Please see below for further information. Application forms have to be requested by e-mailing or phoning the main phone number.
The Small Grant Scheme to Promote Health and Wellbeing is funded by Powys Local Health Board. The scheme is administered by Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations on behalf of the funders.
The aim of the Small Grant Scheme to Promote Health and Wellbeing is to encourage community groups and communities of interest to undertake activities that support the strategic priorities of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 in relation to: Well-being
Examples of possible activities:
- Prevention / health promotion
- Promoting and maintaining independence
The Small Grant Scheme to Promote Health and Wellbeing will provide funds to enable voluntary sector groups, communities and communities of interest to buy equipment and / or to set up / extend or sustain small scale innovative activities that address the specific objectives in relation to health and well-being as identified above.
Awards of £200 up to £1,500 are available for organisations that meet the eligibility and grant criteria.
Organisations applying for the grant must:
- Be members of PAVO*
- Have a governing document
- Have a bank account
- Demonstrate an ability to manage a grant
- Demonstrate that they have in place the relevant polices and insurances
- Enable them to fulfil aims including health and safety,
- Address one or more of the funding priorities and have evidence of need
*If your organisation is not currently a member of PAVO, but feel that you are eligible to apply, please follow the link:
or contact the PAVO office on 01597 822191 to receive a membership form.
All organisations applying will be offered the support of a PAVO Development Officer to support them with their application.
Grant criteria
Funding will be available for two strands of activity. Organisations may submit separate applications for both priorities but should identify the primary priority (prevention / health promotion or promoting and maintaining independence) on each application form.
Prevention / Health Promotion
Funding is available for activities that address one or more of the following objectives:
1.1 Improve access to leisure and recreation for older people
1.2 Work in partnership with other agencies and communities to increase the options for physical activity in the community
1.3 Promote healthy lifestyles for all ages through activities to address one or more of the following:
- increase physical activity,
- raise awareness of risks of smoking and provision of support to stop
- reduction of excessive use of alcohol
- promotion of healthy eating
- mental health wellbeing
Promoting and Maintaining Independence
Funding is available for activities that address one or more of the following objectives under promoting and maintaining independence:
2.1 Activities to support for carers
2.2 Informal support in communities for people with lower level care needs such as befriending, good neighbour schemes, prescription collection
Examples of how the funds might be used:
- To enable existing voluntary groups to extend their range of activities through the purchase of new equipment, funding members to develop new skills to pass on, or to undertake events / activities to extend membership.
- To provide pump priming money for new groups that aim to meet one or other of these objectives e.g. to purchase equipment, leaflets, Insurance, training.
Priority will be given to applications that meet the above criteria and that demonstrate the following attributes:
- Address gaps in service provision
- Develop new activities
- Include plans for long term sustainability
- Develop activities that encourage inclusivity and value diversity
- Demonstrate the active involvement of the people who are part of the community / community of interest who will benefit from the grant in the development of the proposals
To receive a copy of the application form please email: or phone 01597 822191
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