Wednesday, 27 July 2016

CHC Montgomeryshire Local Committee Meeting

POWYS COMMUNITY HEALTH COUNCIL’s Montgomeryshire Local Committee Meeting will be held on Monday 1st August 2016 in Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown at 10.30 am

These meetings are held in public and there is an item on the agenda for members of the public to raise questions about their local health services.

Please find attached Notice of meeting, agenda and unconfirmed minutes of the previous meeting. If you would like a full set of the papers please contact or telephone 01874 624206

Age Cymru have moved! - New telephone number

Age Cymru are now in their new office in Llandrindod and have a new telephone number 
Tel:   01597 825 908.

Participation Cymru Newsletter July 2016

Powys Falls Prevention Exposition

14th September in Celf Arts Centre (Celf o Gwmpas), Tremont Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5EB

This event is predominantly aimed at Residential Care Home staff and Domiciliary Care Staff but all are welcome.

Times are : 10.00am – 4.00pm

You are welcome to stay as long as you wish. Tea and coffee will be provided but no lunch, you will need to bring your own lunch.

Please book your places via Trent Self Service or or telephone 01597 827507

Walk to Run Group

A learn to run group. Over 12 weeks we will be combining self-esteem, nutrition & learning techniques to steadily go from walking to running safely and minimise the risk of injury.

The end goal is to run 5K at your own pace!

Group to commence: Date and times to be arranged once they gage interest.

If you are interested in joining contact 01938 552770 or

PAVO Job Vacancy - Development Officer Future Fit Powys

Friday, 22 July 2016

Ashfield - Interest sought to run weekly market stall

Ashfield Community Enterprise Ltd (ACE)

Expressions of Interest sought for someone to run their weekly market stall outside The Herb Garden Café Llandrindod Wells each Friday        From 7-30am till 1pm      5.5 hours a week @ £8 per hour    From now until November 2016 (subject to review )

The Stall sells hardy perennials, fruit and veg grown at Ashfield and some value added produce. They want to broaden the role of the stall and use it as a way of getting more people involved.

They seek someone who is reliable, committed to the ethos of Ashfield, can bring a little something extra to the job and has a means of transport to collect and return produce. If you are interested please send  a short resume (no more than 1 sheet of A4) outlining :

· why you are suited to the job
· what little ‘extra’ you can bring to the role
· how you might encourage others to get involved with the stall and Ashfield itself

Further details from Ashfield office Telephone: (01597) 829689
e-mail :      Closing date: Monday 1st August 4pm

Plans to Address Challenges in Emergency & Critical Care

The Chief Executive of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has welcomed a decision by commissioners to support Trust’s plans to address challenges in emergency and critical care.

Workplace Wellbeing survey from Mind Cymru

Workplace Wellbeing survey, targeting third sector and small businesses.

As part of a Welsh Government funded initiative to increase workplace wellbeing and resilience, Mind Cymru are working to ensure that employees are able to access information in order to support their mental health at work. This will include the provision of this information in the Welsh language as well as supporting employers to create mentally healthy workplaces.

As a starting point, we need to assess the current level of access that employees have to information that can support their mental health at work, and have designed this short survey for employers to complete. The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete and will help Mind Cymru in the development of the Workplace Resilience programme. If you would like more information or support please complete the survey and include your contact details in section 9.

Equality and Inclusion Programme 2017-2020

The Welsh Government has launched its Equality and Inclusion Funding Programme 2017-2020.

The programme consists of an Equality Grant for representative organisations and Inclusion Projects for three specific areas of work.The programme will also support a representative organisation for disabled people by extending the grant funding for Disability Wales, which was due to end in 2019, to 2020.

The Grant is open to 3rd sector organisations, working individually or in collaboration, who represent equality for Race, Gender, and Gender Re-assignment & Sexual Orientation (LGBT+). For details of how to apply, please use the link -

The Inclusion Projects will be awarded funding via procurement exercises that will be open for bids in September 2016. The projects to be funded will support Gypsy, Roma & Travellers, Migrants, Refugees & Asylum Seekers, and tackling Hate Crime. Further details of these projects will be made available in September when the bidding process will open on ‘Sell2Wales’.

Job Opportunity - Young Carers Outreach Worker, Mid Powys

50 week contract      6 month probation period

SALARY: £20,965 per annum      HOURS: 36 per week
HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT: 27 days - pro rata, plus statutory bank holidays
PENSION: 3%      REPORTING TO: Young Carer Team Leader

Introduction - A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.  Young Adult Carers are aged 18-25.

This post is to work with Young and Young Adult Carers in Mid Powys (as a guide LD1, LD2, LD4, LD5 & LD6 areas)

Completed applications must be returned by 9am on Friday 5th August.  Shortlisting will be completed on Monday 8th August and candidates invited to interviews on Thursday 11thAugust.

For more information please call 01597 823800.  To or to Powys Carers. Marlow, South Crescent, Llandrindod Wells. LD1 5DH

Invitation: Advice services strategy - engagement events

The National Advice Network, which was established by the Welsh Government in February 2015, recently submitted their advice to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children on the future of social welfare law advice in Wales.

Before finalising an Information and Advice Action Plan they would like to engage more widely with other stakeholders.
The engagement events are aimed both at those already operating within the sector and for anyone with an interest in ensuring that good quality information and advice services are accessible to those who need them.

Four regional venues have been secured across Wales as below:

Welsh Government Offices, Aberystwyth – 15th August - 10:30am – 3:30pm
Welsh Government Offices, Llandudno Junction, 9th September – 10:30am – 3:30pm
Welsh Government Offices, Merthyr Tydfil, 22nd August – 10:30am – 3:30pm
Welsh Government Offices, Penllegaer, Swansea – 6th September – 10:30am – 3:30pm

Please confirm your attendance by close of play on 26th July to

Trusty Trustee Roadshow

Future Fit Powys

Everything you need to know if you are a trustee, a director, a board member or management committee member in the third sector.  Come along to our roadshow on:

Wednesday 14th September 2016 at Crossgates Village Hall   10am - 4pm

For a fun, informative, interactive day looking at charity accounts, governance workshops, PAVO’s new Trustee Project, BIG Lottery presentation, and much more besides……..

Miss it, miss out!  To book a place go to:

Your Story, Our History. How legislation has helped to change people’s lives

  • Listen to Shango’s story to find out how Parliament’s laws have helped to change their lives #YourStoryOurHistory.
  • Shango's story: How race relations Acts have changed the lives of Afro-Carribeans in Britain #YourStoryOurHistory.
  • Leyla explains the history behind her ancestors and how equality legislation changed her life #YourStoryOurHistory.
  • Watch Leyla explain what life was like for the first Yemeni’s in Britain #YourStoryOurHistory.
  • Listen to Janett’s story to find out how the 1976 race relations Act changed her and her family’s life #YourStoryOurHistory.
  • Janett explains how race relations Acts have impacted the lives of Afro-Caribbeans in Britain #YourStoryOurHistory.

Health Promotion Library Bulletin - Summer 2016

PTHB Nursing and Midwifery Conference 2016

PtHB presents The Voice
Celebrating the excellence that is the Nursing and Midwifery profession in Powys
26 September 2016 at Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon
To book email

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Social Services Wellbeing Act Module 1 Adult Services (Introduction & General Functions) - MANDATORY

Last chance to book on the SSWB Act Module 1 Adults training which is Introduction & General Functions

28th July 2016 in NPTC, Coleg Powys, Llanidloes Road Newtown SY16 4HU 9.30am – 4.30pm

If you have not already done so, then please book your place on the Mandatory Module 1 training as above via email to or telephone 01597 827507

- Be aware of the Parts and features of the Act
- Understand the aims and ethos of the Act and what it is intended to deliver
- Understand the implications for practice of the duty to promote well-being
- Have explored a range of practical approaches to prevent and reduce the need for care and support of people in their local area
- Understand the critical role of information, advice and assistance
- Reflect on the implications of the Act for them and their organisation

Newtown achieves 'Working Towards' status - Dementia Friendly Communities

Newtown have become the third community in the area to achieve ‘Working towards’ status. Huge congratulations to them for the hard work and commitment shown by the steering group and a huge group of interested members who are busy making Newtown a better place to be for those living with and affected by Dementia.

They will have 20 new Dementia Friends Champions in the area after the induction in Newtown on 28 July, so please contact Dementia Friends directly if you would like to arrange a dementia friends session over the summer.

Karen Rodenburg is slowly spreading her work to Llanidloes, Rhayader, Montgomery and the villages around Abermule and Llandyssil. If anyone knows of any other communities that would like to talk about becoming dementia friendly, however small, please contact her.

Ageing Well in Wales are planning a half day event to be held in Machynlleth hopefully on 6 October. The event is for anyone working with a dementia friendly community or interested in joining and existing DFC, or starting a new one in their organisation or area.

Contact details: 01686 629530

Friday, 15 July 2016

Mid Powys Mind -July to August Bulletin

What is MECC? - Public Health Wales

Make Every Contact Count:

Safeguarding Older People from Domestic Abuse Seminars

The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales is holding seminar events to help safeguard older people from domestic abuse.

Who is the target audience?

The events are aimed at front-line staff from various organisations including; health & social care, Police, Fire and Rescue, home care workers, GP’s, Age Connect, Age and Care Alliance, RNIB, Intermediaries, Advocacy bodies, etc.

Delegates will be able to develop:

· An understanding of the hidden epidemic of domestic abuse of older people and be able to deal with it more effectively

· Knowledge to be able to identify the signs of abuse and what to do about it

· Knowledge of what support is available to older people

· Ideas of how to raise awareness of domestic abuse with older people

· An understanding of the hidden problem of coercion Ideas of how to implement changes in working practice

3 October 2016 - 1pm – 4.30pm
Dyfed Powys Police Headquarters, Llangunnor, Carmarthen SA31 2PF

5 October 2016 - 1pm – 4.30pm
Glyndŵr University, Mold Road, Wrexham, LL11 2AW

6 October 2016 - 9.30am -1pm
Glasdir Rural Development Centre, Llanrwst, Conwy LL26 0DF

11 October 2016 - 9.30am -1pm
Baglan Community Church, Lodge Dr, Baglan, Port Talbot SA12 8UB

17 October 2016 - 1pm - 4:30pm
Brecon Elim Church Centre, Canal Rd, Brecon, Powys LD3 7HL

20 October 2016 - 9.30am-1pm
Thornhill Church Centre, Excalibur Drive, Thornhill, Cardiff, CF14 9GA

NB. Only Teas & Coffees will be provided at the events.

Closing date for bookings: 12 September 2016

To book a free place for these events please complete the booking form:

Change rules around public contracts to let charities compete fairly, Big Society Capital tells government

One-To-One Recovery Project - Ponthafren

New WCVA Training Programme 2016-17

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

First Powys Dementia Network / Forum Meeting - 26 Sep

26 September 2016 in Knighton 2.00pm - 4.30pm

Click here to view Agenda. 

If you haven't already booked please register your attendance on the online booking form.

Monday, 11 July 2016

New blog from Disability Powys

A new blog from Disability Powys covering a range of issues and community group activities.

PAVO Training Information update

By following this link you will be taken to the PAVO training brochure - this will give you information about all the training offered, including information on what our Community Transport section offers, Page 37 provides detail of our pricing structure.

By following this link you will be taken to our latest training courses, i.e. the ones we have planned, prices are generally included;

Finally, by following this link, you will be taken to training by other providers;

All our training can be found on the PAVO website;

Friday, 8 July 2016

Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative Update and Next Meeting

Please see below a written report detailing the latest progress on the work of the Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative.

The next Collaborative Board meeting will be held on Monday 5th September 2016 at a venue to be confirmed.

Webinar - What is European funding?

What is European funding?   An introduction to the European Structural and Investment funds
2pm - 3pm      20 July 2016

Updates from the co-pro community and Co-pro Network

Here are the latest updates from the co-pro community and the Co-production Network for Wales.

There's information about the newly appointed Network Director and Network Co-ordinator,

about a proposal for an all-Wales time bank and Edgar Cahn's next visit to Wales in September along with other articles

Data Sharing Webinar from the Welsh Office

11am - 12pm      10 August 2016

Following an event on sharing person data, a webinar that is to be hosted by the Welsh Audit Office  on Open Data. The Google Hangout will look at how Open Data can help public services deliver joined up, transparent and effective public services.

Open data is data that anyone can access, use or share. When big companies or governments release non-personal data, it enables citizens, small businesses and public services to make improvements to their communities.

The implementation of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act will mean that public services will have to work together across sectors to deliver better services for citizens. Open Data can enable better data sharing across organisations and geographical areas.

Further information on the Hangout is available on the Wales Audit Office website, where attendees can also book online.

If you have any issues or queries regarding this event, please

Appointment of Vice-Chairs and Independent Members to NHS Wales

Public Appointments Opportunity – Appointment of Vice-Chairs and Independent Members to NHS Wales

The closing date for receipt of applications is 5 August 2016.

Shelter Cymru Training - summer courses

22 July/Gorffennaf
How to successfully defend a possession action – a briefing for advisers and support workers.

28 July/Gorffennaf
Autism and homelessness

6 September/Medi
Council Tax - the how and what’s next

8 September/Medi
Disrepair - duties and responsibilities

14 September/Medi
Discretionary housing payment - Which is eligible and how to claim

21 September/Medi
The equality act and public law defences to possession claims - Where are we now?

Why not bring Shelter Cymru training into your workplace?
This could make staff training more cost effective, have a course made exactly for you and your training delivered at a time and a place of your choice.

Two of our most popular in house courses are:

Homelessness, the Law in Wales - are your staff confident and up to date to advise or apply the new legislation?

Tenancy Law in the Social OR Private Rented Sector - With recent change in all areas and more looming, your staff need to be equipped with the latest information to be confident in their day to day tenancy work.

For further information please contact or 01792 483072.

Richard Williams - Rep for National Third Sector Organisations on PRPB

Richard is the new representative for national third sector organisations on the Powys Regional Partnership Board. Richard is the national director for Action on Hearing Loss Cymru and is an active member of Age Alliance Wales and was instrumental in establishing the need for stronger national third sector voice within the new partnership boards as part of the development of the Social Services and Well-being Act.

About Richard
"I have been with Action on Hearing Loss Cymru for about eight years and in that time we have refocussed on the things that really matter to our service users and members, widened our service base and increased our campaigning voice. We have significantly increased our partnership working across Wales in the interests of better meeting the needs of our service users.

I am based in Cardiff but with a role that covers the whole of Wales. My charity delivers services across Powys which are commissioned, spot purchased and charitably provided.

I am passionate about unlocking capacity within our communities, working with service users and volunteers to meet their needs in the most effective way. I strongly believe that the third sector has a key role to play in helping our public services to innovate and better need the public’s future needs.

I work in a very open way, welcome comments both positive and constructive challenge, and feel it is important to present information based on strong evidence and consultation.

I am originally from Bethel, a village outside of Caernarfon, and worked in the media sector as a journalist and newspaper editor before my current role. I speak Welsh as a first language and am a very big football fan, following Wrexham and the Wales national team.

Representing the national sector on the Powys Board I want to be open and accessible. As such I will ensure strong communications and engagement through Age Alliance Wales and the WCVA national sector networks and also can be directly accessible. I am discussing with PAVO some innovative ways in which we can share information and take views and am keen to work closely too with the local third sector to ensure we present a strong united voice for the whole of the third sector.

Obviously I am balancing this new role with my day-job but would welcome opportunities to come along to groups/workshops/conferences to give an opportunity to discuss services in the county and opportunities to better meet the needs of people.

I look forward to working with you"

Powys Regional Partnership Board Meeting - 27 June 2016

The Powys Regional Partnership Board (PRPB) met for the second time (June 27) at the Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) offices in Llandrindod Wells.

The PRPB is a multi-agency board that brings together Local Authority Leaders, Chief Executives and Managing Directors from Powys County Council (PCC) and Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB), PAVO, the third sector, private organisations who deliver care and citizen representation.

The role of the board is to ensure the new legislation in regard to Part 9 of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act (SSWBA) is implemented effectively. The Board will have responsibility to deliver on the aspirations of the Act to improve outcomes for the care and wellbeing of people in Powys.

The board’s collective knowledge together with a wide range of skills has the opportunity to shape and challenge critical issues in health and social care services in Powys.

The chair, Amanda Lewis, Strategic Director of People opened the meeting by sharing a presentation on the arrangements across Wales from a Welsh Government event. Owen Judd who represents carers at the PRPB was the only citizen in attendance to participate and contribute at this national event from across Wales.

Sue Hughes, Partnership Support Officer at PCC followed with a presentation of the boards proposed future work and priorities for year one of its operation.

Sue explained the challenge facing the board in how the flow of work is aligned and managed to avoid duplication and the necessity to work with other partnerships. Many projects have already commenced through our joint working and planning arrangements, as well as our commitment under the One Powys Plan and integration with Powys Teaching Health Board.

There are a number of projects currently being undertaken and the board confirmed that it needed to develop a mechanism to prioritise and ensure sufficient time and attention is given to the priority areas under the Welsh Government guidelines. For year one of operation it agreed that the areas for in depth scrutiny are as follows:
A return to home project for individuals with a learning disability
Ensure Integrated Care Teams are in place for Older People
Establish an everybody’s business model for identifying and assessing carers needs (inc champions)
Establish an Integrated Disability Service for Children with Complex Needs (includes pooled funds)
Develop an in depth shared regional population and service assessment that links to Future Generations Assessment
Agree the strategy and implementation plans for Early Intervention and Prevention Services ensuring that the requirements of the SSWB Act are covered across all age

A second critical area for the board was discussed regarding the Population and Service Assessment. Diane Reynolds from the council’s Corporate Insight Centre presented the work underway in collating a joint Population Assessment between the council and local health board in understanding the needs for care and support and carers who are in need of support.

Diane explained further that the Welsh Government require performance information for the Act, and the population assessment will form part of this work. However, Diane highlighted that this is not just a stats exercise or data collection, but needs to draw on local knowledge from staff, service users and citizens by listening and learning to what matters most to people in Powys.

The Population Assessment is a required to be completed by March 2017.

Communications was also on the agenda to look at developing an identity for the board and how we can collectively share information on the work of the board. A communications steering group met in early June at Ponthafren in Newtown with officers from PCC, PTHB, PAVO and citizen participation from Janet Rodgers, MBE. The group had looked at the current branding across Powys and collectively agreed on an option to take to the board for discussion. The board accepted the option in principle with a few amends required.

The board’s next meeting will be 22 August 2016. If you have any questions in relation to the board and its work, please direct your enquiry to Sue Hughes ( or 07917460679)

Care to Co-operate Launch - Wales Co-op Centre

Ystradgynlais Volunteer Centre AGM - 11 July

You are invited to the reconvened Annual General Meeting of:
Ystradgynlais Volunteer Centre as charity 515094 & CIO 1160733

to be held on

Monday 11th July 2016 at 6pm, at Old Remploy, Wind Road, Glanrhyd, Ystradgynlais SA9 1AF

New members & prospective trustees always welcome

For more information  Tel : 01639 845475 / 849192   Email: . 
Nomination forms to be completed and must be returned before the meeting starts

PAVO Training - September - November courses

Small & medium-sized charities losing out to larger organisations when bidding tendering

Lloyds Bank Foundation survey - Poor Commissioning gathering evidence to improve practice.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Participation Cymru Newsletter June 2016

Summer News - Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

E-cigarettes and young people/The Filter goes European/WTCA call for members

Vacancy-Nurse Practitioner/Lead Nurse Presteigne Medical Centre

Presteigne Medical Centre are looking for an enthusiastic nurse with proven experience of primary care. The ideal candidate would have already achieved or be working towards advanced nurse practitioner qualifications and possibly independent prescribing to supplement their core practice nurse skills such as cervical cytology, travel immunisation and chronic disease management.

They are a small and friendly progressive training practice based in the beautiful Welsh Borders. The ideal candidate would be a highly motivated and organised professional who is keen to lead and develop the practice nursing team. Working hours are likely to be over 3 or 4 days a week but this is negotiable.

For more information contact: or 01544 267985

Have you Been Bereaved - Cruse's Group sessions - Newtown

At Ponthafren Newtown

1st and 3rd Thursday every month at 2pm

For more information contact Sylvia on 0774 643 7837

Powys Careline - Community Alarm

There is a new application form for Powys Careline and change in price. The one-off installation cost is now £44.18 and the rental is £56.41 per quarter. New prices, application form and vat declaration are available from:  
Sian Holder, Powys Careline       01597 827639

Watch a video of the first Coffee Moaning in Knighton

Friday, 1 July 2016

Garden open - Ponthafren 9 July

9 July 2016 10am-4pm Adm - by donation Children - free Plants for sale
Longbridge Street, Newtown SY 16 2DY
NGS Open Gardens for charity