Friday, 23 August 2019
Adnodd Newydd - Taflen Cymorth Iechyd Meddwl Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru ‘Dwyt ti ddim ar dy ben dy hun’
Mae Taflen Iechyd Meddwl Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru o’r enw ‘Dwyt ti ddim ar dy ben dy hun’, bellach ar gael, gan roi ystod o Llinellau Cymorth Iechyd Meddwl. P'un a ydych chi'n poeni am rywun rydych chi'n ei adnabod neu'n gweithio gyda chi, eich hun neu rywun annwyl, gall y llinellau cymorth a'r gwefannau hyn gynnig cyngor arbenigol.
Dilynwch y dolenni ar gyfer:
Taflen Gymraeg < > a Thaflen Saesneg < >
Daeth y syniad o ymgysylltu â phobl sy'n profi anghenion iechyd meddwl gan ein Tîm Profiad y Claf a Chynnwys y Gymuned Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru. Mae hyn bellach wedi'i greu mewn partneriaeth âInterlink RCT < > a Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil <> a'u Cynrychiolwyr Defnyddwyr Gwasanaeth o Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg Gyda'n Gilydd ar gyfer Bwrdd Partneriaeth Iechyd Meddwl. Mae'r daflen newydd yn cynnwys rhestr o Llinellau Cymorth Cenedlaethol sydd wedi'u hen sefydlu, sy'n nodi a ydyn nhw am ddim ac ar gael 24/7 (neu gyda therfynau perthnasol i hyn).
Mae’r daflen ‘Dwyt ti ddim ar dy ben dy hun’ - sydd ar gael i’w lawr lwytho o Wefannau Galw Iechyd Cymru a Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru - bellach yn cael ei hanfon yn electronig at bob Asiantaeth Bartner, felly cylchredwch yn eang i'ch holl rwydweithiau. Hefyd wedi'i becynnu'n barod i'w ddanfon i bob gorsaf ambiwlans ledled Cymru ac yn barod i'w ddosbarthu mewn digwyddiadau cymunedol fel rhan o waith Cynnwys Cymunedau parhaus Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru, mae i Griwiau Ambiwlans allu rhoi i gleifion yn ôl yr angen, gan gyfeirio pobl at gefnogaeth i'w hanghenion iechyd meddwl.
Gobeithiwn y bydd yn adnodd gwerthfawr ac yn ffynhonnell gefnogaeth,
Os ydych am roi unrhyw adborth am y daflen, cysylltwch â ni:
Tîm Profiad y Claf a Chynnwys y Gymuned
Ffôn: 01792 311773
Twitter: @WelshAmbPIH
New Resource – Welsh Ambulance Service Mental Health Signposting Leaflet ‘You are not alone’
The Welsh Ambulance Service Mental Health Leaflet entitled ‘You are not alone’, is now available, giving a range of Mental Health Support Helplines. Whether you’re concerned about someone you know or work with, yourself or a loved one, these helplines and websites can offer expert advice.
Follow the links for:
The idea came from engagement with people who experience mental health needs by our Welsh Ambulance Service Patient Experience and Community Involvement Team. This has now been created in partnership with Interlink RCT and Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil and their Service User Representatives from the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board Together for Mental Health Partnership Board. The new leaflet contains a list of well-established National Helplines, indicating if they are free and available 24/7 (or with relevant limits to this).
The ‘You are not alone’ leaflet -also available to download from NHSDW and WAST Websites- is now being sent electronically to all Partner Agencies, so please circulate widely to all your networks. Also packaged ready for delivery to all ambulance stations across Wales and ready to be distributed in community events as part of the Welsh Ambulance Services’ ongoing Community Involvement work, it is for Ambulance Crews to be able to give to patients as needed, signposting people to support for their mental health needs.
We hope that it proves to be a valuable resource and source of support,
If you wish to give any feedback about the leaflet contact us:
Patient Experience & Community Involvement Team
Telephone: 01792 311773
Visit the Get Involved page on our website
Twitter: @WelshAmbPIH
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Bwrdd Iechyd / Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board have been successful in gaining funding for a full time research masters placement at Cardiff Metropolitan and are looking for applicants to apply.
It’s a unique opportunity which includes a scholarship to pay the full time year's fees and includes costs also.There is a short timescale for interviews and the course starts in September.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
North Powys Wellbeing Survey
Under the Powys Regional Partnership Board (PRPB), Powys County Council, Powys Teaching Health Board, Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations and other key partners from public service bodies, the private sector, and voluntary third sector organisations, are working together to take forward a once in a generation opportunity to transform health and wellbeing services in north Powys.
The North Powys Wellbeing Programme aims to focus on wellbeing; promote early help and support by being able to provide technology that helps you live at home; tackle the biggest causes of ill health and poor wellbeing; and ensure joined up care involving neighbourhood teams and communities working together so that you have a more seamless service when you need it.
To capture your experiences and valuable insights, we are asking people of all ages to complete a survey either online, or by paper copy from your local library where they can be left upon completion. We can also send out a paper copy directly to you by contacting us at .
This survey aims to find out what matters most to the people of north Powys when it comes to looking after their health and wellbeing. How do people look after their fitness - both physical and mental - and what is important in terms of a good quality of life?
With your feedback, we will be able to plan our services in the area so that it is able to best meet the needs of people in north Powys.
To complete the survey in English, please follow:
To complete the survey in Welsh, please follow:
You can contact the team for further information at and follow on social media @PowysWellbeing and @LlesPowys.
Health & Social Care Workforce Strategic Framework Development Event
During July ‘19’ we continued the conversation we started earlier in the year about what our County needs to best support its workforce to deliver the Health & Care Strategy for Powys. You told us:
‘Focusing on our challenging areas presents us with a great opportunity to make a difference for our workforce!’ and a Workforce Strategic Framework would support this!
We want to reach as many people as possible to contribute to the development of the Strategic Framework, so have secured further workshops over the coming months.
These will help us discuss and test ideas already shared, and start to build a Health & Social Care Workforce Strategic Framework that will help us support a resilient workforce now and into the future.
Location, dates & times are as follows:
- 9.30am – 12.30pm Monday 2nd September at the Mid Wales Art Centre, Caersws
- 9.30am – 12.30pm Monday 9th September at the Basil Webb meeting room, Bronllys Hospital
Places are limited!
Parking and refreshments are available on site. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time.
SATH Community Engagement Meetings
SATH Community Engagement Autumn meetings are being held on the following dates:
Tuesday 03 September 2019 10:00 – 12:00 - Meeting Point House, Telford
Thursday, 05 September 2019 10:00 – 12:00 - Hamar Centre, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
The agenda includes:
Urgent Care Update (including A&E): Paper or presentation from Claire Old
NHS Long Term Plan: Presentation by Hannah Roy
SaTH Patient Strategy: Workshop session with Ruth Smith
CQC & Special Measures Update: Paper or presentation with Barbara Beale (Corporate Nursing)
Questions from the Community
These meetings are open to everyone living in the areas served by our hospitals, and we would be grateful if you could share the invitation with your networks. We ask that you sign up to the meetings through Eventbrite, , as refreshments are provided.
If there is anything specific you would like information on, please let us know in advance.
Dates for your diary: The next meetings will be held in December and Dr Arne Rose, our new Medical Director, will be attending to give an update on medical staffing and his first 6 months with the Trust.
December dates:
Tuesday, 03 December 2019 10:00 – 12:00 - Meeting Point House, Telford
Thursday, 05 December 2019 10:00 – 12:00 - Hamar Centre, RSH
Public Health Wales 1000 Lives - Dementia Care Events
Public Health Wales have arranged a series of five events in Powys as part of their Dementia Care Regional Programme. These events will provide an opportunity for health and social care providers to contribute to and support the delivery of an all-Wales direction for dementia care.
The events aim to bring together all stakeholders within the Health Board region, to explore a number of initiatives and key drivers using innovative ideas and tools supported by quality improvement resources. These will assist with the improving quality of care agenda, service design and the learning and development opportunities for people engaged in dementia care.
We are working in partnership and will be joined by skilled experts from Cardiff and Bangor Universities.
Event details
Event 1: Exploring Data Workshop
Date: 17 September 2019
Time: 10:00 – 16:00
Venue: Training Room 1 & 2 Bronllys Hospital
(For staff at all grades and levels from Mental Health and Learning Disabilities services, acute sector, Local Authority, Care Homes.)
Event 2: Inspiring Change - Exploration Workshop
Date: 20 September 2019
Time: 10:00 – 16:00
Venue: Training Room 1 & 2 Bronllys Hospital
(For staff at all grades and levels from Mental Health and Learning Disabilities services, acute sector, Local Authority and Care Homes.)
Event 3: Dementia Care National Steering Group (NSG) Meeting
Date: 7 October 2019
Time: 10:00 – 16:00
Venue: Training Room 1 & 2 Bronllys Hospital
(For people living with dementia, carers, staff at all grades and levels from Mental Health and Learning Disabilities services, acute sector, Local Authority, Care Homes and the Regional Partnership Board.)
Event 4: Positive Approaches to Care - Introduction
Date: 4 November 2019
Time: 10:00 – 16:00
Venue: Training Room 1 & 2 Bronllys Hospital
(For staff at all grades and levels from Mental Health and Learning Disabilities services, acute sector, Local Authority, Care Homes.)
Event 5: Dementia Care Mapping - Improvement through Stories Workshop
Date: 25 November 2019
Time: 10:00 – 16:00
Venue: Training Room 1 & 2 Bronllys Hospital
(For people who are Dementia Care Mappers and also team leads and people who deliver care within your regional area.)
To book
To book a place please contact:
Heather Wenban - Dementia Lead / 01686 613229
*Please note* - you will need to book your place two weeks before the event.
WCVA Newsletter w/c 19th August '19
Gwahodiad i Ddigwyddiod Lansio'r Cynnig Rhagweithiol./ Invitation to Active Offer Launch
Dydd Mercher 2il Hydref 2019 1pm - 4pm
Canolfan Gynadledda Cefn Lea, Dolfor, Y Drenewydd, Powys SY16 4AJ
ACTIVE OFFER LAUNCH EVENT, “Making the effort”
Wednesday 2nd October 2019 1pm – 4pm
Cefn Lea Conference Centre, Dolfor, Newtown, Powys SY16 4AJ
Bydd y digwyddiad hanner diwrnod hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ymgysylltu ag ystod eang o sefydliadau i drafod y Cynnig
Gweithredol, sy'n galluogi unigolion i gael mynediad at wasanaeth yn y Gymraeg heb orfod gofyn amdano. Mae
hwn yn gyfle gwych i sefydliadau sy'n darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus sicrhau ein bod yn cydymffurfio â
Mesur Iaith Gymraeg 2011.
Yn y digwyddiad byddwn yn clywed gan y Comisiynydd Cymraeg, Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys a Chyngor Sir
Powys. Byddwn hefyd yn lansio set newydd o adnoddau ac offer i helpu sefydliadau i weithredu'r Cynnig
Gweithredol. Bydd mynychwyr yn cymryd rhan mewn Sesiwn Gweithdy sy'n archwilio sut i ddatblygu cam cyntaf
realistig tuag at y Cynnig Gweithredol. Bydd y digwyddiad yn gorffen gyda the prynhawn rhwydweithio.
Sicrheir croeso cynnes i bawb a mawr gobeithiwn y gallwch ymuno â ni ar gyfer y digwyddiad.
Os gwelwch yn dda rhowch wybod os rydych yn gallu mynychu, eich dewis sesiwn gweithdy ac unrhyw ofynion
trwy lenwi'r ffurflen archebu ar-lein, ffoniwch: 01597 822191 neu e-bostiwch:
Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld ar yr 2il Hydref.
This half day event will provide an opportunity to engage with a wide range of organisations to discuss the Active
Offer, which enables individuals to access a service in the Welsh language without having to ask for it. This is a
great opportunity for organisations who deliver public services to ensure we are complying with the Welsh
Language Measure 2011.
At the event we will hear from the Welsh Language Commissioner, Powys Teaching Health Board and Powys
County Council. We will also launch a new set of resources and tools to help organisations implement the Active
Offer. Attendees will participate in a Workshop Session exploring how to develop a realistic first step towards
the Active Offer. The event will conclude with a networking afternoon tea.
A warm welcome awaits everyone and we very much hope you can join us for the event.
Please let us know if you are able to attend, your workshop session choice & any requirements by completing the
online booking form, telephone: 01597 822191 or email
We look forward to seeing you on 2nd October.
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