Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Get Active for Arthritis Project Coordinator

Home based within Mid Wales 
£21,000 pro rata (£12,600 actual) plus £446 homeworking allowance
21 hours per week

Views Wanted on Housing for Disabled People


DIARY MARKER: Befriender Network Meeting - 23 March 2017

There will be a Befriender Network Meeting at Cartrefi Cymru, Unit 27 Ddole Rd Ind Est, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6DF  on Thursday, 23 March, 09:30 – 13:00

Further details to follow.

Bipolar - Carer/Family Member Telephone Mentoring

Carer/Family Member Telephone Mentoring  -  Make an appointment to speak to a Mentor

A telephone-based peer mentoring service gives you the chance to talk one-to-one with someone else who has supported someone with bipolar. They offer mentoring if you are the loved one/family member of someone with a diagnosis of bipolar. You’ll be matched with a trained volunteer Mentor who will listen to you, help you find ways to manage, and help you to better understand bipolar.

Please contact mentoring@bipolaruk.org / 0333 323 4458 to find out more.

View of Older People survey

Cymru Older Peoples Alliance in partnership with Volunteering Matters are undertaking a range of activities to gain the views of older people on what priorities should be considered if the Welsh Government undertake a refresh of the older people’s strategy. 

They are doing this through meeting as many of the local forums as possible, an Engage project in 6 Local Authorities where they are doing street surveys and meeting groups that older people attend out of interest not because they are older people and also through an on-line survey. 
The deadline for response is March 15th.

English:  Help COPA in shaping the future Strategy for #OlderPeople in Wales https://goo.gl/forms/1ApFpcZhqYun4auT2

Welsh:  Helpwch COPA i ffurfio Strategaeth #PoblHŷn y dyfodol yng Nghymru https://goo.gl/forms/DGORLVEe0xjEbJfx2

Mid Powys Mind Spring- Summer Training


Energy Awareness training

Places are available on Energy Awareness training on the following dates:

24th April in Committee Room A, The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AA 10.00am – 12.00pm
25th April in Committee Room, Neuadd Maldwyn, Severn Road, Welshpool SY21 7AS 10.00am – 12.00pm

Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or telephone 01597 827507

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:  The Energy Best Deal (EBD) project aims to provide outreach and advice to as many consumers as is possible in England and Wales.

Ofgem have also identified that it is important to target and take into account the needs of the following particular groups of consumers;

• those of pensionable age
• those that have a disability
• those that are chronically sick
• those on low incomes
• and those living in a rural areas

The principle element of the programme is to inform consumers in matters relating to relief from fuel poverty, energy bills, switching and where to get support.

Trainers will also inform consumers and frontline workers (as appropriate) about the full range of Citizens Advice support services such as identifying and claiming benefits and dealing with debt.

The project will aim to reduce consumers energy costs; putting more money in consumers' pockets, potentially reducing any fuel debt, improving consumers' well being and improving the knowledge of their energy use options.

Through the EBD sessions, support and training for frontline staff will be provided so that they can better understand energy advice landscape and have the familiarity to assist their client in turn.

The objective is to deliver face to face public awareness raising presentations across Powys aimed at vulnerable consumers (and the frontline workers who support them). Each session will directly reach at least 8-10 consumers and /or frontline workers (combined). The sessions will offer information about getting good deals on energy, assessing the most appropriate payment method and accessing help and advice available from energy suppliers and Government for those struggling to pay their bills.

Ageing Well in Wales Resources

(hosted and chaired by the older People’s Commissioner for Wales)

More resources are being added to the website. 

Any of the falls prevention leaflets can be ordered in bulk from Gareth.rees@olderpeoplewales.com

New resources have been added to the Loneliness and Isolation Resource hub. There are also Age Friendly computers, learning and employment resources.

Powys Third Sector Awareness of NHS Smoking Cessation Service Awareness Survey

On behalf of PAVO and Public Health Wales, thank you for taking the time to complete this survey

GP Services in Wales: The Perspective of Older People

GP Services in Wales: The Perspective of Older People

There are significant and unacceptable variations in older people’s experiences of accessing and using GP services in Wales, with particular issues around the appointments booking process, the accessibility of GP surgeries and the surgery environment, the time available for appointments, communication and privacy.

Choosing Wisely Wales: changing clinical conversations

Choosing Wisely Wales is a movement to encourage open conversations between patients and their clinicians to make decisions together about the right care for the individual.


Cartrefi Cymru vacant office space

Cartrefi Cymru has two spacious offices available for rent within their Ddole Road regional office. The offices are fully serviced, apart from telephone connection, with use of communal facilities. The building is fully accessible and tenants have the option of booking additional meeting and training rooms subject to availability and terms.

Rental charge is £500 per calendar month which is inclusive of all bills apart from telephony and broadband.

The office is being marketed by McCartney and viewings can be arranged by contacting them on 01597 823300


Friday, 24 February 2017

Infoengine Grows from Strength to Strength

infoengine continues to grow from strength to strength as Wales' leading online directory of third sector services. It now serves 8 local authority areas and 4 health board areas. It has nearly 3000 organisations and services registered in its database. infoengine is committed to working collaboratively with other systems in order to improve the quality and accessibility of information to people, communities, professionals and agencies. A link is being established between infoengine and Dewis Cymru, the citizen portal for social services in Wales. Discussions are also underway to create a similar link between infoengine and NHS111 in Wales. This will mean that people can access the totality of information whichever access point they choose to use.

Mae infoengine yn parhau i dyfu o nerth i nerth fel cyfeirlyfr ar-lein blaenllaw Cymru o wasanaethau trydydd sector. Mae'n gwasanaethu bellach 8 o ardaloedd awdurdod lleol a 4 ardal bwrdd iechyd. Mae ganddo bron i 3000 o sefydliadau a gwasanaethau cofrestredig yn ei gronfa ddata. Mae infoengine wedi ymrwymo i weithio ar y cyd gyda systemau eraill er mwyn gwella ansawdd a hygyrchedd gwybodaeth i bobl, cymunedau, gweithwyr proffesiynol ac asiantaethau. Mae dolen yn cael ei sefydlu rhwng infoengine a Dewis Cymru, porth y dinesydd ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Mae trafodaethau hefyd ar y gweill i greu cyswllt tebyg rhwng infoengine a NHS111 yng Nghymru. Bydd hyn yn golygu y gall pobl gael mynediad i wybodaeth yn ei chyfanrwydd pa un bynnag bwynt mynediad y maent yn dewis defnyddio.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Translight Community Stage Lighting

Transform the ordinary into the spectacular"Translight Community Stage Lighting – providing stage lighting for community events and performances at minimal cost.  https://translightcommunitystagelighting.wordpress.com/

Fertility Network UK - New North Wales support group

The next Fertility Network UK support group meetings are taking place in the beginning of March. They are also setting up a North Wales group and are currently registering interest.

1 in 6 couples in Wales are affected by fertility issues and the impact can be devastating.

Fertility Network UK provides free and impartial support, information and understanding for anyone affected by fertility issues and during 2016 launched a Wales-specific service, helping over 100 men and women in Wales.

As the nation’s leading patient-focused fertility charity they provide up-to-date information and a listening ear. They are here on a practical and emotional level and understand the widespread impact of infertility.

· Their website http://fertilitynetworkuk.org offers information and access to a network of support including their support line where a fertility nurse can discuss treatment options and provide an explanation of medical procedures.

· Their Wales Coordinator is on hand to offer Wales-specific, impartial information and a listening ear. Contact alice@fertilitynetworkuk.org

· Their support groups welcome anyone affected by a fertility issue, both individuals and couples and offer the chance for people to get together to offer much needed peer support and learn from expert guest speakers.

- The next Swansea peer support group meeting will take place on Wednesday 1stMarch in the Canolfan Gorseinon Centre, Gorseinon. They will be joined by a guest speaker who will be discussing ‘complimentary therapies’. More information can be found HERE or by contacting alice@fertilitynetworkuk.org

- The next Cardiff peer support group meeting will take place on Wednesday 8th Marchin Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. They will be joined by a guest speaker who will be discussing ‘How to choose a clinic and fertility treatment options abroad’. More information can be foundHERE or by contacting alice@fertilitynetworkuk.org

- A new group will soon be starting up in North Wales. For more information or to register your interest please contact alice@fertilitynetworkuk.org

Additional Learning Needs & Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill

An easy read explanation of the Additional Learning Needs & Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill is now available at the link below

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Powys County Council Training

Powys County Council offer a wide range of training courses/qualifications. Whether you are a council employee, a childcare provider or work as a volunteer within the social care sector all your training requirements are available here.http://www.powys.gov.uk/en/training/training-learning-development/

Do you use social media to engage? - Training

Introduction to social media for engagement
5 April 2017, Caerphilly

Why Volunteer? Drop-in Machynlleth

"Let's Talk about Volunteer in Machynlleth & District"

Go and Join them to see why you should volunteer over a cuppa and a chat

A Drop-In session will be hald at the NEW Credu Hub
40 Heol Maengwn, Machynlleth SY20 8DT
Monday 27 February - 10am until 1pm

See what a difference you can make!  They can help find opportunities in your area.

For more information contact PAVO's Volunteer Officer Melissa on 10597 822191 or email melissa.townsend@pavo.org.uk

Assistive technology open days

A new range of assistive technology equipment will soon be available across Powys. The additional equipment will support people to live in their own homes for longer. Chris and Derek from the Adult Social Care Commissioning Team at Powys County Council will be on hand to give advice, and explain to visitors that assistive technology has a key role to play in the modernisation of health and social care services, and can enable people to take greater control, and to live independently for longer.

The council has invited members of the public, health and care professionals, or anyone with an interest in assistive technology to visit the specially equipped flat at 18 Christchurch Court, Llandrindod Wells between 10am to 4pm on the following open days:

St. David’s Day, Wednesday 1st March 2017
Thursday 9th March 2017
St. Patrick’s Day, Friday 17th March 2017
Monday 20th March 2017
Tuesday 28th March 2017

No Booking required. If you have any queries, please contact Chris Evans on 01597 826232 or Derek Johnston on 01597 826707

Charity Film Awards - Finalists


Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Singing Group in Brecon

Do you enjoy singing... or look after someone who does?
They will sing along to songs from different decades with a focus on using music to reminisce... sing with others, remember and enjoy!

On Mondays February 20th, March 20th and April 10th 2.15pm to 3.45pm
at Kensington Baptist Church Hall, Kensington Terrace, Brecon LD3 9AR

For further details contact: Sian Bourton, St John’s Family Centre, Pendre Close, Brecon LD3 8AE. Tel: 01874 611723

Feeling Isolated? Meet Friends in Brecon at St John's Family Centre

Dementia Matters in Powys – encouraging well-being and quality of life, particularly for those living with dementia and memory loss who may be more isolated in our community.
Are you a carer looking for more support?  
Are you forgetting things more often?  
Are you spending too much time on your own?

Then why not go along to St John’s Family Centre, Pendre Close, Brecon (opposite the Cathedral car park)? Dementia Matters in Powys – encouraging well-being and quality of life, particularly for those living with dementia and memory loss who may be more isolated in our community. Are you spending too much time on your own? Are you forgetting things more often? Are you a carer looking for more support? 

Every Thursday from March 9th, 2017 12.30pm to 3pm Light lunch. 
Meet old friends, make new. Have some fun. Advice and support. All welcome.

For further details contact: Rhiannon Davies, St John’s Family Centre, Pendre Close, Brecon LD3 9EA. Tel: 01874 611723

As many of you will be aware, in Autumn 2016 Dementia Matters in Powys established an Initiative group, working with individuals, community, third-sector and statutory organisations to explore the potential of establishing a Meeting Centre in Brecon aimed at supporting those with mild to moderate dementia and their families.

Considerable progress has been made, and as the first steps, from 9th March 2017 Dementia Matters in Powys will be running a weekly session at St John’s Family Centre open to those living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment, and those who care for them.

Further satellite sessions in more rural communities, based on a similar model, are also being planned.

They hope you will support this initiative by spreading the word as widely as possible. Paper copies of the flyer are also available; just contact the office indicating the number required and where you would like them to be posted or dropped off.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Friday, 17 February 2017

Direct Payments Training

2 new sessions of the Direct Payments and the Act Shared Learning

An opportunity for Managers (Group, Service and Team) and practitioners in local authorities together with those who work specifically in the field of Direct Payments both within local authorities or third sector to enhance their understanding of how to use direct payments creatively and effectively. Direct Payments can enable individuals to tailor support which meets their well-being outcomes and enrich their lives.

The series of Shared Learning Events will focus on how to realise the vision of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act through the creative and effective use of direct payments. These additional events will be held in February and March and we would greatly appreciate your support in sharing the information with your networks.

There are a limited number of places so it would be wise to book early to avoid disappointment.

Book your place via pwbotu@powys.gov.uk if you would like to attend one of the sessions. Flyer attached.

1 March 2017, 9.30am – 4pm Cardiff and Vale College, Cardiff Book here

Closing date for registration: Wednesday 22 February

15 March 2017, 9.30am – 4pm Swansea Scout and Guides Hall Book here

Closing date for registration: Wednesday 8 March


Please sign up on one of the links above by the stated closing date. Places for this event will be allocated on a first come first served basis. For further information please contact tom.brame@ccwales.org.uk

Seeking views on the future model for mental health services in North Powys (including the Dementia Home Treatment Team and Fan Gorau)

As you may be aware, the Fan Gorau Unit in Newtown temporarily closed to new admissions in June 2016 due to safety concerns arising from significant challenges in maintaining safe staffing 24 hours a day. At that time it had been our goal to re-open the service by December 2016 but repeated recruitment efforts were not successful and this has not proved possible.

In the meantime the staff from the unit have been redeployed as a Dementia Home Treatment Team. This has received positive feedback from service users and family/carers as well as from staff. We recognise however for those patients needing admission it has required travel to services further away, and this was particularly the case at the time of initial temporary closure for those people who were receiving inpatient care at the time.

Given the continued temporary closure we are currently undertaking a period of structured engagement to help us work with communities, staff and the Community Health Council to agree the way forward.

Through this engagement we are particularly keen to hear from:

· People who have experienced the new Dementia Home Treatment Service and their families & carers - about their experiences of the services, what worked and what could be improved

· People with dementia and their family and carers who may need to call on this type of service – about their hopes and concerns

· The wider public and stakeholders in Montgomeryshire – about their perceptions of the service, and their hopes for the future

· Partners in the planning and delivery of mental health services – about how we can continue to work together to provide the best possible safe & sustainable services for people with dementia in Montgomeryshire

The engagement period continues to 31 March 2017. During this time we will be attending a number of community events across Montgomeryshire. This will include attend existing events for carers, third sector organisations and others. In addition we are holding number of drop in sessions where members of the public and other stakeholders can meet members of the team, find out more and share their views. A flyer with dates of these events is attached, along with a document providing further information about this engagement.

More information is also available from our website at http://www.powysthb.wales.nhs.uk/news/44065

Assessment and Referral Forms - mini survey -to support synergy

As part of the Social Services & Well-Being Act (2014) Health & Social Care are using an integrated assessment form. 

We are trying to find out how many other assessment forms are being used by colleagues across the Sector with a view to supporting synergy in between referring people to different services and overcoming issues around delays in referring processes.

We would be grateful if you could complete the following short survey.

Last Opportunity to Book -Scoping & Mapping for Cancer & End of Life Care - 22 Feb

PAVO's Health & Social Care team have been asked to facilitate a meeting between Powys teaching Health Board and Third Sector organisations who offer cancer, palliative care and/or support services.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 22 February 2017 in PAVO's Conference Room, time 10.00am-1.00pm.

Marion Baker, Macmillan Senior Nurse for Cancer and Palliative care for Powys, is extremely keen to have an engagement session with colleagues to discuss strategy and direction of travel.

She is keen to meet with both current commissioned services through PtHB and those who may have an interest in cancer and/or wider support provision with a view to understanding what services are being offered where and identifying gaps. This includes services for carers and those relating to early intervention/prevention.

We will also brief colleagues on the current Mid Wales Collaborative research into palliative care services and ask for a representative to attend to discuss the findings.

Please can you confirm your attendance as soon as possible on this online booking form.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Latest PAVO Job Vacancy - Social Prescriber Posts


Introduction to PQASSO and PQASSO Essentials

PAVO, Llandrindod Wells - 28th March 2017

Do you want to strengthen governance, deliver better services for users, improve operating practices and better demonstrate outcomes in your third sector organisation?

Then join us to find out more about how PQASSO can help you do this.

PQASSO is NCVO’s self-assessment tool that helps third sector organisations identify areas where they are doing well and not so well, and decide exactly where improvements are needed.

The session will also introduce PQASSO Essentials - a new member of the PQASSO family which is being piloted in Wales – to help very small third sector groups and organisations review and strengthen the way they work.

Who should attend?  Anyone interested in quality assurance and strengthening third sector organisations including trustees, staff, volunteers, funders, commissioners and contract managers.

To book or for further information email darren.smith@pavo.org.uk

Lower your risk of stroke campaign

Lower your risk of stroke is a national stroke awareness campaign that will run from Monday 16 January to 31 March 2017.

The Stroke Association have created a number of items they hope that you will be able to utilise to help them to raise awareness of stroke amongst your patients.

- An infographic to be shared on screens
- A campaign briefing for your staff
- A blog post/website article and image for you to use on your websites or staff intranet

They can also provide you with additional postcards of the infographic in hard copy on request.

As explained above it is a public awareness campaign and a large part of it requires making the campaign materials available to the public. The easiest way to achieve this is by displaying the infographic at least from the 16th of January to the 31st of March. 

About the campaign:  In Wales more than 7,000 people have a stroke each year and it is one of the leading causes of severe adult disability. There are over 65,100 people in Wales and 1.2 million people in the UK living with the effects of stroke.

The campaign will raise awareness of the number of strokes caused by high blood pressure, Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs), also known as mini-strokes.

By taking action on three of the biggest stroke risk factors, the number of strokes across Wales could be reduced by up to 50%. The campaign asks people to do three simple things:

• Get their blood pressure checked once a year.
• Check their pulse for any irregularity.
• Seek medical attention immediately should they experience any stroke symptoms such as facial weakness, arm weakness or slurred speech.

If you'd like to request any further information, do not hesitate to contact us on 02920 524400 or info.cymru@stroke.org.uk

Recruitment - Campaign to End Loneliness/ Campaign Manager

Reference: C010-17      Closing Date: Sunday 26 February 2017


People & Organisational Development, Independent Age

Check of mental health services: find out what happened


Vacancy - Education Lead Wales Diabetes Network


Closing date is 27-Feb-2017.

Appointments of Chairs to NHS Wales Health Boards and Trusts

Public appointments in Wales :

Chair - Cwm Taf University Health Board
Chair - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Chair - Public Health Wales NHS Trust

The closing date for receipt of applications is 9 March 2017.

Website can be viewed here: www.wales.gov.uk/publicappointments

You can now register on the Welsh Government’s e-recruitment system for public appointments alerts. Once registered on the system, you will receive emails when new appointments are posted.  Click on this link here to register.

· If you have previously applied for a public appointment via the online system, simply Log in using the details you originally registered with.

Should you have any problems registering then please contact then Shared Services Helpdesk on 029 2082 5454 or sharedserviceshelpdesk@wales.gsi.gov.uk

ASH Wales - Wales Tobacco or Health Network meeting outcomes


Powys Citizens Advice Job Vacancies - Brecon & Newtown


Singing Sessions - Welshpool

Friday 17 March 10.30-12.00 Westwood Day Centre  -  All welcome
Join in for what is hoped will be the first of many enjoyable musical sessions A great mix of songs will be available as well as some entertaining stories For enquiries or to book your place please contact: Karen.rodenburg@alzheimers.org.uk 07736 125884

Inform Alzheimers response to the Welsh Government Dementia Strategy

Alzheimer’s Society Cymru have developed a short survey that can be found at www.alzheimers.org.uk/WalesSurvey. Whether you are someone living with dementia, caring for someone with dementia or are just interested please take part and tell them what you think needs to happen if we’re to make Wales properly dementia friendly.

Free Walk Leader Training Session in Welshpool

Tuesday 28th February Welshpool Hospital Training Room 10-4pm

The training enables you to become a qualified walk leader. You would be able to lead regular Walking Groups in your area. Local Walking Groups are designed to be short local walks which give people the opportunity for physical activity, a chance to chat to others in their community as well as staff from a range of agencies about any questions or issues they may have.

Please email Tessa.Morgan@wales.nhs.uk or ring (01874) 712738 to book onto the training

Commissioning, procurement and contracting – Expert Class

The Care Council for Wales would like to inform you of an exciting opportunity to learn about and explore different approaches to support outcome focused commissioning. Following the popularity of three Expert Classes held in January they have organised another class. There are a limited number of places available for those who have a role in commissioning services within health or social care.

The Care Council has contracted the New Economics Foundation (NEF) to support commissioners and the third sector, to enable them to work to the aspirations of new legislation including the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (the Act) and the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016.

What does this mean in practice? - that the health and social care sectors need to design, procure and deliver services in a very different way; one which focuses on early intervention and prevention and requires collaboration, co-production, and outcomes focused commissioning. These concepts are not new, but their application to commissioning can seem daunting and difficult to administer.

NEF will be running a series of expert classes for you to shed light on how this new approach to commissioning can be delivered and achieved. We will introduce you to practical tools and examples as well as personal and real-life stories to bring the approach to life, whilst building on existing local resources. You will be learning within an open, collaborative space where your reflection and insight are as valuable as the new concepts presented.

This class will help to enhance your expertise and skills and challenge some of the more traditional concepts and practice shared by the commissioning and procurement worlds.

The Expert Classes will be held on 2 March 2017 9.30 – 4.30 at Cardiff and Vale College, Cardiff

To book your space please follow this link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dosbarth-arbenigol-comisiynu-caffael-a-chontractio-commissioning-procurement-and-contracting-expert-tickets-31678176278 

Bags of Help – The community grant scheme from Tesco

Groundworks administrate this grant scheme on behalf of Tesco's. They are still getting low numbers for Powys area and would like many more groups to apply.

Groundwork is working with Tesco to encourage voluntary or community organisations, schools, health bodies, Parish/Town Councils, local authorities and social housing providers across Powys to apply for a grant of up to £5,000 to improve green spaces and increase community participation.

More information is attached. Please call Geraint Hughes at Groundwork North Wales on 01978 757524 for more information and to discuss if your project will be eligible.

Click on the link for more information; http://www.groundwork.org.uk/Sites/tescocommunityscheme/pages/Category/apply-for-a-boh-grant-tes2

Sharing power in planning & reviewing services

Would you be interested in joining these citizen reps to take grass-root views and opinions to local board meetings where service providers can find out what is working and what needs to change? For further information about becoming a citizen rep in Powys, in the field of mental health or health and social care, just get in touch with PAVO by emailing mentalhealth@pavo.org.uk or ringing 01597 822191.


Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Powys Teaching Health Board Meeting - 25 January 2017


Advice & Information on Energy, Waste & Water

Resource Efficient Wales is a single point of contact to help people and organisations to save on energy and water and to reduce and re-use waste.


Shelter Cymru Upcoming Events


Draft Vision for Health and Care in Powys to 2027 and beyond.

Powys Teaching Health Board and Powys County Council organisations are working together with key partners and the people of Powys to plan for the future of health and care.

We all know that these are challenging times, particularly with the prolonged period of austerity and the changing needs of the people of Powys. We also know that Powys is a place where we aspire to help improve the wellbeing of all people. This is why this draft strategy seeks to enable children and young people to ‘Start Well’, for people to ‘Live Well’ and older people to ‘Age Well’. Over 1000 people have contributed in some way to the development of this strategy so far and we would really value views on what has been produced.

Whilst it doesn’t describe the detail of the developments at this stage, it does outline the direction we feel is important to take. Promoting wellbeing; offeringearly help and support to people; tackling the big four diseases that limit life; and providing joined up care are the key areas that we suggest become priorities for action. This means that we will spend more time and effort helping people to stay well, to help them act early to prevent ill health and get support, and where care and treatment is required that we work with people to ensure care is joined up and based on what matters most to the individual.

We also want to provide as much care as possible in Powys. There has been real success over the last few years with the introduction of new services, and we feel that—with the development of new technology, for example—we could do more in Powys. We know that some people will continue to need to travel for services out of county, but we will focus on improving access wherever possible.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped to shape this strategy so far. We hope you enjoy reading the work so far and welcome your comments on how we could improve it further.

Prof Viv Harpwood, Chairman, Powys Teaching Health Board
Cllr Barry Thomas, Leader, Powys County Council      

Powys County Council Training Brochure


ASH Wales - Hiring a Fundraising & Communications Officer


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

GPs sign up to stop smoking initiative-ASH Wales backs calls for smokefree spaces-Smoking cessation & mental health

Follow the link:

Newtown Rotary Club 2017 grant

The Rotary run a competition offering a cash prize of up to £1400 to a project that will enhance the lives of local people. The winning project should cost no more than £1400 to fund but any voluntary labour need not be taken into account. The winner must demonstrate that the project can be completed by 30 June 2018.

Entries have to be submitted before 30 April 2017 but there are no complicated application forms or processes involved. We do however need detailed estimates. The winning project is likely to be one that offers the greatest benefit for the most people over an extended period and we will not fund any staffing costs.

The winner will be expected to take part in local publicity.

It is sufficient to email a submission to: neil@thegrants.plus.com. The winner will be notified by the end of July 2017. Funds will be released before Christmas 2017

No One Should Have to Face Dementia Alone


Coelbren Health Centre

ABMU Health Board is exploring developing Coelbren Health Centre into a Wellbeing Centre for the local community. The Health Board is keen to explore the possibility of third sector organisations using rooms at the Centre to provide services. The centre currently has 3 consultation rooms and a waiting area which could be used - it's not open every day, so the waiting room could be used for group sessions if organisations wish.

If you would be interested in having a discussion around providing services from the Wellbeing Centre, please contact me on 01639 631246 or HelenE@nptcvs.org.uk

Monday, 6 February 2017

The Instruction Manual for Life + more

February 2017 Powys Mental Health eBulletin

Making Every Contact Count - Feb 17

Public Health Waleshttp://us12.campaign-archive1.com/?u=95d7fef64044b2cc75431bcf7&id=7c93f09fb8&e=08a4e6d37a

DigiHealth UK: Enhancing the Patient’s Journey

2nd March 2017, Royal National Hotel, London


POWYS CHC's Radnorshire and Brecknock Local Committee Meeting - 9th February 2017

POWYS COMMUNITY HEALTH COUNCIL’s Radnorshire and Brecknock Local Committee Meeting will be held on Thursday 9th February 2017 in Brecon Subud Hall, Canal Bank, Brecon, LD3 7HH at 10.30 am

** These meetings are held in public and there is an item on the agenda for members of the public to raise questions about their local health services.

More information contact   Lisa.Foster@waleschc.org.uk      Tel: 01874 610646

Discretionary Housing Payments

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP’s) are available to help people who need extra help with rent or other one off costs associated with rent or tenancy. Latest reports on the Discretionary Housing Payment fund within Powys for 2016/17 show a significant underspend.

If you are aware of clients who have been affected by the Benefit Cap, are in rent arrears or require additional financial support with rent or tenancy costs, please refer them to the online application form here http://www.powys.gov.uk/en/benefits/apply-for-benefits/discretionary-housing-payments/ or alternatively paper applications can be completed and they will do our best to fast track the applications between now and the end of March 2017.

If you require any further information, please contact mailto:kate.lloyd@powys.gov.uk or mailto:claire.davies@powys.gov.uk

The ACE (achieving change through employment ) project has arrived in Powys.

This project is funded by the EU social fund until 2019 with the purpose of supporting those facing the greatest barriers to obtain employment and training. The project is able to offer the following support:

Rapid English 1-1 support – an intensive, basic English course for people with little or no English language
Funds to provide training / skills to overcome barriers preventing people from employment. Examples of how these funds have been used in other areas include CSCS tests for construction, GCSE’s, ICT skills, health and safety certificated courses, etc
CV writing
Application form guidance
Interview practice
Volunteer placements

To be eligible for the above support, individuals need to meet the following criteria:

Long term unemployed (have received job seekers allowance for over 12 months) OR Economically inactive (not in receipt of job seekers allowance)
Over 25 years old
Live in Wales (as of January, we now have Case Officers covering all counties within Wales)
Consider themselves part of a Black or minority ethnic group – this can be 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation. We are finding many people do not initially believe they meet this criteria. I myself didn’t class myself as BME, however because my maternal grandmother was born in Ireland I would qualify. We are finding, after speaking with people about half do have a family relation who qualifies them for the project and thus can benefit from the support we can offer.

The above are the main eligibility criteria. For further information about the project or to receive a referral form please contact Henrietta Davies-Dunn on tel: 07375 315925

Train for Change - Social Services & Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

Due to popular demand Powys County Council have put on another date for this event on the 20th February.

One day training session designed to help managers understand and implement the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. The sessions will be run using a new resource that brings together existing training modules on introduction and general functions, assessing and meeting needs, safeguarding and culture change. These sessions will offer more information on the expectations, implications and impact of the Act to prepare managers to be able to plan and adapt to embrace the changes expected as set out in legislation.

Target audience: Independent Care Organisation Managers and 3rd Sector Provider Managers

Start time: Registration from 09:00 for a prompt 09:30 start – 16:00 Refreshments will be provided through the day

Please note: There are only 2 places per organisation being offered due to the limited number of spaces available.

20/02/2017 9:30 – 15:30    MRC Wales Ltd, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AH

Please book your places via email to pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or telephone 01597 827507

Draft Police and Crime Plan for Dyfed Powys

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys, Dafydd Llywelyn recently consulted on priorities for a new Police and Crime Plan for the region.

The draft Police and Crime Plan can be viewed at: https://www.dyfedpowys-pcc.org.uk/en/draft-police-crime-plan/ It contains a number of priorities,one of which 'Safeguarding the Vulnerable' identifies domestic abuse,mental health and safeguarding children as particular areas of focus.The Plan also gives broad details of intentions for grant funding for communities and partners to support work that contributes to delivery of the Plan's priorities.

The Police and Crime Commissioner is seeking feedback on the draft Plan. If you would like to comment, please email sharon.richards.opcc@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk by 10 February 2017.

Temporary Overnight Closure of Llandrindod Wells Minor Injury Unit from 1 to 28 Feb 2017

PtHB convey sincere apologies that the Minor Injuries Unit at Llandrindod Wells Hospital will be temporarily closed overnight (midnight to 7am) during February 2017.

From 1 February to 28 February 2017, the Minor Injuries Unit will be open from 7am to midnight, seven days a week.

If you have a Minor Injury overnight please call NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 in the first instance or visit their website at www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk

Alternative MIU and A&E options overnight include:
- ABERGAVENNY: Nevill Hall Hospital, 24 hour A&E
- ABERYSTWYTH: Bronglais Hospital, 24 hour A&E
- BRECON: Breconshire War Memorial Hospital 24 hour Minor Injury Unit
- HEREFORD: County Hospital, 24 hour A&E
- SHREWSBURY: Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, 24 hour A&E
- WELSHPOOL: Victoria War Memorial Hospital, 24 hour Minor Injury Unit

For life-threatening conditions that require immediate medical attention call 999.