Friday, 31 October 2014
Your Feedback request - Patient Experience Strategy
Powys teaching Health Board (PtHB) is developing a Patient Experience Strategy and wishes to work with the Community Health Councils and third sector to develop the strategy and the implementation plan.
The draft strategy (attached) has the approval of the Board. It is being taken forward in response to national initiatives that highlight the need to listen and learn from patient and carer experience. It is also in response to feedback from the third sector (Third Sector Survey on Annual Quality Statement and PAVO Response to Mid Wales Health Care Study).
I have attached the draft Patient Experience Strategy for your comments and would be pleased if you would respond by e mail to Ruth Middleton by Monday 10th November 2014.
I have also summarised points that have been made to PAVO on the subject of patient feedback (attachment 2) and would be grateful if you would consider and provide feedback on whether you feel these points reflect your views?
Flu Vaccination in Powys – your views
Free NHS flu vaccination is available to people in ‘at risk’ groups and other eligible groups such as carers and health/social care workers and this year for “Carers who work on a voluntary basis providing frequent care to one or more vulnerable people whose welfare would be at risk if the carer became ill”.
Powys Local Public Health Team hold regular teleconferences on progress towards implementing the flu vaccine campaign. PAVO’s Health and Social Care Facilitator Trish Buchan feeds the third sector perspective into these conferences.
If you have any views on what is working well, what is not working so well or suggestions for improving vaccine uptake in your area , please contact Trish
Powys Local Public Health Team hold regular teleconferences on progress towards implementing the flu vaccine campaign. PAVO’s Health and Social Care Facilitator Trish Buchan feeds the third sector perspective into these conferences.
If you have any views on what is working well, what is not working so well or suggestions for improving vaccine uptake in your area , please contact Trish
Hear to Meet - South Powys
The first Hear Hear to Meet in South Powys started earlier this month in Builth Wells and they will continue to meet at least once a month for the foreseeable future.
They wish to remind you that Hear to Meet is a project provided by Action on Hearing Loss Cymru and funded by Big Lottery Fund Wales. It aims to create social opportunities for people aged 50plus with hearing loss as well as volunteer opportunities for adults of any age and hearing status.
The venue for their group at Builth Wells is at The Old TIC (Builth Home Support), The Groe, Builth Wells, LD2 3LB. The next meeting is scheduled to for Tuesday 4th November 2014 from 10.30am to 12.30pm. There is no charge and tea/coffee/refreshments are provided free too.
Feel free to contact them for more information and or if you are able to help them identify people who could benefit from attending this group or a different one in a different area. They are looking to set up more groups in South Powys. They also need Volunteers so any interest in finding our more about roles, recruitment, training, etc please get in touch with them
Feel free to spread the word and help hard of hearing people aged 50 plus feel less isolated. Those attending their other groups have got useful information, feel supported and have made new friends.
Martin Griffiths, Hear To Meet Outreach Co-ordinator South Wales
Ffon/Phone: 18002 02920 33 33 78 (use 18002 prefix at all times please)
E-bost/Email: Texts: 077 8686 1748
They wish to remind you that Hear to Meet is a project provided by Action on Hearing Loss Cymru and funded by Big Lottery Fund Wales. It aims to create social opportunities for people aged 50plus with hearing loss as well as volunteer opportunities for adults of any age and hearing status.
The venue for their group at Builth Wells is at The Old TIC (Builth Home Support), The Groe, Builth Wells, LD2 3LB. The next meeting is scheduled to for Tuesday 4th November 2014 from 10.30am to 12.30pm. There is no charge and tea/coffee/refreshments are provided free too.
Feel free to contact them for more information and or if you are able to help them identify people who could benefit from attending this group or a different one in a different area. They are looking to set up more groups in South Powys. They also need Volunteers so any interest in finding our more about roles, recruitment, training, etc please get in touch with them
Feel free to spread the word and help hard of hearing people aged 50 plus feel less isolated. Those attending their other groups have got useful information, feel supported and have made new friends.
Martin Griffiths, Hear To Meet Outreach Co-ordinator South Wales
Ffon/Phone: 18002 02920 33 33 78 (use 18002 prefix at all times please)
E-bost/Email: Texts: 077 8686 1748
A free half-day respite event for unpaid Carers
Are you a Carer? Do you find it difficult to say ‘no’ or put your point of view across? Do you feel no-one is listening to what you have to say?
Crossroads Care Mid & West Wales invites Carers in Powys to a free half-day event with refreshment which will include sessions on: · Do not be Furtive, become assertive (how to say ‘no’ without feeling guilty at home caring for someone and how to be more confident when dealing with officials)
· Dementia Friends – understanding what it’s like to live with dementia and what changes people hope for by working towards Brecon becoming a Dementia Friendly Community.
· Carers Support: - Carers’ Voice – what the project is about and how we plan to reach out to ‘hidden’ Carers to enable them to be better informed and more involved
- Powys Carers Services – supporting Carers in your area
- Alzheimer’s Society – activities and support in the area
· Taster sessions: Art therapy and arm and hand massage – your choice
10:00am – 2.30pm on Tuesday 18th November 2014 Brecon & District MIND, Ty Croeso, St David’s house, 48 Free Street, Brecon.
Assistance with transport costs or replacement care may be provided. Places are limited so to secure yours please contact: Ingrid Bernathova – Crossroads Care Mid & West Wales: 01437 764639; 07837 188360
Summary Report of HSCN Event of 7 October 2014
To view the Summary Report from the Health & Social Care Network event held on 7 October 2014 at Hafod a Hendre, Royal Welsh Showground, Llanelwedd along with copies of all the presentations visit PAVO website
Monday, 27 October 2014
Stroke Training - November 2014
14 November 2014 - Supporting Life After Stroke - Llandrindod Wells - Powys County Council
Llinos Wyn Parry Head of Life After Stroke Services - Mid and North Wales
Telephone/Ffôn 01745 586 903 Mobile/Symudol 07717 275719
Llinos Wyn Parry Head of Life After Stroke Services - Mid and North Wales
Telephone/Ffôn 01745 586 903 Mobile/Symudol 07717 275719
Do you work in the Early Years setting? - Interested in food and nutrition?
The Community Food and Nutrition Skills Course for the Early Years is accredited with Agored Cymru (formerly the Open College Network) at a Level 2. The qualification is equivalent to GCSE, NVQ2, intermediate GNVQ or Higher Diploma and involves 20 hours of learning.
It is an ideal opportunity for those working with pre-school children and their families to gain further skills and knowledge in nutrition, as well as increase their confidence in carrying out healthy eating related activities. This course supports the healthy pre-schools award for nutrition.
3rd of November - Bronllys Hospital 6-8pm
4th February - Group Therapy Room Newtown Hospital 6-8pm
The course is 7 weeks with a break for Half Term. One session will be delivered by ‘Designed to Smile’ There are 15 places for each course. There is a £10 registration fee for non-LHB staff
For further information or to book your place on this course please contact:
Heide Smith, Dietetic Support, The Courtyard, Bronllys Hospital, Bronllys, Brecon, Powys, LD3 0LU. Tel: 01874 712734 email:
It is an ideal opportunity for those working with pre-school children and their families to gain further skills and knowledge in nutrition, as well as increase their confidence in carrying out healthy eating related activities. This course supports the healthy pre-schools award for nutrition.
3rd of November - Bronllys Hospital 6-8pm
4th February - Group Therapy Room Newtown Hospital 6-8pm
The course is 7 weeks with a break for Half Term. One session will be delivered by ‘Designed to Smile’ There are 15 places for each course. There is a £10 registration fee for non-LHB staff
For further information or to book your place on this course please contact:
Heide Smith, Dietetic Support, The Courtyard, Bronllys Hospital, Bronllys, Brecon, Powys, LD3 0LU. Tel: 01874 712734 email:
A landmark week for those living with dementia in Powys
On Wednesday, Powys Councillors accepted a motion for the County Council to become dementia-friendly. Well done to Cllr Paul Ashton, a founder member of Brecon and Hay Dementia Supportive Community Group, for putting forward the proposal. Brecon Dementia Friendly Community’s next move will be to develop a model for delivery including encouraging all Powys councillors, staff and care providers to become dementia friends.
Following submission of action plans, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority and Dyfed-Powys Police have been officially recognised by the Alzheimer’s Society as ‘Working to become Dementia Friendly’. They are the first two organisations in Wales to be awarded this status. Hopefully they will be the first of many in Powys.
Following submission of action plans, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority and Dyfed-Powys Police have been officially recognised by the Alzheimer’s Society as ‘Working to become Dementia Friendly’. They are the first two organisations in Wales to be awarded this status. Hopefully they will be the first of many in Powys.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Services for Independent Living
Applications are now invited from interested parties for the funding
available through the Intermediate Care Fund for a Supported Shopping
Buddy Service and a Cleaning/Gardening/Laundry Service.
Application packs available from mid-November by contacting the Intermediate Care & Support Co-ordinator Tel. No: 01597 870667 - Please contact to register your interest.
Application packs available from mid-November by contacting the Intermediate Care & Support Co-ordinator Tel. No: 01597 870667 - Please contact to register your interest.
Report into Healthcare in Mid Wales has been published
Professor Marcus Longley's report into Healthcare in Mid Wales has been published.
Please see link below:
Please see link below:
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Eligibility Criteria Consultation
Adult Social Services are consulting on changing the eligibility criteria for adult social care from ‘moderate’ to ‘substantial’. The consultation period ends on the 31st October 2014 and they would like feedback from as many people as possible in Powys.
If you have not already done so, please could you spare some time to provide some feedback?
Below is the link to the questionnaire for any comments which you may have. In addition, if there is anyone that you know who could be affected by this change, could you please forward the questionnaire to them.
- (English version)
- (Welsh version)
Councillor Darren Mayor, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Social Care has explained: “We are asking people for their views before Cabinet takes a decision on this matter. If we do go ahead with this it will bring us into line with the great majority of Welsh councils. However, before we take a decision, we want to hear people’s views on the proposal.”
Details of the proposal, along with the questionnaire can be found at Paper copies of the survey can be collected from Powys libraries for those who do not have access to the internet.
If you have not already done so, please could you spare some time to provide some feedback?
Below is the link to the questionnaire for any comments which you may have. In addition, if there is anyone that you know who could be affected by this change, could you please forward the questionnaire to them.
- (English version)
- (Welsh version)
Councillor Darren Mayor, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Social Care has explained: “We are asking people for their views before Cabinet takes a decision on this matter. If we do go ahead with this it will bring us into line with the great majority of Welsh councils. However, before we take a decision, we want to hear people’s views on the proposal.”
Details of the proposal, along with the questionnaire can be found at Paper copies of the survey can be collected from Powys libraries for those who do not have access to the internet.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Healthy Weight Intervention Pathways
The below spreadsheets highlight interventions available across the life course relevant to Welsh Government’s obesity pathway. These have been produced in response to a request to the Healthy Weight Steering Group to enable partners to be aware of what interventions are available in Powys relevant to obesity. There are 4 files.
8G_Pregnancy_and_Early_Years_Intervention_Pathway_v0a.xlsx.pdf 8G_Older_Adults_Intervention_Pathway_v0a.xlsx.pdf
8G_Pregnancy_and_Early_Years_Intervention_Pathway_v0a.xlsx.pdf 8G_Older_Adults_Intervention_Pathway_v0a.xlsx.pdf
Stoma Support Group
Monday 3 November 2014 - 2pm til 4pm
Have you had treatment for cancer and now have a stoma (Colostomy/Ileostomy/Urosomy)?
Following feedback from patients at The Bracken Trust they are setting up a support group specifically for people who have been affected by cancer.
Depending on interest they can look into inviting guest speakers to the afternoon. Melanie Pressey, Specialist Nurse in Colorectal/Stoma Care will be attending their first meeting.
Take a friend or a family member too?! Call Helen or Vicky on 01597 823646 or email
Have you had treatment for cancer and now have a stoma (Colostomy/Ileostomy/Urosomy)?
Following feedback from patients at The Bracken Trust they are setting up a support group specifically for people who have been affected by cancer.
Depending on interest they can look into inviting guest speakers to the afternoon. Melanie Pressey, Specialist Nurse in Colorectal/Stoma Care will be attending their first meeting.
Take a friend or a family member too?! Call Helen or Vicky on 01597 823646 or email
Summary of the Physical Disability and Sensory Loss User Engagement Forum
At the PDSL Engagement Forum held on 29th September, the Head of Adults Services from Powys County Council attended to discuss the consultation which the council were currently doing about changing the eligibility criteria for adult social care users from ‘moderate’ to ‘substantial’. By 2020 Powys County Council will have to reduce the council’s budget by some £70m. Read the summary of the meeting - click here
Response to the Wye Valley NHS Trust being placed into special measures
Following the announcement that the Wye Valley NHS Trust has been placed into special measures, Powys teaching Health Board would like to reassure those Powys residents that access services in Hereford about the services they receive.
Powys teaching Health Board commissions both emergency and planned care from the Trust and is working alongside the Hereford Clinical Commissioning Group to support it to put in place plans to improve the quality of its services.
The Health Board has confidence that the announced partnership with University Hospitals Birmingham will further strengthen the ability for Wye Valley NHS trust to address the significant challenges identified in the Care Quality Commission report and welcomes the additional support that this will provide.
The Health Board recognises its role in supporting the Trust in reducing the burden of acute care and the importance of Powys’s contribution in implementing plans to reduce unnecessary emergency admissions, as we move into the winter months.
They welcome feedback from their patients and their carers about their experience of services that they receive from themsselves and all our providers and will continue to use this to inform the work they undertake with their providers to improve the quality of health services for Powys residents.
Powys teaching Health Board commissions both emergency and planned care from the Trust and is working alongside the Hereford Clinical Commissioning Group to support it to put in place plans to improve the quality of its services.
The Health Board has confidence that the announced partnership with University Hospitals Birmingham will further strengthen the ability for Wye Valley NHS trust to address the significant challenges identified in the Care Quality Commission report and welcomes the additional support that this will provide.
The Health Board recognises its role in supporting the Trust in reducing the burden of acute care and the importance of Powys’s contribution in implementing plans to reduce unnecessary emergency admissions, as we move into the winter months.
They welcome feedback from their patients and their carers about their experience of services that they receive from themsselves and all our providers and will continue to use this to inform the work they undertake with their providers to improve the quality of health services for Powys residents.
Monday, 20 October 2014
The Community Enabler Fund
PAVO has a small fund available that could make a significant difference in people's lives.
The Community Enabler Fund assists people in overcoming barriers and supports bespoke solutions for individuals in community settings. It awards one-off payments where a small amount of money is expected to have a significant impact on the life of an individual or group of people - for example buying gardening tools or creating a ramped entrance at a community building. The application process is designed to be easy, with a quick response.
If you would like to know more, please contact Anne Clark, Powys Third Sector Broker Service, 01597 828 649 or
The Community Enabler Fund assists people in overcoming barriers and supports bespoke solutions for individuals in community settings. It awards one-off payments where a small amount of money is expected to have a significant impact on the life of an individual or group of people - for example buying gardening tools or creating a ramped entrance at a community building. The application process is designed to be easy, with a quick response.
If you would like to know more, please contact Anne Clark, Powys Third Sector Broker Service, 01597 828 649 or
Friday, 17 October 2014
Scoping the Provision of Psychological Services for people living with Neurological conditions in Powys
Powys teaching Health Board are seeking your views on the provision in Powys, of psychological support for people with, or caring for someone, with a neurological condition.
Bernadette Bustin from PtHB has been tasked with a short term project to look at the entirety of service provision from volunteer befriending at one end right through to specialist psychological input at the other – and everything in between. The output from this project is to present a paper to Powys tHB Board with a summary of findings and recommendations.
The ultimate, long term aim is that, Powys-wide, PtHB have a comprehensive ‘package’ to meet the psychological needs of this population. They envisage this package covering immediate (hospital based), return to home/community, and longer term difficulties (eg, when problems arise say, 1, 2 or 3 years post stroke).
They would like there to be a wide range of support from self-help material all the way through to specialist psychologist intervention and for everyone involved in the care of this client group to know what is available and how to access it. They envisage that meaning being really flexible about who does what, how and where they do it and with whom they do it.
Bernadette is seeking to gather information from both service providers (third sector, social, health, leisure) and service users about their experience of current services and where they think there are gaps.
Please click here to view the project overview and the questionnaire for completion, your insight will be greatly appreciated.
Bernadette Bustin from PtHB has been tasked with a short term project to look at the entirety of service provision from volunteer befriending at one end right through to specialist psychological input at the other – and everything in between. The output from this project is to present a paper to Powys tHB Board with a summary of findings and recommendations.
The ultimate, long term aim is that, Powys-wide, PtHB have a comprehensive ‘package’ to meet the psychological needs of this population. They envisage this package covering immediate (hospital based), return to home/community, and longer term difficulties (eg, when problems arise say, 1, 2 or 3 years post stroke).
They would like there to be a wide range of support from self-help material all the way through to specialist psychologist intervention and for everyone involved in the care of this client group to know what is available and how to access it. They envisage that meaning being really flexible about who does what, how and where they do it and with whom they do it.
Bernadette is seeking to gather information from both service providers (third sector, social, health, leisure) and service users about their experience of current services and where they think there are gaps.
Please click here to view the project overview and the questionnaire for completion, your insight will be greatly appreciated.
Have your say on cross-border health care in England and Wales
Welsh Affairs Committee Cross-border healthcare event – 24 November 2014 in Newtown and Hereford
The Welsh Affairs Committee has launched an inquiry focusing on cross-border arrangements between the English and Welsh healthcare systems and the experience of patients who rely on services on the other side of the border.
The Committee wants to hear first-hand about these experiences and will be visiting Hereford and Newtown on 24 November 2014 to meet members of the public and hear their stories about travelling across the border to access health services. The Committee is also interested to hear the views of medical professionals and social care practitioners.
How to register - If you would like to register to meet the Committee and share your experiences, please click on the following link and complete the form in order to register:
• Welsh Affairs Committee event registration form
Spaces are limited so we cannot guarantee places at the meetings. However, a web forum where you can submit your views online will be available from 16 October 2014. Further information about the inquiry is also available at this web address.
The details you supply will help us verify registration information held on our database. The details provided will also help plan future events and help us to contact you with information on subject specific Outreach activities that may be of interest you.
If your registration is successful you will be supplied with further information on venues and meeting times. The deadline for registration is 20 October 2014.
Further information - More information on Outreach events is available on Parliament’s website at
More information about the Welsh Affairs Committee can be found here:
The Welsh Affairs Committee has launched an inquiry focusing on cross-border arrangements between the English and Welsh healthcare systems and the experience of patients who rely on services on the other side of the border.
The Committee wants to hear first-hand about these experiences and will be visiting Hereford and Newtown on 24 November 2014 to meet members of the public and hear their stories about travelling across the border to access health services. The Committee is also interested to hear the views of medical professionals and social care practitioners.
How to register - If you would like to register to meet the Committee and share your experiences, please click on the following link and complete the form in order to register:
• Welsh Affairs Committee event registration form
Spaces are limited so we cannot guarantee places at the meetings. However, a web forum where you can submit your views online will be available from 16 October 2014. Further information about the inquiry is also available at this web address.
The details you supply will help us verify registration information held on our database. The details provided will also help plan future events and help us to contact you with information on subject specific Outreach activities that may be of interest you.
If your registration is successful you will be supplied with further information on venues and meeting times. The deadline for registration is 20 October 2014.
Further information - More information on Outreach events is available on Parliament’s website at
More information about the Welsh Affairs Committee can be found here:
Dementia Friendly Powys
Using funding from The Welsh Government Intermediate Care Fund, Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) have made an award to Alzheimer’s Society to deliver a Dementia Friendly Powys pilot project. Dementia Friendly Powys will build on the Society’s Dementia Friends campaign and it’s use to develop Dementia Friendly Communities.
With over 2,000 people living with dementia in Powys, and statistics suggesting one in three people will die with dementia means that in one way or another dementia is likely to touch all our lives. The Dementia Friendly Powys project will increase local understanding of dementia and its affects but as importantly will help communities to make life easier for those with dementia and their carers.
A key to developing a Dementia Friendly Powys is the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friends programme. Anyone can get involved. A Dementia Friend learns a little bit more about what it's like to live with dementia and then turns that understanding into action - anyone of any age can be a Dementia Friend. From helping someone to find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia on social media, every action counts.
During the next few days I will be promoting dates and times of local Dementia Friends Sessions and telling you how you can join one, find out more about dementia and maybe help to make Powys more dementia friendly.
Dementia Friends sessions are run by Dementia Friends Champions. A Dementia Friends Champion is a volunteer who encourages others to make a positive difference to people living with dementia in their community. They do this by giving them information about the personal impact of dementia, and what they can do to help.
It's easy to get involved. Dementia Friends Champions attend a training session, receive support when they need it, and become part of a growing network of people creating Dementia Friendly Communities. You don’t need to have attended a Dementia Friends Session to become a Champion but you will need to attend Champions training. Some people find it useful to attend a 1 hour Friends Session before signing up to a full day of Champion training but it’s up to you.
As a Dementia Friends Champion you will learn about dementia and how it affects people, and the practical actions that Dementia Friends can take that could help someone with dementia living in their community. You will learn how to run Dementia Friends' information sessions to inspire other people to become Dementia Friends and help to create dementia friendly communities. Training takes a day – it is relaxed, interactive and informative - its free and you get a nice lunch!
The next Dementia Friends Champions session in Powys is:
Thursday 13th November at the PAVO offices in Llandrindod Wells, it starts at 10.00 am and finishes around 3.30 or 4pm (depending how hard you work and how many questions you ask)!
Please book by registering your interest in the Champions section of on the Dementia Friends website:
With over 2,000 people living with dementia in Powys, and statistics suggesting one in three people will die with dementia means that in one way or another dementia is likely to touch all our lives. The Dementia Friendly Powys project will increase local understanding of dementia and its affects but as importantly will help communities to make life easier for those with dementia and their carers.
A key to developing a Dementia Friendly Powys is the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friends programme. Anyone can get involved. A Dementia Friend learns a little bit more about what it's like to live with dementia and then turns that understanding into action - anyone of any age can be a Dementia Friend. From helping someone to find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia on social media, every action counts.
During the next few days I will be promoting dates and times of local Dementia Friends Sessions and telling you how you can join one, find out more about dementia and maybe help to make Powys more dementia friendly.
Dementia Friends sessions are run by Dementia Friends Champions. A Dementia Friends Champion is a volunteer who encourages others to make a positive difference to people living with dementia in their community. They do this by giving them information about the personal impact of dementia, and what they can do to help.
It's easy to get involved. Dementia Friends Champions attend a training session, receive support when they need it, and become part of a growing network of people creating Dementia Friendly Communities. You don’t need to have attended a Dementia Friends Session to become a Champion but you will need to attend Champions training. Some people find it useful to attend a 1 hour Friends Session before signing up to a full day of Champion training but it’s up to you.
As a Dementia Friends Champion you will learn about dementia and how it affects people, and the practical actions that Dementia Friends can take that could help someone with dementia living in their community. You will learn how to run Dementia Friends' information sessions to inspire other people to become Dementia Friends and help to create dementia friendly communities. Training takes a day – it is relaxed, interactive and informative - its free and you get a nice lunch!
The next Dementia Friends Champions session in Powys is:
Thursday 13th November at the PAVO offices in Llandrindod Wells, it starts at 10.00 am and finishes around 3.30 or 4pm (depending how hard you work and how many questions you ask)!
Please book by registering your interest in the Champions section of on the Dementia Friends website:
New telephone number for access to services for children and their families
From October 30, the council will be operating a single point of access for all enquiries relating to children living in Powys and their families.
Powys People Direct can be accessed by dialling 01597 827 666 and is a single telephone number for children and families that wish to contact the council. It could be to raise an issue or concern around the welfare of a child or young person, or if you would like advice and guidance on how to get extra support, or to find out more about services and activities for children and families locally.
Councillor Arwel Jones, cabinet member for Children’s Services said; “Powys People Direct gives direct access to services and support from a single number that will help families get through to the right service, and we would encourage families to make best use of this service when they need it most.
The council have developed this service to ensure that individuals and families have access to the right service, at the right time, in the right place with the right outcome.
For now, the service will only be available for children, young people and families, with Adult Services joining Powys People Direct in early 2015.
So from October 30, remember to dial 01597 827 666 to access Powys People Direct.
Website link;
Powys People Direct can be accessed by dialling 01597 827 666 and is a single telephone number for children and families that wish to contact the council. It could be to raise an issue or concern around the welfare of a child or young person, or if you would like advice and guidance on how to get extra support, or to find out more about services and activities for children and families locally.
Councillor Arwel Jones, cabinet member for Children’s Services said; “Powys People Direct gives direct access to services and support from a single number that will help families get through to the right service, and we would encourage families to make best use of this service when they need it most.
The council have developed this service to ensure that individuals and families have access to the right service, at the right time, in the right place with the right outcome.
For now, the service will only be available for children, young people and families, with Adult Services joining Powys People Direct in early 2015.
So from October 30, remember to dial 01597 827 666 to access Powys People Direct.
Website link;
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
CSSiW Inspection Report - Reach
Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales
Inspection Report - Reach Care at Home services, domiciliary care arm of the Reach (Supported Living) Limited company. Date of Publication - 7 October 2014
Inspection Report - Reach Care at Home services, domiciliary care arm of the Reach (Supported Living) Limited company. Date of Publication - 7 October 2014
Services for Independent Living
You are invited to join us at this event – 14 October 2014 - 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Initial Expression of Interest - Information Briefing
PAVO, Unit 30 Ddole Road Enterprise Park Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF
For further information please contact: or Tel: 01597 822191
Initial Expression of Interest - Information Briefing
PAVO, Unit 30 Ddole Road Enterprise Park Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF
For further information please contact: or Tel: 01597 822191
Adult Services Seminar
Adult Social Services recently invited attendees from Oxford Brookes, Powys teaching Health Board, neighbouring councils, members and practitioners from across Wales to a seminar to review the Welsh Government guidance for the ‘Integrated Assessment, Planning and Review Arrangements for Older People’ and how it could be implemented by local authorities.
If you would like to read a report on what happened on the day, or to view the presentations from the guest speakers, please click on the link below;
If you would like to read a report on what happened on the day, or to view the presentations from the guest speakers, please click on the link below;
Powys Mental Health Alliance Open Day
Event Date: Wednesday 26 November 2014
Where: Royal British Legion Hall, Tremont Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5ED
Time: 10.30 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
More details, including information about speakers for the day, available on this link
Where: Royal British Legion Hall, Tremont Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5ED
Time: 10.30 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
More details, including information about speakers for the day, available on this link
Have you pledged to BEAT FLU yet and had your free vaccine?
The annual flu immunisation programme in Wales is now underway in time for the coming flu season – and those in ‘at risk’ groups are being urged by authorities to take up their free vaccination as soon as possible.
Last year, only half (51.1%) of people categorised as ‘at risk’ protected themselves against what can be a deadly virus, which can and does kill every year. People particularly ‘at risk’ of flu and its complications are given the vaccine at no cost: it takes a minute, lasts a year, but could save your life.
People in ‘at risk’ groups - including those aged 65 or over, pregnant women and those with certain long term health conditions - are urged to protect themselves as early as possible and before flu starts circulating widely. Health and social care staff should ask their employers about getting the vaccine.
Parents of children aged 2, 3 or 4, and those in school Year 7, are also being urged to have their child vaccinated for free – in the form of a nasal spray.
Health officials warn that even if you had the vaccine last year, the flu virus changes every year so you must have it again now in order to be protected.
Dr Richard Roberts, Head of the Vaccine Preventable Diseases Programme at Public Health Wales, explains why people in ‘at risk’ groups must not delay and make an appointment with their doctor today: “Flu is a serious illness caused by a virus that affects the lungs and airways. Symptoms generally come on suddenly, and can include fever, chills, headache, cough, muscle aches and fatigue. For people with underlying health conditions, flu can even be deadly.
“Flu cannot be treated, but it can be prevented by having the vaccine. Make sure you don’t put yourself at risk by missing this potentially life-saving opportunity.”
Every year flu circulates but every year thousands of people who are at a heightened risk of serious side effects fail to protect themselves for free. Join the pledge to beat flu, and protect yourself now.
You can find out more by visiting or, or finding them on twitter and facebook.
Last year, only half (51.1%) of people categorised as ‘at risk’ protected themselves against what can be a deadly virus, which can and does kill every year. People particularly ‘at risk’ of flu and its complications are given the vaccine at no cost: it takes a minute, lasts a year, but could save your life.
People in ‘at risk’ groups - including those aged 65 or over, pregnant women and those with certain long term health conditions - are urged to protect themselves as early as possible and before flu starts circulating widely. Health and social care staff should ask their employers about getting the vaccine.
Parents of children aged 2, 3 or 4, and those in school Year 7, are also being urged to have their child vaccinated for free – in the form of a nasal spray.
Health officials warn that even if you had the vaccine last year, the flu virus changes every year so you must have it again now in order to be protected.
Dr Richard Roberts, Head of the Vaccine Preventable Diseases Programme at Public Health Wales, explains why people in ‘at risk’ groups must not delay and make an appointment with their doctor today: “Flu is a serious illness caused by a virus that affects the lungs and airways. Symptoms generally come on suddenly, and can include fever, chills, headache, cough, muscle aches and fatigue. For people with underlying health conditions, flu can even be deadly.
“Flu cannot be treated, but it can be prevented by having the vaccine. Make sure you don’t put yourself at risk by missing this potentially life-saving opportunity.”
Every year flu circulates but every year thousands of people who are at a heightened risk of serious side effects fail to protect themselves for free. Join the pledge to beat flu, and protect yourself now.
You can find out more by visiting or, or finding them on twitter and facebook.
Dementia Friend Champion Training Session
Where: PAVO Offices, Unit 30 Ddole Road Enterprise Park, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6DF
Time: 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Lunch included
A whole day session with refreshments, information, activities and a chance to practice your presentation skills. The training is free.
IMPORTANT: You MUST register on the Dementia Friend website here - go to 'Become a Champion', register and then select the training venue 'Llandrindod Wells', which will be listed. It helps to enter your postcode otherwise you seem to get all the English venues.
For more information email: or tel: 02920 475588
Time: 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Lunch included
A whole day session with refreshments, information, activities and a chance to practice your presentation skills. The training is free.
IMPORTANT: You MUST register on the Dementia Friend website here - go to 'Become a Champion', register and then select the training venue 'Llandrindod Wells', which will be listed. It helps to enter your postcode otherwise you seem to get all the English venues.
For more information email: Richella.Borde@alzheimers.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) 2015 - 2016 Training Programme - Deadline 24th October 2014
As you may be aware it is time for the annual review of the training needs for staff. The deadline for completion and submission to the Workforce Development Unit is Friday 24th October 2014
Please can you complete the attached TNA paperwork and send completed TNA's electronically to or hard copies to the address at the bottom of the paperwork. It is hoped that the forms are self-explanatory and simple to follow and should not take up too much of your time, however if you do require any assistance in completing then please do not hesitate to contact them.
The information will be used to help us inform and develop the training and development programme for 2015 – 2016 and SCWDP Strategic Plan. The data collected will be reviewed at the Powys Strategic Planning Workshop for Training being held on the 11th November 2014 further information on this workshop can be found at the bottom of the TNA.
The Workforce Development Unit - Training - Helen Williams, Senior Training Administrator Uwch Gweinyddydd Hyfforddiant tel / ffon: 01597 827332 * e-mail/e-bost:
Please can you complete the attached TNA paperwork and send completed TNA's electronically to or hard copies to the address at the bottom of the paperwork. It is hoped that the forms are self-explanatory and simple to follow and should not take up too much of your time, however if you do require any assistance in completing then please do not hesitate to contact them.
The information will be used to help us inform and develop the training and development programme for 2015 – 2016 and SCWDP Strategic Plan. The data collected will be reviewed at the Powys Strategic Planning Workshop for Training being held on the 11th November 2014 further information on this workshop can be found at the bottom of the TNA.
The Workforce Development Unit - Training - Helen Williams, Senior Training Administrator Uwch Gweinyddydd Hyfforddiant tel / ffon: 01597 827332 * e-mail/e-bost:
Who Dares Disturb The Universe? Saturday October 25th Events all day!
Ignite your curiosity with this fusion of theatre, art and science, exploring the world that shapes us, how we shape it and what the future might hold.
The 25th of October marks the culmination of Drawn to Stars’ unique art residency with Wyeside; exploring the beauty and fragility of the planet we call “home”. There will be a wondrous kaleidoscope of film, theatre, sculpture, photography, interactive installations, guest speakers and the combined voices of the young and old who live in this community.
Saturday 25th October 2014 Events all day!
The 25th of October marks the culmination of Drawn to Stars’ unique art residency with Wyeside; exploring the beauty and fragility of the planet we call “home”. There will be a wondrous kaleidoscope of film, theatre, sculpture, photography, interactive installations, guest speakers and the combined voices of the young and old who live in this community.
Saturday 25th October 2014 Events all day!
Friday, 10 October 2014
Carers Information and Support Programme
The Alzheimers Society Brecon are pleased to confirm that they will be
running a Carers’ Information and Support Programme starting on November 10th
Known as CrISP, the initial course consists of four weekly sessions
aimed at carers, friends or family of people in the early to middle stages of
Places are limited to a maximum of 12 persons. However they do have a waiting
list if the course is oversubscribed.
Venue: - Brecon MIND, Ty Croeso, St. David’s House, 48 Free Street,
Brecon, Powys LD3 7BP
4 Weekly Sessions every subsequent Monday 10.30am to 1pm:-
There will be an opportunity to meet for a further session on the
following week at a venue to be decided on by the group.
For Further Information or to book a place please contact our Brecon
office or email:
Brecon Office, Suite D, Unit 4, Talgarth Business & Enterprise
Park, Talgarth LD3 0PQ
T 01874 712083
Powys Carers Service Job Advert
Serving unpaid Carers of
all ages in Powys, Conwy, Denbighshire
& Wrexham
Executive Officer 37.5
hrs, £35,000
Further details and
Closing date: 9am Thursday
30th October 2014
01597 823 800 or email
Beyond Barriers Report
Please follow the link for the completed Beyond Barriers report. This is the outcome of a piece of work commissioned by Welsh Government in 2012 and carried out by Barnardo’s Cymru and Action for Children –Gweithredu dros Blant.
Its purpose has been to research some of the challenges that exist between public funders and third sector children’s services providers in order to identify barriers, to highlight best practice and to recommend policy and practice solutions.
The report has now been agreed by Welsh Government who are happy for it to be disseminated as widely as possible to stakeholders in Wales .
Based on the evidence of our research and wide agreement from those consulted, recommendations for new models and processes have been made and the greater challenge now becomes to ensure that these can be taken forward into constructive actions which can be of value.
To this end the research team would very much appreciate hearing your comments and views of the content and recommendations in the report and particularly if you have suggestions or are willing to become involved in the development of new practice solutions.
A hard copy of the report will be made available and can be supplied on request.
Wenda Hatherley, Beyond Barriers Researcher, Action for Children –gweithredu dros blant
Its purpose has been to research some of the challenges that exist between public funders and third sector children’s services providers in order to identify barriers, to highlight best practice and to recommend policy and practice solutions.
The report has now been agreed by Welsh Government who are happy for it to be disseminated as widely as possible to stakeholders in Wales .
Based on the evidence of our research and wide agreement from those consulted, recommendations for new models and processes have been made and the greater challenge now becomes to ensure that these can be taken forward into constructive actions which can be of value.
To this end the research team would very much appreciate hearing your comments and views of the content and recommendations in the report and particularly if you have suggestions or are willing to become involved in the development of new practice solutions.
A hard copy of the report will be made available and can be supplied on request.
Wenda Hatherley, Beyond Barriers Researcher, Action for Children –gweithredu dros blant
Be a "Flu Buster"
- pregnant women
- children aged two, three and four years and those in year 7 at School
- adults aged 65 or older
- people with a long term medical condition
- carers
- people living in a residential or nursing home
Organisations will be given £250: for representatives to attend a “Flu Buster” training session
to cascade “Flu Buster” messages to colleagues in your organisation and to provide feedback on the dissemination of key “Flu Buster” messages to contacts in the community.
Training sessions will be held on:
21 October 3-5pm - Media Resource Centre, Oxford Road, , Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AH
28 October 2-4pm - The Barn at Brynich, Brynich, Brecon LD3 7SH
31 October 9.30-11.30am - Maldwyn Leisure Centre, Plantation Lane, Newtown SY16 1LH
If you are interested in participating in the “Flu Buster” initiative, please contact or 01874 712738 to reserve a place. Further information on the scheme is available from
First Hear to Meet Group in Powys
Hear to Meet announces the launch of a new Hear to Meet hard of hearing social group for people with hearing aged 50plus. This will be their first Hear to Meet group in Powys and they hope there will be more to follow in other areas.
Hear to Meet aims to provide social opportunities via Hear to Meet social groups across Wales. They currently have over 20 such groups spread across Wales with plans to more than double that amount.
The first meeting in Builth Wells is on Tuesday 21st October from 10.30 to 12.30 at The Old TIC (see flyer for full details). They hope to run the group monthly and recruit volunteers to help us run it. The first meeting is to gauge interest and to find out what people want from such a group. They will introduce their project to people with hearing loss and show how other groups have benefitted from them and the range of activities that are possible.
See the simple flyer plus generic posters aimed at recruiting volunteers and attracting beneficiaries . Feel free to print off and distribute or email to others who might be interested. They are happy to send hard copies in the post too.
If you would like more information about the project let them know.
If you can help us promote the event in any way they would be very grateful for all assistance. Ffon/Phone: 18002 02920 33 33 78 (use 18002 prefix at all times please)
E-bost/Email: Testun/SMS Texts: 077 8686 1748
Hear to Meet aims to provide social opportunities via Hear to Meet social groups across Wales. They currently have over 20 such groups spread across Wales with plans to more than double that amount.
The first meeting in Builth Wells is on Tuesday 21st October from 10.30 to 12.30 at The Old TIC (see flyer for full details). They hope to run the group monthly and recruit volunteers to help us run it. The first meeting is to gauge interest and to find out what people want from such a group. They will introduce their project to people with hearing loss and show how other groups have benefitted from them and the range of activities that are possible.
See the simple flyer plus generic posters aimed at recruiting volunteers and attracting beneficiaries . Feel free to print off and distribute or email to others who might be interested. They are happy to send hard copies in the post too.
If you would like more information about the project let them know.
If you can help us promote the event in any way they would be very grateful for all assistance. Ffon/Phone: 18002 02920 33 33 78 (use 18002 prefix at all times please)
E-bost/Email: Testun/SMS Texts: 077 8686 1748
Identifying and Tackling Discrimination in the Workplace- FREE Course
Dates: Cardiff/Aberystwyth, 21/22nd October 2014, 5/6th November 2014, 8th/9th December 2014, 6/7th January 2015, 10/11th February 2015, 10/11th March 2015
Starting October 2014 Cardiff & Aberystwyth
One day a month for 6 months
The course, sponsored by the Equality & Human Rights Commission, will give you the skills & knowledge you need to advise workers on their rights under the Equality Act 2010, to help them resolve disputes or prepare and present discrimination cases at Employment Tribunal.
Led by an Employment Lawyer & 2 ET Lay Members, with sessions from an Employment Judge & ACAS, this FREE training will benefit advisors from Citizens Advice Bureau, Trade Unions (representatives and stewards) & those from the Voluntary Sector who have clients who have suffered discrimination at work.
You can also gain an optional qualification, (4 units accredited at level 3) & meet with others who are providing advice in your part of Wales.
To register your interest or find out more details contact Danielle Edwards on Tel/Ffon 02920 447710 or at
Starting October 2014 Cardiff & Aberystwyth
One day a month for 6 months
The course, sponsored by the Equality & Human Rights Commission, will give you the skills & knowledge you need to advise workers on their rights under the Equality Act 2010, to help them resolve disputes or prepare and present discrimination cases at Employment Tribunal.
Led by an Employment Lawyer & 2 ET Lay Members, with sessions from an Employment Judge & ACAS, this FREE training will benefit advisors from Citizens Advice Bureau, Trade Unions (representatives and stewards) & those from the Voluntary Sector who have clients who have suffered discrimination at work.
You can also gain an optional qualification, (4 units accredited at level 3) & meet with others who are providing advice in your part of Wales.
To register your interest or find out more details contact Danielle Edwards on Tel/Ffon 02920 447710 or at
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Cross-Party Group Meeting for Neurosciences
Date: Friday 14 November 2014 at 2pm.
Venue: Oriel House, Upper Denbigh Rd, St. Asaph, Clwyd, LL17 0LW
Contact: RSVP by 1.11.14 to
If you would like any further information about the meeting, please contact Urtha Felda 07920 429 477.
Who should attend? - Alongside representative organisations, they want to bring as many people living with different neurological conditions together so that people can air their views to senior officials at the Walton Centre and from the Health Board, and raise particular problems they face with North Wales Assembly Members.
What is the meeting about? - The Cross-Party Group for Neurosciences was formed by the Wales Neurological Alliance in 2009 with North Wales AM, Mark Isherwood, as its chair, and seeks to raise awareness about neurological conditions and improve services across Wales.
The Cross-Party Group is a forum to influence Assembly Members so most of the meetings are held in the National Assembly for Wales, but we are now organising the first meeting in North Wales and would be grateful if you could attend.
The meeting will focus mainly on the Welsh Government Neurological Conditions Delivery Plan and how this is being implemented locally. There will be Professor Matt Makin and Annette Morris from the BCUHB Neuroscience Network, and Dr Peter Enevoldson from the Walton Centre as guest speakers.
Please get in touch if you would like to attend: They need to know who is planning to attend, so if you are, please RSVP by 1.11.14 to
Venue: Oriel House, Upper Denbigh Rd, St. Asaph, Clwyd, LL17 0LW
Contact: RSVP by 1.11.14 to
If you would like any further information about the meeting, please contact Urtha Felda 07920 429 477.
Who should attend? - Alongside representative organisations, they want to bring as many people living with different neurological conditions together so that people can air their views to senior officials at the Walton Centre and from the Health Board, and raise particular problems they face with North Wales Assembly Members.
What is the meeting about? - The Cross-Party Group for Neurosciences was formed by the Wales Neurological Alliance in 2009 with North Wales AM, Mark Isherwood, as its chair, and seeks to raise awareness about neurological conditions and improve services across Wales.
The Cross-Party Group is a forum to influence Assembly Members so most of the meetings are held in the National Assembly for Wales, but we are now organising the first meeting in North Wales and would be grateful if you could attend.
The meeting will focus mainly on the Welsh Government Neurological Conditions Delivery Plan and how this is being implemented locally. There will be Professor Matt Makin and Annette Morris from the BCUHB Neuroscience Network, and Dr Peter Enevoldson from the Walton Centre as guest speakers.
Please get in touch if you would like to attend: They need to know who is planning to attend, so if you are, please RSVP by 1.11.14 to
Powys Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) Job Vacancy - RNIB Cymru
£21,700 - £23,500. Future potential up to £30,500 - South Powys (Llandrindod Wells and Brecon)
36 hours per week
Closing date for application 9 October 2014 - Interviews to take place on 21 October 2014
To apply visit - to download an application pack.
Enquiries to or call 020 7391 2345.
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