiadau, eu safbwyntiau a’u syniadau yng nghyswllt y newid sy'n angenrheidiol i wella bywydau pobl hŷn a'r ffyrdd y gellid cyflawni hynny.
Mae gan Gymru lawer o bethau y gall ymfalchïo ynddynt o ran y gwaith mae’n ei wneud i wella bywydau pobl hŷn. Dywedodd llawer o’r bobl hŷn rwyf wedi cwrdd â nhw bod heneiddio wedi bod yn brofiad cadarnhaol. Ond, nid yw hyn yn wir i bawb, yn enwedig i’r rheini sydd fwyaf agored i niwed. Mae angen gwneud llawer mwy i sicrhau bod pob person hŷn yn gallu cael yr ansawdd bywyd gorau, yn gallu cadw’n heini a chymryd rhan, yn gallu cael gafael ar y gwasanaethau a’r cymorth sydd eu hangen arnynt, ac yn gallu gwneud y pethau sy’n bwysig iddynt.
Fel Comisiynydd, mae gen i waith unigryw i’w wneud wrth fynd i'r afael â'r blaenoriaethau sy'n cael eu nodi yn fy strategaeth, a byddaf yn gwneud ystod eang o waith i gyflawni pob un ohonynt. Ond byddaf hefyd yn gweithio i annog pobl eraill i fynd i’r afael â'r materion hyn a chydweithio i gyflawni'r newidiadau angenrheidiol, rhywbeth a fydd ond yn cael ei gyflawni drwy gydweithio'n gyson ym mhob rhan o’r gymdeithas.
Ochr yn ochr â’m strategaeth, rwyf hefyd wedi cyhoeddi fy rhaglen waith ar gyfer 2019-20, sy’n darparu rhagor o wybodaeth am y camau y byddaf yn eu cymryd a'r gwaith y byddaf yn ei wneud yn y flwyddyn a ddaw.
Rwyf yn edrych ymlaen at barhau i gydweithio â chi dros y tair blynedd nesaf i helpu i wneud Cymru’r lle gorau yn y byd i dyfu’n hŷn.
Heléna Herklots
Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru

Dear Colleague,
Today, I am launching my three-year strategy - Making Wales the best place in the world to grow older. The strategy sets out the priorities I will focus on over the next three years – ending ageism and age discrimination, stopping the abuse of older people and enabling everyone to age well – and the wide range of action I will take in these areas to drive change for older people.
My strategy was developed following extensive engagement and consultation with older people and stakeholders throughout Wales, who shared their experiences, views and ideas about the change needed to improve older people’s lives and the ways in which this could be delivered.
Wales has much to be proud of in terms of its work to improve the lives of older people and many of the older people I have met and spoken with have told me that growing older has been a positive experience. But this is not the case for everyone, particularly those who are most vulnerable, and much more needs to be done so that all older people can have the best possible quality of life, remain active and engaged, access the services and support they may need, and do the things that matter to them.
As Commissioner, I have a unique role to play in taking forward the priorities set out in my strategy, and I will deliver a wide range of work against each of them. But I will also be working to encourage others to take these issues on and work together to deliver the changes that are needed, which will only be achieved by a concerted and consistent effort across society.
Alongside my strategy, I have also published my 2019-20 work programme, which provides further information about the action I will take and the work I will deliver in the year ahead.
I look forward to continuing to work with you over the next three years to help to make Wales the best place in the world to grow older.
Heléna Herklots
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales

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